
Life Science Journal 
 Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition
 (Life Sci J)
ISSN 1097-8135 (print); ISSN 2372-613X (online), doi:10.7537, Monthly
Volume 14 - Number 12 (Cumulated No. 83), December 25, 2017. 
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Exploring Potential Factors in Green and Sustainable Software Product


Komeil Raisian1*, Jamaiah Yahaya2, Aziz Deraman3


1.2. Faculty of Information Science and Technology, the National University of Malaysia 43600 UKM Bangi Selangor, Malaysia

3.. School of Informatics & Applied Mathematics, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Terengganu, MALAYSIA


*Corresponding author: komeil Raisian

Corresponding email: raisiank@hotmail.com


Abstract: software engineering is a principle role of our activity in social and economic life. Software engineers are starting to comprehend the significance of designing sustainability regarding software processes. The field of sustainable and green software and green software engineering is still young. Thus, in modern society, researches effort are mainly focused on green and sustainable software engineering itself. In other words, the aim of this study at hand aims an in-depth understanding of the related potential factors for the purpose of improving the recently reluctant trend of sustainability dimension in green software based on life cycle of green software product process. To reach this purpose, this study is reviewed latest research and used conceptual model. A conceptual model is rendered demonstrating the consolidated life cycles of sustainable product and principle sustainable measurement dimensions, for example, energy or information efficiency, low cost, Resource efficiency, Waste reduction, Equality support and human health.

[Komeil Raisian, Jamaiah Yahaya, Aziz Deraman. Exploring Potential Factors in Green and Sustainable Software Product. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):1-6]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 1. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.01.


Keywords: Software engineering, green and sustainable software, sustainable dimension, society, environment, economic.

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Role of Ultrasound & Ovarian Artery Duplexversus Histopathology in Diagnosing Ovarian Mass


ELsayed ELdesouky1, M. A. Abd El-Latif2, Mohamed Yousef Mahmoud3 and Abd Ellatif Hashish4


1 Department Obstetric and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Egypt.

2 Department of Diagnostic radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Egypt.

3Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Egypt.

4Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Egypt.



Abstract: Background: Ovarian masses are common among women of all ages and two thirds of ovarian tumors are encountered during reproductive years; of those the risk of malignancy in an ovarian mass in patients above 40 years is remarkably high although the premenarchal lesions are usually malignant. Aim of the Work: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of ultrasonography and Duplex in discrimination of benign and malignant ovarian tumors and to correlate the imaging finding with postoperative histopathological results. Patients and Method: A prospective study was conducted at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Al-Azhar University Hospitals (El-Hussein and Saied Galal), starting form May 2014 to May 2016. The study included 50 patients with age ranges (35-60) years who had a preliminary diagnosis of adnexal masses clinically and/or sonographically. Regard less the patients' complaint, or parity. Spectral analysis of intramural flow was performed on at least 3 hot spots, the lowest PI and the lowest RI were electronically calculated. Results: The color Doppler indices showed that there was highly statistically significant difference in the mean (RI) between benign and malignant tumors. The mean (RI) of the benign tumors was 0.57 ± 0.078, while the mean RI of the malignant tumors was 0.39 ± 0.077. (RI) ≤ 0.49 was taken as the cut-off value for detection of malignant masses. Conclusion: The combination of the 2D ultrasound with color Doppler scanning showed highly statistically significant difference between the benign and the malignant tumors, with (80%) of agreement, with ≤ 6 as the best cut off value for detection of malignancy.

[ELsayed ELdesouky, M. A. Abd El-Latif, Mohamed Yousef Mahmoud  and Abd Ellatif Hashish. Role of Ultrasound & Ovarian Artery Duplexversus Histopathology in Diagnosing Ovarian Mass. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):7-12]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 2. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.02.


Keywords: ultrasound & ovarian, artery duplexversus histopathology, diagnosing ovarian mass.

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Comparative Study Between soluble FMS like-Tyrosine kinase1 and Neurokinin in prediction of preeclampsia


El Sayed Eldesouky1, Mahmoud Abo Elkheer Zidan1, Mohamed M. Gebreel1, Mohamed Shehata Abd Elal2 and Mahmoud Abd Ellatif Hashish3


1 Obstetrics and Gynecology Department Faculty of Medicine Al-Azhar University, Egypt

2 International Islamic Center, Al-Azhar University, Egypt.

3Clinical Pathology Department. Faculty of Medicine Al-Azhar University, Egypt.


Abstract: Pre-eclampsia (PE) clinically known to be presented in 7–10% of gestations and a well-known leading factor in maternal mortality and morbidity Preeclampsia is accompanied with a changed maternal pattern of circulating placentally originating proteins controlling angiogenesis. Methodology:100 cases were recruited in this study 50 normotensive (control group) and 50 hypertensive (study group) gestations the biomarkers of interest were FMS Like Tyrosine Kinase1 and Neurokinin B investigated at 28 weeks and at 32 weeks from patients at El sayed galal and Elhussein hospitals during the period from April 2017 to October 2017. Blood sample was collected from the patients to investigate for the FMS tyrosine kinase 1 and Neurokinin B using enzyme immune assay. Results: Comparison between normal women and those who developed PET in all women using students (t) test, showing only one variable having statistical difference which is NK level at 32 weeks p value =0.0001compares between hypertensive and control group as regards development of maternal and fetal complications using Chi square test showing no statistical significant difference as regard fetal complications p value =0.5, and maternal complications p value= 0.7. compares laboratory investigations between Patients who developed PET and normal cases in all study participants using students (t) test showing statistical significant difference in 2 variables only which are serum creatinine and BUN with p values =0.03 and 0.02 consequently. Conclusion: Our conducted study reveal possible optimistic approaches for managing pre-eclampsia as regards screening, diagnoses and treatment opening new advanced pathways for future development of more efficient management and resulting in improved clinical practice guidelines.

[El Sayed Eldesouky, Mahmoud Abo Elkheer Zidan, Mohamed M. Gebreel, Mohamed Shehata Abd Elal and Mahmoud Abd Ellatif Hashish Comparative Study Between soluble FMS like-Tyrosine kinase1 and Neurokinin in prediction of preeclampsia. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):13-19]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 3. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.03.

Keywords: comparative study, soluble fms like-tyrosine kinase1, neurokinin, prediction, preeclampsia

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The Bacterial Effect on the kidney Histology caused by Fecal Coliform Bacteria as a biomarker for water pollution


Zaki Al-Hasawi 1, Esam Al-Wesabi 1,4,*, Hassan Al-Harbi 2, Reem Al-Hasawi 3


1 Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah 21551, Saudi Arabia.

2 Poison Control and Medical Forensic Toxicology Center, Jeddah 21551, Saudi Arabia.

3 Department of Chemistry Sciences, Faculty of Science and arts, King Abdul Aziz University, Rabigh 21911, Saudi Arabia.

4 Al-Hodeidah University, Al-Hodeidah, Republic of Yemen.

* Corresponding authors: Esam O. Al-Wesabi; E-mail: esam.omer@yahoo.com


Abstract: This study was conducted to analyze well waters effect in Mughynia site, which lies along the valleys that discharge in the Red Sea in the Western Region of Saudi Arabia. This is to evaluate and determine whether the water of these wells is suitable for drinking and agricultural use via tested the effects of drinking well water contaminated with bacteria on the anatomic structure of mice kidney. Forty male White Swiss Albino mice were given drinking water with fecal coliform bacteria at rates of (control, 490, 1100 and 2400 colonies/100L) for 90 days. Up to 490 colonies/100L didn’t affect the kidney structure. But at bacterial concentration of 1100 colonies/100L there was an increase in size of the endothelial cells of the portal and distal tubules in the cortex area, and enlargement of the glomerulus with increase of its nuclei number. A damage of the endothelial cells of the portal tubules, and swollen cells with small dark nuclei could be seen. At the highest bacterial concentration of 2400 colonies/100L the kidney cells suffered necrosis of endothelial cells of the tubules and thickening of Henle Loop, nuclear margination, leakage of blood cells, appearance of debris inside the urinary tubules, unstained cytoplasm and strong blood tubules congestion between the kidney tubules. These results suggest that indicators of fecal pollution should be used in drinking water microbiological analysis and that microbiological control of drinking water should be the norm everywhere. Therefore, the continue to discharge untreated water into well water should be limited and water resources should be treated to eliminate the pollutants.

[Al-Hasawi Z, Al-Wesabi E, Al-Harbi H, Al-Hasawi R. The Bacterial Effect on the kidney Histology caused by Fecal Coliform Bacteria as a biomarker for water pollution. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):20-24]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 4. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.04.


Keywords: Swiss Webster Albino mice, fecal coliform bacteria, kidney anatomical structure

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Study of the Diagnostic Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Brain Lesions

Mohamed Yousef1, 2, Mohammed Salih3,4, Qurain Turki Alshammari5, Bushra Abdel Malik5, Saddig Jastaniah2,6

1College of Medical Radiologic Sciences, Sudan University of Science and
Technology, Khartoum, Sudan.
2Batterjee Medical College, Department of Radiological Science, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
3College of Radiologic Technology, The National Ribat University, Khartoum Sudan
4Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Royal Care International Hospital, - Khartoum, Sudan
5Hail University, College of Medical Applied Sciences, Department of Diagnostic
Radiology Sciences, Hail – KSA.
6Department of Diagnostic Radiology Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, King Abdul-Aziz University, KSA


Abstract: The high morbidity and mortality associated with Intracranial Space Occupying Lesions necessitate their early diagnosis to plan the intervention that is required. This study was carried out to study the value of Magnetic Resonance in brain lesions, it was a descriptive retrospective, and a prospective cross-sectional study was done at the National Ribat University and Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Royal Care International Hospital, Khartoum, Sudan included 250 patients 163)65%) of them were males and 87 (35%) were females, with general conditions with brain lesions. It was done using Data collection sheet including (age, gender, and site of lesions, clinical findings of the MRI of the brain and the MRS findings). The results of this study revealed that majority of the patients were in the 6th decade (64%), Malignancy was the most common lesion (46%), gliomas (18%) and the most involved area was the parietal lobe (15%). Various types of brain tumors were revealed, and malignant tumors showed increased Cho/Cr peaks with NAA remain unchanged, the increased Cho/Cr and Cho/NAA ratio also noted with glioma. It concluded that Diagnosis of benign and malignant brain tumors and differentiating them from other focal intra-cranial lesions based on imaging procedures alone is still a challenging problem, combination of proton MRS and conventional MRI protocol can provide valuable additive information helping in tissue characterization of intra-cranial tumors leading to improved diagnosis and thus reducing biopsies, the result of the study was in line with previous studies.
[Yousef M, Salih M, Alshammar Q T, Abdel Malik B, Jastaniah S. Study of the Diagnostic Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Brain Lesions. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):25-30]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 5. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.05.

Keywords: Diagnostic Value, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Brain Lesions

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Overview of Home Health Care Services in Saudi Arabia


Soltan j Algamdi


Bcs. Community Health



Abstract: In this paper, the researcher has exhibited the overview of home health care services and notion of health policy-makers in Saudi Arabia. Wellbeing arrangement creator's fulfilment and home social insurance talked about. Moreover, the hypothesis of patient-focused care, which utilized as a part of the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia, introduced and looked into in this paper, utilizing a cross-sectional study and consequent subjective meetings. This paper mirror the basic encounters of the gathering, for example, the Perceptions of HHC benefits as giving extensive restorative care which serves to give the compelling consideration, diminish the weight on doctor's facilities for the incessantly sick, limit the time of remain for patients, decrease rates of disease, enhance mental strength of patients, and keep up quiet pride. At the end, keeping in see the inconstancies of traditions and religious traditions, suggestions made to improve the nature of administrations. Through the dialogue with specialist co-ops and pioneers in the Ministry of Health, has been proposed a pre-emptive activity to enhance the current home social insurance benefits alongside proposals additionally fortify these administrations in the last piece of this paper. I trust that this paper is the most up to date and the researcher was the primary analyst on this subject as of not long ago in the Saudi setting.

[Soltan j Algamdi. Overview of Home Health Care Services in Saudi Arabia. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):47-64]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 8. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.08.


Keywords: Home Health; Care Services; health; policy-makers; Saudi Arabia.

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The relationship between cattle body care and milk keeping quality


Tarek Mahmoud Mousa-Balabel1, Radi Ali El-Sheikh2, Wael Ragab Al-Fakhrany3


1Professor of Animal and Poultry Behavior and Management, Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh city, P.O. 33516, Egypt.

2Associate Professor of fish Behavior, Department of Aquaculture (Welfare group), Faculty of Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh city, P.O. 33516, Egypt.

3Postgraduate student, Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh city, P.O. 33516, Egypt.



Abstract: This study was planned to investigate the effect of different manage mental practices on dairy milk quality by examining 160 apparently healthy American Holstein cows. The animals were divided into three groups according to their age and productivity as follow: the animals in the first group (80 cows) were used to examine the effect of the udder and teats cleaning whether accompanied with fore-stripping or not on milk yield and quality. The animals in the second group (60 cows) were used to study the effect of grooming time in relation to cow parity on milk yield and quality. While, the animals in the third group (20 cows) were used to explore the milking frequency on milk yield and quality. Milk has an outstanding nutritional quality, but it is also an excellent medium for bacterial growth and an important source of bacterial infection when consumed without pasteurization. Microbial contamination might generally occur from within the udder, exterior to the udder and from the surface of milk handling and storage equipment. Many bacteria could get an easy access to milk and TBC and SCC are often used as indicator organisms to confirm the bacterial contamination of milk. The higher total bacterial counts and SCC were recorded in poor cow body care. From the obtained results it could be concluded that cattle grooming should be done daily before milking to reduce the total bacterial loads of milk and improve the keeping quality of the product.

[Tarek Mahmoud Mousa-Balabel, Radi Ali El-Sheikh, Wael Ragab Al-Fakhrany . The relationship between cattle body care and milk keeping quality. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):41-46]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 7. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.07.


Keywords: Body care, milk quality, milking times, somatic cell count.

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[Life Sci J 2017;14(12):47-64]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 8. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.08.


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Study on the Association between protein Z gene polymorphisms and the risk of ischemic stroke


Lei Liu, Xianen Fa


Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China, 450052



Abstract: Background: The vitamin K-dependent protein Z (PZ) has been shown to possess anticoagulant as well as procoagulant properties, but its exact physiological function remains unclear. We aimed to study the possible genetic predisposition and especially the role of PZ allele as a risk factor for ischemic stroke (IS) in the Chinese Henan Han population. Materials and methods: Polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism was performed to determine the genotypes of PZ gene A-13G and G79A in 964 unrelated subjects (IS, 492; and healthy controls, 472). Meanwhile, relevant variables of all subjects were measured, including blood lipid and body mass index (BMI). Results: The genotypic and allelic frequencies of PZ gene G79A were significantly different between the IS patients and controls (p=0.047). The GG genotype and G allele were associated with an increased risk of IS (p=0.017 for GG vs. AA, p=0.022 for G vs. A). However, no association between PZ gene A-13G polymorphism and IS risk was found. Conclusion: The gene polymorphism of PZ G79A is correlated to IS. The G allele might be a IS-susceptible gene and might be associated with the increased risk in Chinese Henan Han IS patients.

[Lei Liu, Xianen Fa. Study on the Association between protein Z gene polymorphisms and the risk of ischemic stroke. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):65-70]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 9. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.09.


Keywords: Protein Z; polymorphism; ischemic stroke; G79A gene; A-13G gene

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Association of chicken MC1R gene polymorphism with coat colour trait in Iraqi native chicken


Salah Mahdi Alsudany 1,2, Hossain Moradi Shahrbabak 1, Seyed Reza Miraee Ashtiani 1, Mostafa Sadeghi 1


1 Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.

2 Department of Animal Production, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq.

Corresponding author. Tel: +98 2632248082. Fax: +98 2632246752. E-mail address: hmoradis@ut.ac.ir (H. Moradi Shahrbabak).


Abstract: MC1R gene is mainly involved in melanogenesis and has crucial key in hair and skin colour in humans and coat colour in animals. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of the partial coding regions of the MC1R gene and its association with coat colour in Iraqi native chicken. Blood samples from 95 Iraqi native chickens were collected to extract DNA and the 681-bp fragment of the MC1R gene was amplified and DNA sequencing method was adopted for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovering and genotyping. Sequence analysis showed that there were four SNPs in chicken MC1R gene, two of them were synonymous (D78272:g.1094A>G and D78272:g.1292C>T) and others were non- synonymous (D78272:g.915A>G and D78272:g.1095C>T). The allele frequency of these mutations is 0.92/0.08, 0.95/0.05, 0.94/0.06 and 0.96/0.04 for D78272:g.915A>G, D78272:g.1094A>G, D78272:g.1095C>T, and D78272:g.1292C>T mutations, respectively. The association analysis showed that no significant differences between different genotypes and coat colour (p> 0.05). However, our finding identified four novel SNPs for MC1R gene in Iraq indigenous chicken and it is useful for considering theirs association with other biophysical and biochemical indexes.

[Salah Mahdi Alsudany, Hossain Moradi Shahrbabak, Seyed Reza Miraee Ashtiani, Mostafa Sadeghi. Association of chicken MC1R gene polymorphism with coat colour trait in Iraqi native chicken. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):71-75]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 10. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.10.


Key words: MC1R gene, Chicken, DNA sequencing, SNP, coat colour

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A Strategy to Improve the Performance of the Egyptian Olympic Academy for Sport Leaders


Ezz El-Din Mohamed Ali


Assistant Prof., Department of Sports Administration, Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan University, Egypt.



Abstract: The current research aims to use SWOT analysis to identify the current status of the Egyptian Olympic Academy for Sports Leaders and to establish a recommended strategy for improving its overall performance. The researcher used the descriptive (survey and analysis) approach. The researcher had purposefully selected (32) subjects to participate in this research. For gathering data, the researcher designed an open-ended questionnaire that included (21) questions. Results indicated that the Egyptian Olympic Academy requires restructuring according a clear strategy for improving its performance. The researchers designed a recommended strategy to fulfil this need.

[Ezz El-Din Mohamed Ali, A Strategy to Improve the Performance of the Egyptian Olympic Academy for Sport Leaders. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):76-90]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 11. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.11.


Key words: Olympic Academy – Strategy – Performance

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The Bacterial Effect on the kidney Histology caused by Fecal Coliform Bacteria as a biomarker for water pollution


Zaki Al-Hasawi 1, Esam Al-Wesabi 1,4,*, Hassan Al-Harbi 2, Reem Al-Hasawi 3


1 Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah 21551, Saudi Arabia.

2 Poison Control and Medical Forensic Toxicology Center, Jeddah 21551, Saudi Arabia.

3 Department of Chemistry Sciences, Faculty of Science and arts, King Abdul Aziz University, Rabigh 21911, Saudi Arabia.

4 Al-Hodeidah University, Al-Hodeidah, Republic of Yemen.

* Corresponding authors: Esam O. Al-Wesabi; E-mail: esam.omer@yahoo.com


Abstract: This study was conducted to analyze well waters effect in Mughynia site, which lies along the valleys that discharge in the Red Sea in the Western Region of Saudi Arabia. This is to evaluate and determine whether the water of these wells is suitable for drinking and agricultural use via tested the effects of drinking well water contaminated with bacteria on the anatomic structure of mice kidney. Forty male White Swiss Albino mice were given drinking water with fecal coliform bacteria at rates of (control, 490, 1100 and 2400 colonies/100L) for 90 days. Up to 490 colonies/100L didn’t affect the kidney structure. But at bacterial concentration of 1100 colonies/100L there was an increase in size of the endothelial cells of the portal and distal tubules in the cortex area, and enlargement of the glomerulus with increase of its nuclei number. A damage of the endothelial cells of the portal tubules, and swollen cells with small dark nuclei could be seen. At the highest bacterial concentration of 2400 colonies/100L the kidney cells suffered necrosis of endothelial cells of the tubules and thickening of Henle Loop, nuclear margination, leakage of blood cells, appearance of debris inside the urinary tubules, unstained cytoplasm and strong blood tubules congestion between the kidney tubules. These results suggest that indicators of fecal pollution should be used in drinking water microbiological analysis and that microbiological control of drinking water should be the norm everywhere. Therefore, the continue to discharge untreated water into well water should be limited and water resources should be treated to eliminate the pollutants.

[Al-Hasawi Z, Al-Wesabi E, Al-Harbi H, Al-Hasawi R. The Bacterial Effect on the kidney Histology caused by Fecal Coliform Bacteria as a biomarker for water pollution. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):91-95]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 12. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.12.


Keywords: Swiss Webster Albino mice, fecal coliform bacteria, kidney anatomical structure

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Vericella Zoster Virus: Structure, Mode of Transmission and Treatment


Ayesha Ahmed1, Iqra Abbas1, Momal Maqsood1, Sadia Malik1, Kausar Malik1, Maryam Abid1, Zobia Habib1 and *Qurban Ali1,2


1Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, The University of Punjab, Lahore- Pakistan


2Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Lahore, Pakistan

Corresponding Author email: saim1629@gmail.com, ayesha.ahmed3135@gmail.com


Abstract: Herpes zoster cause severe viral disease or infection that shows painful vesicular outbursts with superficial reddening of the skin (erythema) as well as rashes in dermal layer also called as shingles. This condition is occur when virus reactivate itself. Due to this virus, approximately 1 million people suffer every year. It mostly affects the elder people that have a weak immune response. If this condition is not treated in early stage it can result into morbidity. The most important problem is the post herpetic neuralgia that includes neuropathic pain. Valacyclovir Gabapentin phenytoin, carbamazepine are used for the reduction of pain of post herpetic neuralgia. The review article provides an over view about the VZV virus and the disease cause by this virus and its treatment.

[Ahmad A, Abbas I, Maqsood M, Malik S, Malik K, Abid M, Habib Z, Ali Q. Vericella Zoster Virus: Structure, Mode of Transmission and Treatment. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):96-103]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 13. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.13.


Keywords: Shingles, Chicken pox, ORF, Late genes, ganglia

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The impact of a weight training program on some special physical abilities, skill performance, and digital level of discus throwing contestants out of sitting position

Mahmoud Mohammed Labib

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Physical Education, South Valley University, Arab Republic of Egypt


Abstract: The impact of a weight training program on some special physical abilities, skill performance, and digital level of discus throwing contestants out of sitting position. Discus players are characterized by the control of neuromuscular action, which is the compatibility and speed of reaction, strength, speed and strength of the lower and upper limbs of the player and flexibility and agility, The disc throwing contest is characterized by the features of all competitions throwing in athletics, The length of the throw distance depends on the flexibility and accuracy of compatibility in the movement performance between the two legs movements and the throwing arm, The distance of the throw is increased when the disc is released at the appropriate speed and angle. Through the researcher's knowledge of previous studies and research, the researcher did not find any studies that dealt with the development of a program using weight training to develop muscle strength and to recognize its effect on some special physical abilities and digital level to throw the disc to the physically disabled players, drawing the attention of the researcher about conducting the study. The current research aims to develop a weight training program and learn about its effect on some special physical abilities, skill performance, and digital level of discus throwing contestants out of sitting position For Paralysis Class (6). The research community included the participants of the disc thrower for the physically disabled in the governorates of Qena and Sohag. They were 22 disabled persons with polio in the lower limbs who belong to the 6 class according to the division of the International Federation of the physically disabled; they range in age from 18-35 years. The researcher used the experimental approach to the nature of the research, using the experimental design of one group using the pre and post measurements. Based on the findings of the research and in the light of the conclusions reached, the researcher recommends the following: (1) Guided by the proposed training program using weight training to develop the special physical abilities and the level of skill and the digital level of the sitting throwing contestants of disc during the different training stages. (2) Use weight training to develop muscle strength as a basis for other physical abilities before and during the skill training in the training program of the sitting throwing contestants of disc. (3) Generally directing the results to the training personnel and trainers in field and track competitions especially in the training programs and applying them to different age stages of the contestants. (4) Utilizing from the results of the research in the development of scientific solutions to the shortcomings of the digital level of contestants throw disc seating and problems of stability performance and pressure training and poor of players level achievement. (5) Conducting similar research aimed at designing training programs using various regulations in athletics competitions. (6) The need to pay attention to the sport of the physically disabled, provide incentives and material and human potential to them and improve their physical and skilled level.
[Mahmoud Mohammed Labib. The impact of a weight training program on some special physical abilities, skill performance, and digital level of discus throwing contestants out of sitting position. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):104-113]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 14. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.14.

Keywords: training program; special physical abilities; skill performance; digital level; contestants

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The Effect of (Macro/Micro) Wiki Content Organization on Developing Metacognition Skills


Ashraf A. Zeidan1,3; Waleed S. Alhalafawy1,4 and Marwa Z. Tawfiq2,4


1 Department of Educational Technology, Institute of Educational Graduate Studies, King Abdulaziz University, KSA.

2Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Jeddah University, KSA.

3Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.

4Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University, Egypt.



Abstract: The research investigated the effects of using wiki Content organizing styles (WCOS) on developing Metacognition skills for the educational graduate students at King Abdulaziz University. A two-group experimental design was used: the first used wiki Macro content organization style (WMACO) while the second used wiki micro-content organization style (WMICO). The sample consisted of (40) students who were proficient in using the Internet and the applications of wiki, which were randomly distributed to the two experimental groups. The research instrument was a measure of metacognition skills divided into (3) axes. T-Test was used to compare between the two groups and to determine the significant differences. Findings revealed the effect of wiki macro content organization style (WMACO) on developing metacognition skills.

[Ashraf A. Zeidan; Waleed S. Alhalafawy and Marwa Z. Tawfiq. The Effect of (Macro/Micro) Wiki Content Organization on Developing Metacognition Skills. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):114-120]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 15. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.15.


Key Words: Wiki, Content Organization Style, Macro Content Organization, Micro Content Organization, metacognition skills

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Anxiety, depression and stress among medical students from Public and Private Universities

Rawda M. Elsheikh

Assistant Professor of Occupational Health and Industrial Medicine Faculty of Medicine Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt


Abstract: Objectives: To determine the prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among purposive sample of public and private undergraduate medical students. Subjects and Methods: Cross-sectional survey between June 2016 and March 2017 with Purposive sampling. The questionnaire used in this study consisted of three components: A sociodemographic questionnaire that required each student to provide their age, gender and year of study, as well as marks obtained as mean % scoring in the professional examinations and DASS scale (the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale). Results: There is a high prevalence of anxiety followed by stress and depression in medical students during their academic training. Results demonstrate the significant relationship between gender and stress, depression and anxiety in medical students. Female students were more stressed than male students (p<0.05). Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of anxiety followed by stress and depression among the purposive sample of medical students during their academic training. Instructors, examiners, and universities should consider the stressors while assessing students on their academic basis.
[Rawda M. Elsheikh. Anxiety, depression and stress among medical students from Public and Private Universities. Life Sci J 2017;14(12):121-125]. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Print) / ISSN: 2372-613X (Online). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 16. doi:10.7537/marslsj141217.16.

Key words: Anxiety, depression, stress, public

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