
Life Science Journal 
Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition 
(Life Sci J)
ISSN 1097-8135 (print); ISSN 2372-613X (online), doi:10.7537/j.issn.1097-8135, Monthly
Volume 11 - Number 11 (Cumulated No. 46), November 25, 2014. life1111 
 Cover (oniline), Cover (print), Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, Author Index, lsj1111

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Review on Biofilm Processes for Wastewater Treatment


Khaled Shahot, Azni Idris, Rozita Omar and Hamdan M. Yusoff


Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia



Abstract: This review paper discusses the application of biofilm as an alternative technology for the treatment of wastewater under various loading and operation conditions. In the past few years the biofilm technology has become more common and widely used in the world to meet the requirement for clean water sources of the world’s growing population. Besides, the conventional wastewater treatment plants like activated sludge process present some shortcomings such as not very flexible method (if there is sudden change in the character of sewage and the effluent of bad quality is obtained), so better system is urgently needed to provide additional capacity with the least possible cost and to meet the standard effluent by the local authorities. The increased incoming flow of wastewater to the treatment plants and organic loading always demand for additional treatment capacity. Fundamental research into biofilm is presented in this paper in sections that discuss the use of biofilm whereby a comparison between suspended and fixed film, old and new biofilm are made. Besides, bed types namely moving bed, fixed bed and floating bed, un-submerged fixed film systems of trickling filters and rotating biological contactors are explained. Nutrients removal of nitrogen and phosphorus and nano technology application in biofilm are also explained. Results from investigations of different applications carried out at the laboratory and pilot scales are also discussed.

[Khaled Shahot, Azni Idris, Rozita Omar and Hamdan M. Yusoff. Review on Biofilm Processes for Wastewater Treatment. Life Sci J .2014;11(11):1-13] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 1. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.01


Keywords: biofilm, wastewater treatment, trickling filter, rotating biological contactors, nutrients removal.

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Response of Potato to Ash as an Alternative Source of Potassic Fertilizer


 M. M. Rahman1, M. A. Kader1, A. Z. M. Moslehuddin1, M. M. Hasan2*, A. B. Siddique, S. M. Shamsuzzaman3 and  A. W. Samsuri4


1Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh.

2Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.

3Soil Resource Development Institute, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.

4Department of Land Management, University Putra Malaysia, 43400UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

Corresponding author: samsuri@agri.upm.edu.my


Abstract: An experiment was carried out during rabi season of 2011-2012 in the experimental field of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh. The objectives of present research work was to evaluate ash as an alternative source of potassic fertilizer for potato cultivation. The treatment combinations were i)  Control (No K), ii) 100% K of recommended dose from muriate of potash (MoP), iii) 75% K from MoP+ 25% K from ash, iv) 50% K from MoP + 50% K from ash, v) 25% K from MoP + 75% K from ash, and vi) 100% K from ash. The result of the experiment indicated that various combinations of ash and MoP influenced the yield, yield contributing characters (length of the tubers, breadth of the tubers, number of tubers per hill, weight of tubers per hill, weight of ten tubers and gross yield of tubers per plot), K content of po tato as well as weed infestation. Among the treatments the highest yield was obtained from 50% K from MoP + 50% from ash (T3) treated plot. The K content in the potato tuber and weed infestation was also highest for that plot. Considering the yield contributing parameters, yield and number of weeds the T3 (50% K from MoP + 50% K from ash) treatment was found more suitable than others.

 [Rahman MM, Kader MA, Moslehuddin AZM, Hasan MM, Siddique AB, Shamsuzzaman SM, Samsuri AW. Response of Potato to Ash as an Alternative Source of Potassic Fertilizer. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):14-19] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 2. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.02


Key words: Ash, potassic fertilizer, alternative source, potato yield, K content.

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The transformation of the vascular flora of limestone monadnocks by rock climbing


Anna Bomanowska1, Agnieszka Rewicz1, Anna Kryscinska2


1Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, Banacha 12/16, 90-237 Lodz, Poland,

2Smugowa 33/8, 95-200 Pabianice, Poland



Abstract: The study examines the impact of rock climbing on the richness and diversity of vascular plants in one of the most popular climbing areas in Poland, named the Mirow Rocks. The study assesses the ecological effects of climbing by comparing how the vascular flora differs on climbing routes with respect to level of climbing difficulty, occurrence of protection points, intensity of climbing as well as rock surface smoothing. The results indicate that it is necessary to control tourism and rock climbing in order to reduce their negative impact on species diversity in the vascular flora on rock surfaces. Preservation of the monadnock habitat may be the most important short term management goal.

[Bomanowska A, Rewicz A, Kryscinska A. The transformation of the vascular flora of limestone monadnocks by rock climbing. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):20-28] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 3. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.03


Keywords: Disturbance; floristic diversity; limestone rocks; karst landscape; recreation; Poland.

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Effects of age and sex in several biochemical parameters in healthy subject in Jeddah Saudi Arabia


Hamed Kouja1and Haleema Al-Nahari2


1Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

2Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



Abstract: This project study the liver function tests in different age groups and in both males and females individuals. Specimens collected were sera from groups of normal persons 30 males and 30 females and age groups from 2-12, 13-49, and 50-65  years. Parameters measured included bilirubin, direct bilirubin,  alanine transaminase (ALT), gamaglutamyl transferase (GGT), blood urea nitrogen  (BUN), sodium (Na), potassium (K) and chloride (Cl). The results show significant decrease in bilirubin and direct bilirubin in all groups of females whereas the mean ALT values were higher in men than in women in age 13-49 and 50-65 years.  GGT and BUN values were higher in men than in women in age 2-12 and 13-49 yeas. Potassium (K) values were higher in men compared with women in age 2-12 and 50-65 years. Serum concentrations of sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) did not show sex differences. This study showed that there was evidence for age and sex-related differences in several liver function test parameters.

[Hamed Kouja and Haleema  Al-Nahari. Effects of age and sex in several biochemical parameters in healthy subject in Jeddah Saudi Arabia]. Life Sci J 2014; 11(11): 29-38] (ISSN: 1097-8135) .http://www.lifesciencesite.com 4. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.04


Key words: Age, Sex, bilirubin, direct bilirubin,  alanine transaminase (ALT), gamaglutamyl transferase (GGT), blood urea nitrogen  (BUN), sodium (Na), potassium (K) and chloride (Cl).

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The correlation of FHIT gene mutation and smoking in patients with non-small cell lung cancer: a Meta-analysis


Song Fei-xiang1, Xiao Yue-xing2, Guo Su-fang3, Zhang Hai-bo4, Wang Ying-qiang3, Zhang Xia1, Cui Yu-mei5


1Department of Oncology, General Hospital of Beijing Military Area Command of Chinese PLA, China

2Department of Endocrinology. Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, China

3Department of Oncology. The Sixth Hospital of Handan, China

4Institute of Biomedical Engineering Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, China

5Department of Emergency, The Sixth Hospital of Beijing, Beijing, China

Tel.:+86-1057212550; Fax: +86-1057212550; Email: yum_cui@163.com


Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the association between FHIT gene mutation in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and smoking status by meta-analysis. Methods: Publications addressing the association between FHIT gene mutation in non-small cell lung cancer and smoking status were selected from the MEDLINE, EMBASE, CBM, CNKI, VIP and Wanfang databases. Data was extracted from the studies by 2 independent reviewers. The meta-analysis was performed by RevMan 5.0.25 and STATA 10.0 softwares. From these data, odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated. Results: Thirteen studies were retrieved reporting a total of 1649 NSCLC patients. Meta-analysis results showed a significant association between FHIT gene mutation and smoker with non-small cell lung cancer (OR=3.04, 95%CI=1.68-5.51, P=0.0002), especially in smoker with squamous cell carcinoma (OR=8.07, 95%CI=2.00-32.56, P=0.003). However, there was no significant association between FHIT gene mutation and smoker with adenocarcinoma (OR=1.41, 95%CI=0.60-3.28, P=0.43). Conclusion: Our meta-analysis suggests that there was a significant association between FHIT gene mutation in NSCLC and smoking status, especially in smoker with lung squamous cell carcinoma.

[Song Fei-xiang, Xiao Yue-xing, Guo Su-fang, Zhang Hai-bo, Wang Ying-qiang, Zhang Xia, Cui Yu-mei. The correlation of FHIT gene mutation and smoking in patients with non-small cell lung cancer: a Meta-analysis.

Life Sci J .2014;11(11):39-42] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 5. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.05


Key Words:Non-small cell lung cancer; Smoking status; FHIT gene; Gene mutation; Meta-analysis.

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Improving Growth and Yield of Salt-stressed Cowpea Plants by Exogenous Application of Ascobin


Zinab A. Abdelgawad


Botany Department, Women’s College for Arts, Science and Education, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt



Abstract: Among the abiotic stresses, salinity is one of the most destructive factors which limit crop production considerably. Greenhouse experiments were conducted in Faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education, Botany Department. Ain shams University, Cairo, Egypt during  two successive summer seasons 2011 and  2012 to study the differential responses of cowpea (Vigna sinensis) to salinity stress (0, 50 and 75 mM) and foliar treatment with Ascobin (compound composed of ascorbic acid and citric acid with ratio of 2:1). Irrigation with different salinity levels caused significant reduction in fresh and dry weight of cowpea plants. Meanwhile total soluble sugars content was increased under salt stress conditions. Salinity stress with different levels caused higher reduction in yield and yield components (Number of pods/plant, yield/plant and weight of 100seeds) Application of Ascobin not only mitigated the inhibitory effect of salt stress in cawpea, but also in some cases induced a stimulatory effect greater than that estimated in the control plants on growth parameters which were accompanied by marked increases in photosynthetic pigments. On the other hand, yield and yield components showed progressive increases with increasing Ascobin treatments. Ascobin improved salt tolerance in cowpea by enhancing the accumulation of nontoxic metabolites such as total soluble sugars, proline and glycine betaine as well as N, P and K as protective adaptation.

[Abdelgawad ZA. Improving Growth and Yield of Salt-stressed Cowpea Plants by Exogenous Application of Ascobin. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):43-51] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 6. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.06


Keywords: Ascobin; Metabolites; Yield; Salt stress; Vigna sinensis.

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Electrochemical Characterization of Titanium Oxide Nanotubes Fabricated by Anodizing in Three Kinds of Electrolytes


A. A. Al-Swayih

Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University



Abstract: The present paper is focused on comparative behavior of various nanotubes growth on titanium using electrochemical procedure. The anodizing method under controlled conditions was performed in three kinds of electrolytes as following: a mixture of fluoride salts as inorganic solution (1M (NH4)2SO4 + 0.5 wt.% NH4F),  and an organic solution as Glycerol + NH4F (0.5 wt.%), and a mixture of glycerol and water (1:1 vol.%) + 0.5 wt.% NH4F. The obtained surface nanostructures were investigated with a Scanning Electron Microscope, open circuit potential, Tafel plots and Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. As a conclusion the titanium oxide nanotubes obtained in hybrid organic + inorganic components as glycerol-water (1:1 vol.%) + 0.5 wt.% NH4F leads to more performances. The presence of glycerol with water in the electrolyte can facilitate the formation of well-ordered TiO2 nanotubes. This is not observed in organic electrolyte, because the glycerol causing a greater ohmic potential drops, and the high viscosity of glycerol can suppress the formation of nanotube structure.

[A. A. Al-Swayih. Electrochemical Characterization of Titanium Oxide Nanotubes Fabricated by Anodizing in Three Kinds of Electrolytes. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):52-59]. (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com 7. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.07


Key words: Titanium oxide nanotube, anodization, biomaterials, Hank's solution.

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Blood Components and Milk Production As Affected By Supplementing Ration With Thiamin In Ewe Sohagi Sheep.


Solouma G. M.1 , A. M. Kholif2, H. A. Hamdon3, Hend A. Aziz4 and Ahlam A. El-Shewy2


1Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt.

2Dairy Science Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.

3Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, South Valley, Assuit University, Egypt.

4Animal Production Department, Desert Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.



Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of vitamin B1 (thiamin) in Sohagi sheep ’rations on blood component and milk yield. Twenty-four lactating Sohagi sheep were assigned randomly into three experimental treatments (eight animals in each treatment). The experimental period lasted 12 weeks. Sheep received daily the basal diet plus 0, 20 or 40 mg/day thiamin for the control, treatment T20 and T40, respectively. The ewes were fed thiamin two weeks before lambing. The control diet consisted of berseem hay, wheat straw and concentrate feed mixture (as 1 : 1 : 2 on DM basis). Blood sample were taken before lambing and monthly after lambing to determined blood components (Total protein, Albumen, Glucose, GOT, GPT, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Thyroid hormone (T3 and T4 hormones) and Milk yield were determined. The results indicated that total protein, Albumin and globulin increased significantly (P<0.01) in the T40 and T20 treatment compared with control. No significant differences were found among treatments concerning glucose, GOT, GPT, cholesterol, triglycerides and thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) with slightly increase in values in T40 and T20 treatments, respectively compared with control. Total milk yield (TMY) was significantly higher in T40 than other treatments. At the same time, TMY in T20 was higher than control. Positive coloration between blood component and total milk yield in ewes fed thiamin specially in third group (T40) which fed 40 mg thiamin. It could be concluded that thiamin supplementation to diets improved the blood component and increased milk production. The study recommends adding thiamine rate of 40 mg / head / day under Egyptian circumstances improved the physiological status and milk production in ewe .

[Solouma G.M., A. M. Kholif, H.A. Hamdon, Hend A. Aziz and Ahlam A. El-Shewy. Blood Components and Milk Production As Affected By Supplementing Ration With Thiamin In Ewe Sohagi Sheep. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):60-65] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 8. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.08


Keywords: thiamin, Sohagy sheep, milk yield, blood components, correlations.

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The Effect of Eco-Clothing on Human Health and the Environment inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


1Samia Ibrahim Lotfy Elsaman and 2Enaam Elsayed Abouzeid


1Home Economics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

2Home Economics Department, Faculty of Education, King Fisal, Al Hofuf, Al Ahsa, Kingdom Saudi Arabia

samia-1949@hotmail.com,     alsayedabou@yahoo.com


Abstract: This research aims to evaluate consumer awareness about eco-clothing and to determine the safety limits of existing, imported and local clothes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)’s markets. Descriptive and empirical methods were used to evaluate a sample of 150 Saudi customers and a number of children’s, men’s and women's clothing shops regarding both underwear and outerwear. A set of clothes, consisting of 10 types, were analyzed using questionnaires and ecological analyses. The results indicated that Saudi consumer awareness about eco-clothing is weak. In terms of imported clothes, most consumers do not know about clothing safety limits, and this lack of knowledge suggests that all clothing exports into KSA's markets should be regulated.

[Samia Ibrahim Lotfy Elsaman and Enaam Elsayed Abouzeid. The Effect of Eco-Clothing on Human Health and the Environment inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Life Sci. J 2014; 11(11):66-83] (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 9. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.09


Keywords: Environment, Environmental Ecology, Eco-clothing, Cleaner Production, Secure limits.

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Preparing Kazakh youth for family life on the basis of ethno cultural values   


Muratbaeva G.A.1, Konyrbaeva S.S.2, Mashenbaev T.B.3, Kabakenov G.U.4


1 Doctor of pedagogical science, Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University.

2 Candidate of pedagogical science, Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University.

3 Candidate of pedagogical science, Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, Aiteke bi street 99. Almaty, 050000, Kazakhstan

4 PhD, Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, Aktau city, 130003, Kazakhstan.



Abstract: Clarifying ethno cultural values of adolescents in Kazakhstan, this paper highlights the problem of youth preparation for family life. As it is known, ethno cultural values have a great influence on pedagogical education and upbringing in the family, and they play a significant role in raising more civilized future family men. In the course of research into ethno cultural values, the issue of preparing youth for family life will be theoretically interpreted and its core model will be made. Moreover, more detailed description of ethno cultural values of young people needs comparative, complex and systematic analyses and the use of axiological and ethno pedagogical methods.

[Muratbaeva G.A., Konyrbaeva S.S., Mashenbaev T.B., Kabakenov G.U. Preparing Kazakh youth for family life on the basis of ethno cultural values. Life Sci J 2014; 11(11):84-89] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 10. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.10


Keywords: youth in Kazakhstan, pedagogical education, ethno cultural values, preparation for family life.

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Age structure of Ficus benghalensis L.: a Threatened Introduced Population in Ismailia, Egypt


Abdel-Raouf A. Moustafa1*, Raafat H. Abdelwahab1,2, Mohamed S. Zaghloul1, Ashraf A. Salman3,4 and Ahmed A. Ahmed1


1Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

2 Science Department, Faculty of Basic Education, Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, Kuwait

3Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Port Said University, Port Said Egypt

4 Biology Departments, Preparatory Year Deanship, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia

raoufmoustafa2@hotmail.com; officiallylegal31@hotmail.com; dr_ashraf11@yahoo.com


Abstract: The present study aimed to investigate the age structure of Ficus benghalensis trees including the oldest and youngest tree in the main population and proposing certain conservation plan for conserving the landscape of Ismailia which is established by Ficus trees. F. benghalensis is considered one of the most important trees on our planet due to its medicinal and economic importance and represents the first line of defense against undesirable meteorological conditions such as windy and sandy storms. Four localities for F. benghalensis were chosen for this study, the major vegetative parameters were measured in a total of 114 trees in those four main localities; El­-Mawany area, Mohamed Ali area, Amon area and Nemra Ceta area. Crown cover, tree height, circumference at base, circumference at breast height, vitality, number of aerial roots and number of annual rings were measured for all trees at the four localities. The assessment of age dating of F. benghalensis was through inspecting the cut trees and counting the annual rings. Soil analyses were done including soil texture, organic matter, pH, and EC. Regression equation was used to calculate diameter and annual rings of each branch of main trunk of trees. The results based on the regression revealed that the oldest F. benghalensis tree was located at (El-Mawany area) with 394 years, and the second oldest tree was found at Nemra Ceta area with 357 years.

[Abdel-Raouf A. Moustafa, Raafat H. Abdelwahab, Mohamed S. Zaghloul, Ashraf A. Salman and Ahmed A. Ahmed. Age structure of Ficus benghalensis L.: a Threatened Introduced Population in Ismailia, Egypt. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):90-97] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 11. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.11


Keywords: Conservation, threatened populations, landscape, age dating.

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Effect of Growth Hormone 2,4-D on Some Callus Traits of Different Faba Bean ( Vicia Faba L.) Cultivars


Omar Abdelhakeem Almaghrabi


Biological science Department, Faculty of Science-North Jeddah, King Abdulaziz University, 21589 Jeddah, KSA



Abstract: In order to further increase the callus induction frequency of faba bean (Vicia fab L.), the effect of growth hormone 2,4-D on this process was investigated in this study. Different concentrations of 2,4-D (1, 2, 3 and 4 mg L-1) were added to callus induction medium . Cotyledons explants collected from 14-21 days old seedling of two different cultivars, Giza 2 and Giza 843, were treated with previously growth hormone. The results indicated that the singinifant values of callus induction, callus fresh weight and friability of callus at p≤ 0.001 were observed between the different concentrations of 2,4-D . Callus induction efficiency varied from 72% at 4 mg L-1 to 97%at 2 mg L-1 depending on the 2,4-D concentrations. The highest value (0.714 g   ) of callus fresh weight was detected at 4 mg L-1 2,4-D in Giza 843. It could be concluded that, in two cultivars of faba bean, the effect of different concentration of 2,4-D were more effect on friable callus in order to 4<3<2<1 mg L-1 of 2,4-D.

[Omar Abdelhakeem Almaghrabi. Effect of Growth Hormone 2,4-D on Some Callus Traits of Different Faba Bean ( Vicia Faba L.) Cultivars. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):98-102]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com 12. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.12


Key Words: Faba bean, growth hormone, 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, callus Induction, callus fresh weight, friable callus


Abbreviations: (2,4-D) 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; (MS) Murashige and Skoog medium

(Coty.) Cotyledons. (ADW) Autoclaved Distilled Water.

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Economical and Immunological Evaluation of Probiotic (L. acidophilus) In Male Castrated Goats within Egypt


Mohamed A.E.1 Omar, Ali M. A2 and Kamel M.A.3


1Dept. of Animal Wealth Development Fac. Vet. Med., Zagazig Univ. Zagazig, Egypt

2Dept. of Animal Wealth Development Fac. Vet. Med., Zagazig Univ., Zagazig, Egypt

3Dept. of Pharmacology Fac. Vet. Med., Zagazig Univ., Zagazig, Egypt



Abstract: This study was aimed to economic and immunological evaluation of Probiotic (L. acidophilus) in male castrated Goats. A total number of 24 male castrated goats were used in this study. The Goats were classified into 3 equal groups, each of eight and having nearly the same body weight. The first group was left as a normal control (non-treated and non-vaccinated). The second group was vaccinated by clostridia polyvalent vaccine by injecting 3 ml of the vaccine once under the skin of neck region. The third group was vaccinated in the same manner and given also the probiotic daily for successive 90 days in a dose of 3 gm /head. Immunological parameters (Total leucocytic count, lysozyme activity and serum nitric oxide) and Economical measures ( total cost, total returns and net profit) were evaluated in differernt groups. The obtained results revealed that the total leukocytic count, lysozyme activity and serum nitric oxide were significantly increase in the third groups as compared with the vaccinated and control groups. And the economic measures revealed that the most economic profit (LE/Animal) was present in the third group that vaccinated and given the probiotic (L. acidophilus). Finally, from our obtained results, we can conclude that the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus possesses an immunostimulating properties evidenced by an increase in total leucocytic count, lysozyme activity and serum nitric oxide. This was reflected on the feed conversion ratio and feed efficiency on castrated male goats. So we recommended from our economic results that using Lactobacillus acidophilus in fattening goats daily for successive 90 days in a dose of 3 gm /head will increase economic profit.

[Mohamed A.E., Omar, Ali M. A and Kamel M.A. Economical and Immunological Evaluation of Probiotic (L. acidophilus) In Male Castrated Goats within Egypt. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):103-107]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 13. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.13


Key words: Male castrated Goats, Immunological parameters, Economic Evaluations, Egypt.

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Synthesis of Some New Quinazoline Derivatives as Potential Anti-Infective Agents


Menshawy A. Mohamed (1,2), Ahmed M. Alafeefy(1), Sami G. Abdel hamid(1,3)


1 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Salman bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, Saudi Arabia

2 Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt,

3 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al- Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt,



Abstract: A new series of the fused heterocyclic analogs 4-oxo-6-iodo-2-tolyl-3H-quinazoline were prepared and screened for their antimicrobial activity. Compounds 8, 11 and 12 showed remarkable broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. The fused heterocycles 14-oxo-6-iodo-2-tolyl-3H-quinazoline nucleus proved to contribute for antimicrobial activity. The detailed synthesis and their antimicrobial screening are reported.

[Menshawy A. Mohamed, Ahmed M. Alafeefy and Sami G. Abdel hamid. Synthesis of Some New Quinazoline Derivatives as Potential Anti-Infective Agents. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):108-112] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com.14. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.14


Key words: synthesis, 4-oxo-6-iodo-2-tolyl-3H-quinazoline, antimicrobial screening.

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Bond behavior of Concrete Beam Reinforcement by GFPR Bars


Hamdy Kamal Shehab eldin, Mohamed Hussein, Khaled Fawzy and Shady Khairy.


Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Egypt.



Abstract: In recent years, some attempts have been performed to extend general design rules reported in the codes for steel reinforced concrete to Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) materials; this is the case of relationships adopted in the evaluation of the development length clearly derived by extension of the formulations used for steel bars. However, such relationships seem to be inappropriate for FRP reinforcing bars: in fact, experimental test results have shown that bond behavior of FRP bars is different from that observed in case of deformed steel ones. As a consequence, a new procedure for the evaluation of development length based on an analytical approach is needed in order to directly account for the actual bond-slip constitutive law as obtained by experimental tests on different types of FRP reinforcing bars. During this research contribution, an experimental study of GFRP bar concrete bond test is carried out and presented to investigate the bond stress–slip behavior for normal and fiber concrete. The tested specimens included 19 concrete beams by 1200mm as a length, 200mm as a width and 100mm as height .The GFRP bars embedded in concrete beams by embedded length equal 100mm and 250mm.This research effort aims at underlining the effects of embedded length of (GFRP), the fiber, and the dynamic load on the maximal bond stress.

[Hamdy Kamal Shehab eldin, Mohamed Hussein, Khaled Fawzy and Shady Khairy. Bond behavior of Concrete Beam Reinforcement by GFPR Bars. Life Sci. J 2014; 11(11):113-123] (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com 15. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.15


Keywords: R C beams, Bond, Embedded length, Fiber reinforced polymers; FRP, Tension stiffening.

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Transformation of the Russian working class as the globalization process


Igor Yurasov, Natalya Popova, Eduard Alekhin


Department of Economics and Management, Penza State Technological University, Penza, Russia.

Department of State Management, Penza State University, Penza, Russia.



Abstract: The globalization of economic relations results in significant structural change of Russian society. When Russian society is going through a stable period of development it takes the form of estates, in unstable periods it turns into classes . It is a notable distinction of the Russian working class. Russian industrial workers are exposed to social transformation, similar to that experienced in Western Europe and North America. Among the processes that have affected the Russian industrial and agricultural proletariat, we should note reduction in the total number of workers, lumpenization and transformation into smallholders and entrepreneurs, etc.

[Igor Yurasov, Natalya Popova, Eduard Alekhin. Transformation of the Russian working class as the globalization process. Life Sci. J 2014; 11(11):124-507] (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com 16. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.16


Key words: Social transformation * Globalization* Working class* Lumpenization* Transformation into smallholders.

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Evaluating Common Spaces in residential communities: An Examination of the Relationship between Perceived Environmental Quality of Place and Residents’ Satisfaction


Mayam Shabak, Nima Norouzi, Aminatuzuhariah Bte Megat Abdullah, and Tareef Hayat Khan


Department of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



Abstract: Gated communities as fruits of the high-density urbanism seek for security, prestige and new lifestyle and their common space is known as a significant component that could be one of the main reasons of residential satisfaction and life quality and creating sustainable urban living space in cities. Therefore, this paper presents a way of evaluation the success of a common space with dimensions measuring the quality of the relationship that residents have with their common space. Based on these dimensions, a questionnaire was administered to residents of different residential complexes in the city of Johor in Malaysia. Data was analyzed by SPSS and descriptive analysis to show which items are most important in the context of Malaysia to estimate the level of success in a common space. In addition, the research found which environmental quality aspects have more or fewer effects on residents’ satisfaction.

[Shabak M, Norouzi N, Megat Abdullah A, Khan H.T. Evaluating Common Spaces in residential communities: An Examination of the Relationship between Perceived Environmental Quality of Place and Residents’ Satisfaction. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):127-131] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 17. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.17


Keywords: Common space; residential community; environmental quality; residents’ satisfaction; gated communities.

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A Rationalization Electrical Postpaid Device


dr. khaled Nasir Al-O’hali


Faculty of Education, Qassim University

 e-mail: ersaliat@hotmail.com


Abstract:This paperproposed a palm-size devicereads the amount of electricity consumed anddisplays the cost by local currency. The consumer can monitor the amount of electrical energy consumed on daily basis (per second) even fromoutside hislocal areathrough the internet and othermodern means of communication.Also consumer coulddetect the consumption of all rooms through another device reader engaged in electrician plug to give an instantly reading for the total amount consumed at home.The proposed device consists of two main parts, the first (Distribution panel) issettled atcutters, transformersand meter of the house. It act as transducer device that convert the reading of the energy consumed fromanalog into a digital form then moving this readingas a specific frequency instantly which moves as digital signs by the Program Line Career through the wire entering the feed loads consumed through the frequency modulations device.  These signals will be received through a frequency receiver based on the readings of the amount of electricity entering the fund and then transfer it to the readings device for the consumer and then sent to the home of conductive wires .At that point the second device receives, read these waves and convert them to a digital reading.

[dr. khaled Nasir Al-O’hali. A Rationalization Electrical Postpaid Device. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):132-137] (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com 18. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.18


Keywords:   Rtonalization ,Electric Postpaid ,  Postpaid Device.

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Synthesis of Some Novel Antibacterial Sulfonamide Reactive Dyes


Hatem E.Gaffer1*, Mohamed E.Mohamed2 and Magdy K.Zahran2


1Textile Research Division, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo 12622, Egypt

2 Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Helwan University, Ain-Helwan, Cairo 11795, Egypt.

* hatem197@yahoo.com  


Abstract: Several new of sulfonamide based reactive dyes (D1-D4) has been synthesized by coupling reaction of sulfonamide diazonium salt with sulfonamido-cyanurated H-acid. The chemical structure of the synthesized dyes was secured by their spectral data e.g. Elemental analysis, IR, 1HNMR and MS spectroscopy. The principle advantage here for using sulfonamide based moiety is that the activity of antimicrobial is high, short reaction time and reaction procedure is done in few steps, the work up is convenient and thus the starting material can be easily found.

[Hatem E. Gaffer, Mohamed E. Mohamed and Magdy K. Zahran. Synthesis of Some Novel Antibacterial Sulfonamide Reactive Dyes. Life Sci J 2014; 11(11):138-142]. (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 19. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.19


Keywords: Sulfonamide; H-acid; antimicrobial; reactive dyes.

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Monetary Union of the CIS countries as a strategy for economic consolidation in the post-crisis environment


Olga Digilina1, Irina Teslenko2, Olga Kornilova3


1Doctor of Economics, Professor Head of Department of Economics Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration the Vladimir branch, Russian Federation. o.b.digilina@mail.ru

2Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Department of Business Informatics and Economics Vladimir State University, Russian Federation. iteslenko@inbox.ru

3Ph.Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Department of Business Informatics and Economics Vladimir State University, Russian Federation. olgakornilova2006@yandex.ru


Abstract: The article shows the need for further cooperation in the monetary sphere between the CIS countries and justified prerequisites for monetary union in the former Soviet space. The article proves that the strategy of economic consolidation can be implemented in the post-crisis development.

[Digilina O.B., Teslenko I.B. Monetary Union of the CIS countries as a strategy for economic consolidation in the post-crisis environment. Life Sci J 2014; 11(11):143-150]. (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 20. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.20


Keywords: monetary integration, monetary union, harmonization of the currency area, monetary policy.

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The example of an assessment and selection of the optimal variant of technological process of iron smelting


1A. S. Puryaev, 2E. A. Rybkina, 3 L. G. Zakirova


1Department of Logistics and Marketing, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Naberezhnye Chelny Institute

2Department «Management of enterprises», Kazan State Power Engineering University


E-mail: aidarp@mail.ru


Abstract. The example of an assessment and selection of the optimal variant of technology smelting from set of existing alternatives on the basis of the method developed by the author is presented.

[A.S.Puryaev, E.A.Rybkina, L.G.Zakirova. The example of an assessment and selection of the optimal variant of technological process of iron smelting. Life Sci J 2014; 11(11):151-156]. (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 21. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.21


Key words: pig iron smelting; desirability function; methods of optimization.

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Global stabilization for Noval chaotic dynamical system


M. M. El-Dessoky1, 2


1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P. O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia

2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, 35516, Egypt



Abstract: This paper introduces a simple feedback control strategy for chaotic systems is investigated using the Noval system as an example. Based on the theory of nonlinear differential equations and Gerschgorin theorem, a control scheme is proposed for global stabilizing the unstable equilibria of Noval chaotic dynamical system. Using a suitable designing to the feedback gain matrix which depends on a few algebraic inequalities, chaotic orbits are suppressed and dragged to the target (system's equilibria). Numerical simulation results are presented to verify our control method.

[El-Dessoky MM. Global stabilization for Noval chaotic dynamical system. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):157-162] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 22. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.22


Keywords: Noval system, Chaotic system; Equilibrium point; Global stability; Gerschgorin theorem; Numerical simulation.

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Genetic Diversity and Selection for Salt Tolerant accessions of Brassica rapapopulations


Mohamed A. Karam1*, Yasser S. Morsi1, Reda H.A. Sammour2 and  Refaat M. Ali1


1 Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Fayoum, 63514 Fayoum, Egypt.

2 Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Tanta, Tanta, Egypt.

* Corresponding author mak04@fayoum.edu.eg


Abstract: The present study was carried out to evaluate genetic diversity and genomic relationships of 14 populations of B. rapa with different centers of originsbased on polymorphism of four isozyme systems. The selectionof salt tolerant accessions was carried out by treatment with 150 mMNaCland the molecular characterization was achieved using RAPD analysis. The studied populations were classified into three groups based on allele frequency confirming genetic divergence of the studied populations as a result of different breeding traditions in different parts of the world. The highest values of genetic diversity measures were observed for the populations of B. rapassp. chinensis with Chinese and unknown origin followed by the Chinese B. rapa ssp. pekinensis. The genetic relationships among the studied populations based on Nei’s genetic distance derived from isozyme data coincide with their breeding history. The variation between the salt tolerant and salt sensitive accessions as observed from RAPD pattern was attributed to the genetic divergence among salt tolerant and sensitive accessions. The salt tolerant accessions can be selected as resources to improve the salt stress tolerance in B. napusby sequencing of characteristic RAPD bands in marker assisted selection.

[Mohamed A. Karam, Yasser S. Morsi, Reda H.A. Sammour and  Refaat M. Ali. Genetic Diversity and Selection for Salt Tolerant accessions of Brassica rapa populations. Life Sci J 2014; 11(11): 163-172] (ISSN: 1097-8135).http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 23. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.23


Keywords: Brassica, isozyme, RAPD, genetic diversity, oilseed rape  

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Ephemeral Beauteous Grief at the Altars of a Phantom Caesar: Aphra Behn’s African Imoinda


Bayan A. AlAmmouri


Faculty of Foreign Languages, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan



Abstract: Oroonoko is a masterpiece of the portrayal of the faults and misunderstandings of honor. Aphra Behn presents her readers with an archetype male character who is deluded with the royalism thrust upon him. In an attempt to regain Caesarean glory, Oroonoko, the protagonist of the text, obliterates Imoinda’s verve. We aim at deconstructing Oroonoko’s valor in relation to Imoinda’s submissiveness explicating a pantomime victim.

[Bayan A. AlAmmouri. Ephemeral Beauteous Grief at the Altars of a Phantom Caesar: Aphra Behn’s African Imoinda. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):173-176] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 24. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.24


Keywords: chastity, honor, masculinity, dominance, male-supremacy, and beauty.  

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Applicative computations and applicative computational technologies


Larisa Yusifovna Ismailova


National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute),

Kashirskoye Shosse, 31, Moscow, 115409 Russian Federation



Abstract: This paper is aimed as a comparative study the main styles of applicative computations. This is a kind of computations where the objects could symmetrically act each other using the only metaoperation of application. The application, when done, results in a value which can be used as the object which can act with other objects on equal rights. This evaluation is considered in three main directions: 1) in mathematics, 2) in programming, and 3) in computing. It is shown that the evolution of the methods of evaluation the symbolic objects is moved to the modeling the interaction of objects as the interaction of corresponding information processes of reductions and/or expansions.

[Ismailova LYu. Applicative computations and applicative computational technologies. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):177-181] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 25. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.25


Keywords: Objects, combinatory logic, applicative computational system, computational model, programming, computing.

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The Cultural Aspect of Translation: The Workability of Cultural Translation Strategies in Translating Culture-Specific Texts


Dr. Rafat Y. Alwazna


Department of European Languages and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Mailing address: Dr Rafat Alwazna, P.O. Box 14354, Jeddah 214424, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Mobile: 00966504510911; alwazna@gmail.com


Abstract: Culture generally reflects the attitude towards other cultures, people, events and the whole world alongside the way in which attitudes are mediated. In other words, culture points to a set of values and beliefs generally shared by specific social groups and to the stance adopted by text producers and receivers, including translated texts during the process of mediation (Faiq, 2004, 1). Translation has with no doubt played a substantial role in intercultural communication, which has led to large cultural shifts from one culture to another, thus having a great deal of communication between diverse cultures through language (Faiq, 2004, 1). When translation takes place between two different cultures, An inevitable conflict between them for influence and power may emerge. This often results in some form of mediation whose realization can be recognised through language (Faiq, 2004, 2). The concepts of domestication and foreignisation, addressed by Venuti (1995, 1996 and 1998), have been presented as opposed cultural translation strategies that have created a longitudinal dispute among both translation theorists and translation practitioners. This is due to the fact that domestication leads to translation violence through the reconstruction and adaptation of the source text so as to fit the beliefs and values specific to the target language culture, whereas foreignisation gives rise to exoticism through inserting cultural references peculiar to the source language culture in the target text, thus creating foreign terms to the culture of the target reader. The present paper argues for a middle ground; using a double-strategy as a cultural translation strategy which aims at both retaining the content of the source text in the target text and producing a target text which can be comprehended by the target reader.

[Dr. Rafat Y. Alwazna. The Cultural Aspect of Translation: The Workability of Cultural Translation Strategies in Translating Culture-Specific Texts. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):182-188] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 26. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.26


Key Words: Translation; culture; cultural translation strategy; domestication; foreignisation; translation violence; exoticism. 

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Pedagogical Conditions Of Forming Reading Interest Of Schoolchildren By Means Of The Kazakh National Pedagogy


Saule Magzhan, Zhanna Aydarkyzy Ismailova, Baltagul Ospankyzy Ospanova, Zhanar Kyikbaykyzy Suyinzhanova, Rano Alikyzy Supabekova, Alina Kuandykovna Bimaganbetova, Talgat Abubakirovich Daniyarov


Ahmed Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, 29 B. Sattarkhanov Avenue, 161200 Turkistan, Kazakhstan

Bimaganbetova-alina@mail.ru, science@iktu.kz


Abstract:The article deals with the theoretical development and experimental checking of the system of forming reading interest at schoolchildren taking into account pedagogical conditions it’s forming and developing by means of the Kazakh national pedagogy. The authors state that the upbringing potential of the Kazakh national pedagogy means in combination with the traditional practice of upbringing provides effectiveness and productivity of the process of forming reading interest of pupils in the content of ethno-cultural educational paradigm. In the work were used the following methods: theoretical analysis and studying philosophic, psychological-pedagogical literature, studying and synthesis of the advanced school experience of schools and libraries; organization and carrying out of the pedagogical experiment, comparative analysis; purposeful studying of activities of teachers, librarians, parents, pupils; questioning; statistic-mathematical methods of processing of the experimental work results.

[Saule Magzhan, Zhanna Aydarkyzy Ismailova, Baltagul Ospankyzy Ospanova, Zhanar Kyikbaykyzy Suyinzhanova, Rano Alikyzy Supabekova, Alina Kuandykovna Bimaganbetova, Talgat Abubakirovich Daniyarov. Pedagogical Conditions Of Forming Reading Interest Of Schoolchildren By Means Of The Kazakh National Pedagogy. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):196-204] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 27. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.27


Key words: forming reading interest, national pedagogy, upbringing potential, comprehensive school, age and individual features, pedagogical conditions, joint work of teachers and families.          

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Participation in microfinance scheme: A medium for empowering community with special reference to Nigeria


Mohammed Bashir Saidu1, Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah2*, Ma’arof Redzuan3, Nobaya Ahmad4


1, 2, 3, 4(Department of Social and Development Science, Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia)

1(Institute of Chartered Economists of Nigeria (ICEN))


Abstract: For the past three decades, microfinance scheme has become a key instrument for community empowerment in developing countries. In recent years the scheme has attracted international attention thereby assuming a prominent place in community development discourse. This paper discusses the role of microfinance scheme as a tool for community empowerment in Nigeria. Previous literature revealed that successive Nigerian governments in the past initiated a series of public financed programs and policies targeted at the poor but unfortunately, all those programs have failed to deliver. The current Nigerian government’s policy on National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS) where microfinance scheme is identified as one of the key instrument for empowerment is reviewed and discussed along the bottom-up principles. Lastly, this paper proposed a model of framework for microfinance in Nigerian context.

[Mohammed Bashir Saidu, Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah, Ma’arof Redzuan, Nobaya Ahmad. Participation in microfinance scheme: A medium for empowering community with special reference to Nigeria.Life Sci J 2014;11(11):196-204] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 28. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.28


Key words: Microfinance, empowerment, top-down approach, bottom-up approach and community development.

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Development of Basic Reading Module for Primary Indigenous at Urban Areas in Malaysia


Glaret Shirley Sinnappan3, Saedah Siraj1, Norlidah Alias1, Zaharah Hussin2, Mohammad Fairus Hamdan3


1Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2Department of Educational Foundations and Humanities, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

3Dean’s Office, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya,50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.



Abstract: The Malaysian indigenous people are the first settlers in remote areas surrounded with rich nature resources and plants. It is pertinent that the curriculum for the indigenous people in Malaysia Indigenous Primary school should differ from the standard curriculum. This means that the New Primary School Syllabus (KBSR) should be modified to meet the learning needs of the indigenous children. We should take into account their beliefs, lifestyle, methods of communication and their other living aspects, which are different from other Malaysian citizens. The objective of the study is to develop a curriculum module for basic Malay reading for indigenous based on their culture pattern, natural resources found in the settlements of the indigenous people and their body movements. Various theories were used as a platform to design this module. This study consists of three research phases and the semi-structured interview and Delphi technique were used to collect data. The results were then used as a guide and basis for designing primary school curriculum for indigenous at urban areas in Malaysia.

[Glaret Shirley, S., Saedah S., Norlidah A., Zaharah, H., M. Fairus: Promote. Development of Basic Reading Module for Primary Indigenous at Urban Areas in Malaysia. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):205-217] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 29. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.29


Keywords: Urban education, multi-cultural education, students.

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The mediating effect of self-efficacy on the relationships between learning organization and career advancement among academic employees in Hamadan, Iran


Bita Parsa1, Khairudin Bin Idris1, Bahaman Bin Abu Samah1, Nor Wahiza Binti Abdul Wahat1, Parisa Parsa2, Nakisa Parsa3


1Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, (UPM), Malaysia.

 2Chronic Diseases Care (at Home) Research Center , Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran.

3Department of Human Development & Family Studies Family, Faculty of Human Ecology, University

Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia

Corresponding author: Bita Parsa, email: bparsa2004@gmail.com


Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine relationship between career advancement and learning organization through mediating effect of self-efficacy among academic employees in two public universities in Hamadan, Iran.  A survey using a self-administered structured questionnaire was done among 307 randomly selected academics. The results show that learning organization and self- efficacy were significantly related to academic career advancement (P<0.05).  The findings show self-efficacy has partially mediated the relationship between career advancement with learning organization (P<0.05). Therefore, universities may strength their academic self- efficacy to increase career advancement.

[Bita Parsa, Khairudin Bin Idris, Bahaman Bin Abu Samah, Nor Wahiza Binti Abdul Wahat, Parisa Parsa, NakisaParsa. The mediating effect of self-efficacy on the relationships between learning organization and careeradvancement among academic employees in Hamadan, Iran. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):218-222] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 30. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.30


Keywords: Learning organization; Career advancement; Self-efficacy; Academic employees; Iran.

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Сontemporary Kazakhstan Medieval Studies of the Periodization of the History of Early Medieval Europe


Zhumagulov Kalkaman


Department of History, Archeology and Ethnology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan



Abstract: The problem of periodization of both global and national history is amongst the most important problems of historical science. As is well-known, periodization is the establishment of chronologically successive stages in social development. And the basis for specifying these stages should be determinant factors, epochal events that are common to all countries or to the leading countries of the world. Soviet historiography (1917-1991) considered the year of 476 AD to be the end of the ancient history and the beginning of the Middle Ages.  But it is just a conditional date, the year of deposition of the last Western Roman Emperor. The background was founded a century before, in the second half of the fourth century, when the Great Migration in Europe began, and the Hunnic invasions of Europe agitated the entire Eurasian continent, Europe. This was an epochal event, common to all the countries of Europe and Asia. Therefore, we have compelling  reasons to date the beginning of the medieval history on a global basis, including the history of Kazakhstan, just from the second half of the fourth century (375 AD) - the turning point of the Great Migration in Eurasia.

[Zhumagulov K. Сontemporary Kazakhstan Medival Studies of the Periodization of the History of Early Medieval Europe. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):223-226] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 31. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.31


Keywords: Kazakhstan medieval studies; the Huns;  the Great Migration;  the Middle Ages; civilization

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Prevalence of glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase among Hyperbilrubinemic Neonates in Sohag Governorate, Egypt


Mostafa M Abosdera and Alzahraa E Almasry


Pediatric Department, Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag, Egypt



Abstract: Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a frequent problem as neonatal jaundice affects 60% of full-term infants and 80% of preterm infants in the first 3 days of life. The relationship between G-6-PD deficiency and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn period is well recognized. Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia resulting in Kernicterus is the most serious complication of this enzyme deficiency in the newborn period. Pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency is the most common enzymopathy of the glycolytic pathway in erythrocyte despite its rare occurrence. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of G-6-PD deficiency and pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency in neonatal indirect hyperbilirubinemia, and compare the clinical presentation and course of G-6-PD deficient and normal patients. This study was conducted on three hundred neonates with neonatal jaundice, 156 males and 144 females. They were selected from the NICU in Sohag University Hospital. Cases were recruited during the study period from April 2012 to March 2013.

[Mostafa M Abosdera and Alzahraa E Almasry. Prevalence of glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase among Hyperbilrubinemic Neonates in Sohag Governorate, Egypt. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):227-232] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 32. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.32


Key words: Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (NH), Total serum bilirubin (TsB), Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), Pyruvate kinase (PK), Uridine- Di phosphate- Glucuronic acid transferase-1 (UDPGT-1).

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Endoscopic evaluation for the anterior and posterior segment of the eye: A new and useful technique for diagnosis of glaucoma in dogs


Abd-Elhamid M.A, Ali K.M and Ayman A. Mostafa.


Department of Surgery, Anesthesiology and Radiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.



Abstract: Objective- This study was carried out to evaluate the usefulness of endoscopy for examination of the anterior and posterior segments of the glaucomatous eyes. Animals: Fifteen dogs. Methods: Ocular examination was done using endoscopic probe (8.5mm diameter, Eickemeyer video endoscope unit supplied with halogen light source 150 watt (vetlux), Germany). The animals were sedated through intravenous injection of Xylazine (1mg/Kg body weight, ADWIA, Egypt). Surface corneal anesthesia was achieved by local application of Benox® (Benoxinate Hydrochloride 4mg, EIPICO, Egypt) to the eye under investigation. After sedation, the endoscopic probe was applied on the cornea and videos were monitored on the laptop and diagnostic images were captured and processed. Results: Primary open angle glaucoma was diagnosed in 2 cases. Goniodysgenesis with closure of the iridocorneal angle (ICA) by an iris like sheet was seen in 2 cases. Abnormal thickening of the pectinate ligament with closure of the ICA was observed in one case. Lens induced glaucoma was the most common type of the glaucoma seen in the presented cases (10 cases); phacomorphic glaucoma due to lens displacement was diagnosed in 5 cases, phacoanaphylactic glaucoma secondary to cataractous lens was diagnosed in 3 cases while pupillary block glaucoma (due to swelling of the cataractous lens) was seen in 2 cases. Conclusion: endoscopy is non invasive technique for diagnosis of glaucoma in dogs in which interior visualization of the eye is impossible such in cases with corneal edema and cataract.

[Abd-Elhamid M.A, Ali K.M and Ayman A. Mostafa. Endoscopic evaluation for the anterior and posterior segment of the eye: A new and useful technique for diagnosis of glaucoma in dogs. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):233-237]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 33. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.33


Keywords- endoscopy, glaucoma, lens luxation, eye, goniodysgenesis, dogs.

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A  Neural Network Based Approach  for Call Admission Control in Heterogeneous Networks


 Bushra Naeem1,2*, Razali Ngah1, Siti Zaiton Mohd Hashim3 , Wajahat Maqbool1,2, Muhaddisa Barat Ali 2,4

1.  Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE), University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai, Malaysia

2. Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, BUITEMS, Quetta, Pakistan

3. Faculty of Computing Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai, Malaysia

4. Department of Electrical Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey



Abstract: The next generation wireless networks will be based on infrastructure with the support of heterogeneous networks. In such a scenario, the users will be mobile between different networks; therefore the number of handovers that a user has to make will become greater. Thus, at a given instant, there will be great chance that a certain cell does not have capacity to sustain the need of users. This may result in great loss of calls and lead to poor quality of service. Moreover, in the future generation of wireless networks, end users will be able to connect any suitable network amongst available set of heterogeneous networks. This ability of an end user being connected to the network of their choice may also affect network load of various base stations. This necessitates for a suitable call admission control scheme for the implementation of heterogeneous networks in the future. Since the behavior of users arriving at any cell in heterogeneous network is unpredictable, we utilize neural network to model our heterogeneous network to admit network load, therefore the learned neural network is able to estimate when call should be admitted in a new situation. Results obtained indicate that neural network approach solves the problem of call admission control unforeseen real-time scenario. The neural network shows reduced error for the increased values of learning rate and momentum constant.

[Naeem B, Ngah R, Hashim SZM, Maqbool W, Ali MB. A  Neural Network Based Approach  for Call Admission Control in Heterogeneous Networks. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):238-242] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 34. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.34


Keywords: Load balancing; Heterogeneous Network (HetNet); picocell; femtocell; macrocell

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Biodegradation of crude oil enhancing by using nanoliposome


H.S. El-Sheshtawy*1, Mohammed S.Z.1, Renee I. Abdallah1, Rasha A. Azzam2, Mohamed S. AbdelFattah2, Asmaa A. Meky1


1Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City, 11727 Cairo, Egypt

2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Helwan University, Egypt.



Abstract: The present study is to replace the chemical surfactants that used for treatment the oil spill with alternate substrates. These substrates such as industries wastes which contain high level of phospholipids e.g. waste of soybean oil can be used in preparation of nano-liposome. Moreover, the use of waste contributes towards a reduction in environmental pollution and the economic valuation of such products. The nano-liposome and nano-surfactant associated nano-liposome was tested to enhance the biodegradation process by applying essential nutrients for bacterial growth.The percentage biodegradation of crude oil by six bacterial strains were estimated by gravimetric analysis. The bacterial strains were degraded the crude oil in range from (35 to 60 %) after 7 days of incubation period. The medium containing mixed bacterial consortium (Pseudomonas xanthomarina, Pseudomonas stutzeri and Bacillus subtilis spizizenii) in the presence of nano-liposome as natural surfactant gave the higher percentage of degradation at 60 %.On the other hand, the presences of nano-tween80 associated nano-liposome was enhanced the biodegradation process of n-paraffins more than iso-paraffins by some microorganisms. On contrary, the percentage degradation of iso-paraffins increased by other bacterial isolates when using the nanoliposome only.

[H.S. El-Sheshtawy, Mohammed S.Z., Renee I. Abdallah, Rasha A. Azzam, Mohamed S. AbdelFattah, Asmaa A. Meky. Biodegradation of crude oil enhancing by using nanoliposome. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):243-255] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 35. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.35


Key words: Biodegradation, chemical surfactant, crude oil, liposome, nanotween80, TEM, DSL.

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Effect of mineral and organic fertilizers on the Soybean (Glycine max) yield and fertility of the irrigated soils


Nurgul Absadikovna Abdraimova1, Amangeldi Kajiahmetovish Umbetov1, Rahimzhan  Eleshevish Yeleshev1, Robert Jay Goos2


1Kazakh National Agrarian University, Abay Ave, 8, Almaty, 050010, Republic of Kazakhstan

2North Dakota State University, Fargo, 58105, North Dakota, USA 


Abstract. The researches were carried out during a number of years (2006-2008, 2012-2013) on the chestnut-like meadow soils at “Agrouniversitet” instructional farm. The plowing layer of the experimental plot’s soil contains 4.38% of humus substance, the volume of which tend to decrease gradually as it gets deeper. The contents of total nitrogen are 0.221%, phosphor – 0.190% and total potassium – 2.5%. Thus, results of our researches showed that mineral and organic fertilizers are the efficient factor with regards to the resource saving technology used to cultivate promising leguminous crops, which substantially increase the yielding capacity and gross harvest of seeds subject to diversification of crop science in the south-east of Kazakhstan.

[Abdraimova N.A., Umbetov A.K., Yeleshev R.E., Goos R.J. Effect of mineral and organic fertilizers on the Soybean (Glycine max) yield and fertility of the irrigated soils. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):256-261] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 36. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.36



Keywords: soybean (Glycine max), chestnut-like meadow soil, nitrogen, phosphor, straw, cow dung

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Specific nature of the Tatar emigrant press


Vasil Zagitovich Garifullin, Lyailya Rashitovna Sabirova, Alia Zagirovna Mubarakzyanova


Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kremlyovskaya Street, 18, Kazan, 420008, Russia


Abstract. The article analyzes the part and the place of periodicals in Tatar outside Russia. It shows formation and development of Tatar emigrant press, its enormous influence upon the process of social, political and cultural evolution of the Tatar nation in the ХХ century. Emphasis is laid upon the need for a special complex scientific research of emigrant periodical in order to objectively evaluate their part in the Tatar journalism history.

[Garifullin V.Z., Sabirova L.R., Mubarakzyanova A.Z. Specific nature of the Tatar emigrant press. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):262-264] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 37. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.37


Keywords: emigrant press, Tatar periodicals, audience, a subject area, a journal, a magazine

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Model of asset portfolio improvement in structured investment products


Igor Vasilievich Ilin, Vasily Igorevich Koposov,  Anastasia Ivanovna Levina


Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Polytechnicheskaya str., 29, Saint Petersburg, 195251, Russia


Abstract. Type of the investment portfolio model depends on a market trend. For a highly volatile market it is important to develop the algorithm of taking investment decisions, which is efficient regardless of the current trend and minimizes the negative risk effect. The authors propose to use Structured Investment Products as a strategy of investment portfolio management based on the combination of options, shares, bonds, swaps, etc. The authors have developed the mathematical model of the Asset Portfolio Improvement, the methodology of Structured Investment Products development and the algorithm of managing Structured Investment Products portfolio depending on option type. The model developed allows outlining the strategy of building and managing the investment portfolio with the regulated risk level, which raises the efficiency of investments in market instrument.

[Ilin I.V., Koposov V.I.,  Levina A.I. Model of asset portfolio improvement in structured investment products. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):265-269] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 38. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.38


Keywords: Structured Investment Products (SIP), portfolio, risk, profit, mathematical model

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Gender differences in lipid metabolism of the young patients with metabolic syndrome longtime living in the North


Elena Victorovna Korneeva, Natalia EvgenjevnaTrekina, Alla Victorovna Rudenko


Surgut State University, Lenina Street, 1, Surgut, 628412, Russia


Abstract. With the growth in the length of stay in the North increases the body need for energy and nutrients. Balanced diet is an important factor of human adaptation in the North. One of the alimentary significant factors in the development of obesity and MS is a disorder of eating behavior, which particularly affects the willingness of patients to be ready to conduct medical measures. About insufficient saturation of the organism shows an abnormal increase in serum ghrelin among patients with MS. There were also sex differences in the changes of lipid profile among 366 patients with metabolic syndrome. Logistic regression showed a difference in the correlations between the parameters of lipid metabolism, testosterone, leptin in serum among men and women. Bad normalization of serum lipid parameters among women is associated with more frequent presence of leptin resistance than men.

[Korneeva E.V., Trekina N.E., Rudenko A.V. Gender differences in lipid metabolism of the young patients with metabolic syndrome longtime living in the North. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):270-274] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 39. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.39


Keywords: cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, testosterone, leptin, ghrelin

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The Innovations of Abylay-khan


Mukhtar Bakhadyruly Kozha1, Magripa Azhmahovna Zholseitova1, Mels Maratovich Bakhtybayev1, Sagynbay Serykbaevych Murgabaev1, Yeraly Shardarbekuly Akymbek2


1Khoja Ahmet Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, B. Sattarkhanov street, 29, Turkestan, 161200, Republic of Kazakhstan

2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, al-Farabi street, 71, Alma-Ata, 050040, Republic of Kazakhstan

E-mail: eraly_a@mail.ru, 87015707240


Abstract. This article covers the biography and innovations of Khan Abylay - an eminent military man and state leader of Kazakhstan in the 18th century. The authors collected and analyzed information about the activity of this Kazakh ruler in many different sources. The most notable of his actions were the development of agriculture and Kazakh’s settled life. Besides, he built fortifications and restored the cities of South Kazakhstan as political, economic and military strategic centres of the country. Abylay created a guard of Tulenguts that was subordinated directly to khan. It may be considered a germ of regular army and forced punitive machinery of the country. The innovations of Abylay-khan consolidated the statehood of the Kazakhs and promoted the socio-economic development of the Kazakh society. Moreover, they predetermined the development of more progressive forms of economy – agriculture, trade and handicraft. The revealed innovations show that Abylay managed to find with perspicacity and pragmatics the priority vector for further socio-cultural evolution in Kazakh society according to the challenge of history. 

[Kozha M.B., Zholseitova M.A., Bakhtybayev M.M., Murgabaev S.S., Akymbek Y.S. The Innovations of Abylay-khan. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):275-277] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 40. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.40


Keywords: Late Medieval Kazakhstan, innovations, khan, Abylay

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Vibrocreep of concrete with a nonuniform stress state


Vladimir Ivanovich Rimshin1, Evgeny Alekseevich Larionov1, Vladimir Trofimovich Erofeyev2, Vladimir Leonidovich Kurbatov3


1 Moscow State Construction University, Yaroslavskoye Highway, 26, Moscow, 129337, Russia

2 Mordovian State University named after N. P. Ogarev, Bolshevistskaya Str., 68, Saransk, 430005, Republic of Mordovia, Russia

3North Caucasian branch of the Federal Government's budget educational Institution of higher professional education "Belgorod State Technological University  named after V.G. Shukhov"

Zheleznovodskaya str., 24, Mineral Water city, 357202, Stavropol Territory, Russia


Abstract. We study the creep of concrete under stationary vibrations. Our considerations are connected with integral module of deformations. The influence of vibrocreep on bearing capacity of the reinforced concrete structure is considerable. Dependence between deformations and efforts is presented, structural damages of concrete are characterized by the temporary module of the line of deformations, the module of instant elastic deformations, nonlinearity function for efforts.

[Rimshin V.I., Larionov E.A., Erofeyev V.T., Kurbatov V.L. Vibrocreep of concrete with a nonuniform stress state. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):278-280] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 41. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.41


Keywords: creep, integral module, vibrations

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Development of Orthodox education in Nizhny Novgorod region as a factor of interfaith relations regionwide


Maria P. Samoylova


Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, Minin Str., 31A, Nizhny Novgorod, 603155, Russia


Abstract. The article analyses the current state of most mass Orthodox educational institutions in the Nizhny Novgorod region – Sunday schools and gymnasia, to assess their relevance for interfaith relations in the region. The article reviews legal framework intended to ensure religious education in educational institutions, which regulates the content and range of academic disciplines, and serves as a conceptual basis for drawing up curricula at church educational institutions.

[Samoylova M.P. Development of Orthodox education in Nizhny Novgorod region as a factor of interfaith relations regionwide. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):281-284] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 42. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.42


Keywords: Orthodoxy, education, gymnasium

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Use of rankings to improve global competitiveness of Russian’s higher education institutions and technology exports


Paul W. Thurman1, Irina Efimova2


1Professor of Management, MS, MBA, DrPH, Director, Professional Development and Executive Education Programs, Columbia University, USA

2Head of Public Relations Office, Head of Office for Cooperation with Ranking Agencies, PhD in Sociology, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Russia


Abstract. Authors analyze the mechanisms of universities in today's global knowledge economy, problems of integration into the world educational space and export of educational technologies, development of collaboration and academic mobility in educational and research areas between universities and research centers around the world to mutual development. Modern period development of Russia clearly identified the need to update the main priorities in the field of education in line with global trends. One such leading priority, as the quality of education found expression in national doctrine of Russian education. This circumstance is dictated by the presence of the basic contradiction between the modern requirements for quality of education provided by educational institutions and restrictions apply methods and technologies in the management process. Designing an effective system of quality management education is determined by a number of conditions and factors that create discomfort or provide adaptability alternatively.

[Thurman P.W., Efimova I. Use of rankings to improve global competitiveness of Russian’s higher education institutions and technology exports. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):285-289] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 43. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.43 


Keywords: global competitiveness, ranking of universities, research collaboration, export of educational programs and educational technologies, quality education management

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Ornythonym component and phraseological meaning


Roza Allyametdinovna Ayupova, Maryam Anasovna Bashirova, Olga Andreevna Bezuglova, Anastasia Aleksandrovna Kuznetsova, Kadrie Azatovna Sakhibullina


Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kremlevskaya str. 18, Kazan, 420008, Russia


Abstract. The paper represents the results of the research into phraseological and paremiological units with ornythonym component. According to the level of complexity of their semantic structure phraseological units are divided into 3 groups. Detecting the status of ornythonym components one should refer to this classification, because these two phenomena, i.e. the level of semantic complexity of the phraseological unit semantic structure and status of  its component parts, are closely related to each other.  Within the framework of this research studying symbolic meanings different birds are endowed in the English linguistic culture is given appropriate attention too, because most ornythonym components of phraseological units realize their symbolic meaning. Appearance, behavior, relations with other birds and different other characteristics of birds also serve as basis for metaphoric meaning realized in phraseology. 

[Ayupova R.A., Bashirova M.A., Bezuglova O.A., Kuznetsova A.A., Sakhibullina K.A. Ornythonym component and phraseological meaning. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):290-293] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 44. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.44 


Keywords: phraseological and paremiological units, ornythonym component, former, ghost, potential and real words, idiomatism, idiophraseomatism, phraseomatism

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Analysis of the age-related dynamics of measuring of Kazakhstan woman adults


Tavarkul Aljanovna Baskimbayeva, Yerkin Dhumahanovich Danebergenov, Saule Kurbanbekkyzy Nurbay


Tole bi Street, 100, Almaty, 050012, Kazakhstan 


Abstract. This study analysis the body sizes of Kazakhstan woman adults in order to categorize into 4 age groups. The sample size consisted of 1500 Kazakhstan females between the ages 18 and over 60 year. Most measurements items increased significantly relative to age. A total twenty seven measurements were obtained and analyzed in this study. There results were as follow: First, there were big differences in stature, waist height,  knee height, body rise. Girth and width measurements of Kazakhstan females were significantly smaller than dimensions of the old “soviet” size typology 1986 year. However, there were no differences in Front waist length (Neck shoulder point to waist) and Back width. According to the comparison analysis of Kazakhstan females by age groups, all measurements had significant differences among the age groups. With age significantly increases except head girth, all girth and width, but height measurements is decreased.

[Baskimbayeva T.A.,  Danebergenov Y.D., Nurbay S.K. Analysis of the age-related dynamics of measuring of Kazakhstan woman adults. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):294-296] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 45. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.45 


Keywords: Anthropometry, Anthropometric data, Size typology, Kazakhstan females, Sewing wares, Anthropometric measuring, Woman figures, Size characteristics ClothingConstruction, Clothing manufacturer, Age-related factor

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"Carmen": the dialogueness of literary structures of the short novel by P. Merimee and a lyrical cycle by A. Blok


M.A.Izmailova, E.P.Garanina, L.E.Tokatova


Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Mira Street, 60, Pavlodar, 140000, Kazakhstan


Abstract. The article deals with the dialogueness of literary structures of the short novel "Carmen" by P. Merimee and a lyrical cycle "Carmen" by A. Blok: a comparative analysis of conceptually-thematic and literary structures of the texts is carried out. The peculiarities of themes and problematics are described, the distinctive features of narrative organization and composition structure are characterized, the specificity of chronotopous, the use of landscape and interior sketching is determined, paratextual and paralinguistic means, used by the author, are named.

[Izmailova M.A., Garanina E.P., Tokatova L.E. "Carmen": the dialogueness of literary structures of the short novel by P. Merimee and a lyrical cycle by A. Blok. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):297-302] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 46. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.46 


Keywords: dialogueness, intertextuality, short novel, lyrical cycle, literary structure, themes, problematics, plot, composition, chronotopous, interior, landscape, paratextual and paralinguistic means

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"Carmen" by P. Merimee and A. Blok. Intertextuality of imagery systems


M.A.Izmailova1, L.E.Tokatova1, M.T.Shakenova2


1Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Mira Street, 60, Pavlodar, 140000, Kazakhstan

2National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin, Orynbor Street, 4, Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan

Business Centre “Altyn-Orda”, floors 14-16


Abstract. Intertextuality of imagery systems of the short story "Carmen" by P. Mérimée and lyrical cycle "Carmen" by A. Blok is characterised i this article with account to the mythopoetic sources of imagery of Carmen and its development in the world culture. The authors performed a review of works devoted to the development of the imagery of Carmen in the cultural tradition. This allows us to reveal the multiple layers of its sense structure, interlocutory interaction of the short story and the cycle. The authors characterised the system of imageries and named the methods of its creation.

[Izmailova M.A., Tokatova L.E., Shakenova M.T. "Carmen" by P. Merimee and A. Blok. Intertextuality of imagery systems. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):303-307] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 47. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.47 


Keywords: intertextuality, mythologema, reminiscence, eternal imagery, short story, lyrical cycle, imagery system

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The results of cross-breeding in meat-fat-tailed sheep breeding


Tuleukhan Sadykulov, Darkhan Bakytbekovich Smagulov, Sholpan Rahimbekovna Adylkanova, Azamat Mardenovich Koishibaev


Kazakh National Agrarian University, Abai Avenue, 8, Almaty, 050010, The Republic of Kazakhstan


Abstract. In Kazakhstan the fat-tailed sheep breeding is traditionally a leading branch of the animal industries the share of which is about 70% of the total sheep livestock in the Republic. These sheep differ in the exceptionally high meat productivity – as if they were created to provide humanity with food essentials by the nature itself. Their breeding has been predefined by the natural-climatic and economic conditions, as well as by the national traditions of the indigenous population long ago. They are known for its unsurpassed precocity and their adaptation to the specific local, often extreme paratypical conditions of their habitat in some regions where the management of other branches of the agricultural sector is practically impossible.

[Sadykulov T., Smagulov D.B., Adylkanova S.R., Koishibaev A.M. The results of cross-breeding in meat-fat-tailed sheep breeding. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):308-311] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 48. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.48 


Keywords: meat-fat sheep breeding, fat-tailed sheep, cross-breeding, ontogenesis, selected signs, meat and wool productivity, live weight and wool production

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Particulars of the competitive obligations in the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Zauresh Sagidullaevna Ashimova


Kazakh Humanities and Law University (KazHLU), Korgalzhyn highway, 8, Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan


Abstract. Obligations arising out of the competitive process are clearly civil law concept which is very complex and little-studied by domestic civilists. At the same time, with the development of economic relations the field of provision of goods, work and services between public and private parties of civil-law relationships require careful study of the given relationships. The author of this article has analyzed these commitments and identified their characteristics and peculiarities.

[Ashimova Z.S. Particulars of the competitive obligations in the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):312-316] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 49. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.49 


Keywords: contest, tender, auction, gaming and betting, public promise of an award, bidding

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Development factors of Kazan region recreation area


Ramil Rafailovich Denmukhametov, Olga Vasiljevna Zjablova, Marianna Ruslanovna Shtanchaeva


Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya str., 18, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation


Abstract. The article deals with natural and socio-economic prerequisites of Kazan region recreation area development. In recent years this territory has become a place of significant sport and cultural events, such as  the 1000th anniversary of Kazan, The 2013 Summer Universiade, the forthcoming World Water Sports Championship, The 2018 FIFA World Cup. Nature-recreational potential of the territory as a result of interaction of the human and natural  factors have been estimated.  Infrastructure, cultural and historical objects were the leading ones among the human factors. Tourist- recreational zoning has been done. Six specialized recreational sub-areas and their distribution area have been identified. Tourism types, recreation and recreational areas development perspectives have been defined. The importance of further development of the area analyzed is highlighted, because of the increased status of Kazan on Russian and the World stage.

[Denmukhametov R.R., Zjablova O.V., Shtanchaeva M.R. Development factors of Kazan region recreation area. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):317-320] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 50. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.50 


Keywords: recreation area, tourism, recreational facilities, nature – recreational potential, development factors

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The method of determining the function of traffic costs for the node with regulated flows of requests


Natalya Naumova


Applied Mathematics Department, Kuban State Technological University, 2-A Moskovskaya Street, Krasnodar, 350072, Russia

Email: Nataly_Naumova@mail.ru


Abstract. The problem of modelling of trаnsportation networks with the purpose of optimization is very important. The difficulties of numerical solution of optimization problems for networks mainly depend on the analytical definition of the function of traffic costs. We developed a mathematical model of trаnsportation network based on the generalized Erlang time distribution and introduced our classification of nodes. We obtаined a function of traffic costs for the node with regulated intersection of multichannel lines and described its analytical realization. We also proposed a method of determining the parameters of the generalized Erlang law from experimental data.

[Naumova N.  The method of determining the function of traffic costs for the node with regulated flows of requests. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):321-327] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 51. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.51 


Keywords: mathematical model, network, node, regulated intersection, generalized Erlang law, function of traffic costs

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The tax component of innovative activity assessment in the Russian Federation


Marina Orlova and Ajgul Khafizova


Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Institute of Economics and Finance, Butlerov str., 4, Kazan, 420012, Russia

Email: orlovamarina64@mail.ru


Abstract. The present paper investigates innovative development problems of worlds economies, techniques used to assess the level of country’s innovative development.  We identify particulars of applying tax benefits in order to stimulate parties involved in innovative  process. The article focuses on the possibility of extension tax benefits in Russia taking into account innovative process characteristics and also authorities and taxpayers interaction ways, which are related to efficiency assessment of tax benefits for innovation in terms of tax administration system reform.

[Orlova M., Khafizova A. The tax component of innovative activity assessment in the Russian Federation. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):328-333] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 52. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.52 


Keywords: innovations, innovative activity, R&D, tax benefits, tax benefits for innovation, tax preferences item, tax benefit efficiency, lost income, B index

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Coding of participant-internal possibility modality in Kazakh


Gulzada Salmyrzakyzy Yeshniyaz, Kussaiyn Tynysbaiuly Ryssaldy


Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Muratbaev Street, 200, Almaty, 050022, Republic of Kazakhstan


Abstract. This paper deals with expression of participant-internal possibility modality and its coding in Kazakh with –A al analytical formant. It will be shown that –A al expresses all semantic properties of participant-internal possibility modality such as inherent/ learnt and mental/physical. Therefore constitutes the core of the functional-semantic of the given modality. The paper also accounts for the relation of –A al in modal usage with other category operators such as aspect and voice.

[Yeshniyaz G.S., Ryssaldy K.T. Coding of participant-internal possibility modality in Kazakh. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):334-337] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 53. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.53 


Keywords: modality, ability, participant-internal, converb, functional approach

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Identification and studying of the biochemical properties of Lactobacillus strains


Maria Igorevna Zimina, Alexander Jurjevich Prosekov, Olga Olegovna Babich, Stanislav Alekseevich Sukhih


Federal State-owned Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology, Boulevard Stroiteley 47, Kemerovo, 650056, Russia


Abstract. Phenotypic and biochemical properties of the strain isolated from fresh pepper were studied. Antimicrobial activity of isolated strain against E. coli B-6954 was examined. It has been found that the microorganisms are Gram-positive non-spore forming rods and they belong to Lactobacillus pentosus strain. Resistance of Lactobacillus pentosus strain to chloramphenicol antibiotics, tetracycline, kanamycin was shown, but it is not resistant to streptomycin, penicillin, lysozyme. The results obtained by the analysis of antimicrobial activity showed high antagonist activity of Lactobacillus pentosus.

[Zimina M.I., Prosekov A.J., Babich O.O., Sukhih S.A. Identification and studying of the biochemical properties  of Lactobacillus strains. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):338-341] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 54. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.54 


Keywords: antimicrobial activity, lactic acid bacteria, vegetables, fruits, pathogenic microorganisms, biopreservative

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The results of treatment of patients after median sternotomy


Alexey Leonidovich Charyshkin and Alexander Nikolaevich Yudin


Ulyanovsk State University, Tolstoy str., 42, Ulyanovsk, 432970, Russia

e-mail: charyshkin@yandex.ru, tel. +79510966093


Abstract. Median sternotomy is known as a major surgical approach in coronary bypass surgery. As the number of patients after surgical revascularization increases, we can see an increase in the incidence of severe complications associated with poststernotomy wound. An urgent task is to improve the postoperative treatment of these patients. Here in this paper we describe the developed method of analgesia and prevention method of inflammatory complications in patients after median sternotomy (invention application number 2014104048, priority as of 2/04/2014). We studied 55 patients with diagnosis of coronary artery disease in the period from 2012 to 2014.The median age for men was 56.1 ± 6.6 years, for women - 59.3 ± 5.9 years. All patients underwent median sternotomy. Coronary artery bypass grafting from the internal mammary artery. On-pump aorta-coronary bypass grafting with cold cristalloid cardioplegia. Depending on the method of drainage placing and on the treatment used in the postoperative period, patients were divided into 2 groups. There were no significant differences between groups by gender, age, nature of comorbidity.  During the study we found the greatest efficiency of the developed method in drainage removal from the anterior mediastinum and the pericardial cavity in patients without pain symptoms or discomfort. Application of the developed method of analgesia and prevention of inflammatory complications after median sternotomy allows for effective postoperative analgesia, reduces the amount of exudative inflammatory complications and excludes additional financial costs of the treatment.

[Charyshkin A.L., Yudin A.N. The results of treatment of patients after median sternotomy. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):342-345] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 55. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.55


Keywords: median sternotomy, method of anesthesia

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The features of use of phraseological units in the headlines


Kuanysh Sovetuly Yergaliyev, Yeldana Bakhytovna Asanbayeva, Maygul Irangaipovna Orazhanova, Nurgul Bolatovna Agaliyeva, Samal Zhanatkyzy Yergaliyeva


Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Mira Street, 60, Pavlodar, 140000, Kazakhstan


Abstract. The article is devoted to the research of the pragmatic potential of phraseological units used by the journalists in the headlines. This article considers the most important aspects in the history of phraseology development in the world linguistics and also the peculiarities of this section of linguistics in the Russian and English linguistics. Based on the research works of the world outstanding scientists, the main features of phraseological units are defined in this paper where special attention is paid to that side of the considered language means which has not been studied properly up to this point yet – the cognitive nature in the ethnic aspect.

[Yergaliyev K.S., Asanbayeva Y.B., Orazhanova M.I., Agaliyeva N.B., Yergaliyeva S.Z. The features of use of phraseological units in the headlines. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):346-349] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 56. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.56



Keywords: phraseological unit, publicism, title, periodicals, pragmatics

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Peculiarities of elaborating the strategy for the meat market development in the regions of the Russian Federation


Anatoliy Timofeevich Stadnik, Sergey Aleksandrovich Shelkovnikov, Yvgeniy Vladimirovich Rudoy, Danil Maksimovich Matveev, Nikolay Valentinovich Grigoriev


Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Dobrolyubova Street, 160, Novosibirsk, 630039, Russian Federation


Abstract. The research is dedicated to the theoretical and practical development of scientific and methodological principles, organizational and economic foundations of the strategic development of the meat market and the mechanism of its regulation. The concept of “strategic development of the market of meat and meat products” is introduced into scientific use. The methodical approach to improving competitiveness of meat production in the region is outlined. The technique of strategic market analysis of meat and meat products in the regions is elaborated, due topeculiarities of its development and government regulation.

[Stadnik A.T., Shelkovnikov S.A., Rudoy Y.V., Matveev D.M., Grigoriev N.V. Peculiarities of elaborating the strategy for the meat market development in the regions of the Russian Federation. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):350-355] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 57. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.57


Keywords: agriculture, meat and meat products market, competitiveness, livestock, government regulation

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Research of the rice productivity on saline lands of rice systems in Kazakhstan Republic


Saltanat Maulenovna Abikenova, Aleksey Grigoryevich Rau, Bakdaulet Abibullayevich Assanbekov, Issabek Zhanashevich Zhanashev, Esenkul Myrzageldiyevna Kalybekova


Kazakh National Agro University, Abaya Street, 8 Almaty city, 050000, Republic of  Kazakhstan


Abstract. Rice irrigation systems in the lower reaches of the Syrdarya River are located on the river terraces and trees near the stream canal. Lands of river terraces are differed by drainage and water conductivity, soils – by content of humus and nutritive elements, mechanical composition and salinity that gave rise to the diversity of crops in 2-3 times. Efficient use of water and land resources on saline lands of rice systems is directly dependent on economy of the rice irrigation regime and the problem of improving rice productivity on saline paddy systems of Kazakhstan is a current task and it requires careful study. During the pilot phase determined were water-physical properties of soils, salt content and nutrients. Water balance of different parts in the research site was established. There are four studied modes of rice irrigation: shortened and constant flooding, with change of water between plant rice seedlings and without changing water in the rice fields and the data were compared data of manufacturing rice crops.

[Abikenova S.M., Rau A.G., Assanbekov B.A., Zhanashev I.Z., Kalybekova E.M. Research of the rice productivity on saline lands of rice systems in Kazakhstan Republic. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):356-361] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 58. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.58 


Keywords: Rice irrigation systems, Syrdarya, saline land, study site, water balance, shorter inundation, permanent flooding, rice checks, collecting-drainage network, irrigation norm, water salinity, groundwater, water balance

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Names of dishes and establishments of Japanese cuisine in Russian linguistic culture: structural features and pragmatics


Ludmila Alekseevna Araeva1, Elvira Stepanovna Denisova1, Irina Vladimirovna Evseeva2, Pavel Alekseevich Katyshev1, Natalia Vladimirovna Melnik1, Stanislav Vladimirovich Olenev1


1Kemerovo State University, Krasnaya Str., 6, office 6216, Kemerovo City, 650043, Russia

2Siberian Federal University, Svobodny Str., 82А, office 242, Krasnoyarsk City, 660041, Russia


Abstract. The article is dedicated to the study of the structural features and pragmatics names of dishes and establishments of Japanese cuisine in the modern Russian linguoculture. This process of naming is analyzed not only in terms of its structural features, but also in terms of propositional-frame modeling and its perception by ordinary native Russian speakers. When describing the material, special attention is paid to the language game, aimed at creating the right impression about the establishment and the specifics of his cuisine. In particular, public catering establishments, specializing in Japanese cuisine, should justify exotics and national character of its assortment with the stylized names.

[Araeva L.A., Denisova E.S., Evseeva I.V., Katyshev P.A., Melnik N.V., Olenev S.V. Names of dishes and establishments of Japanese cuisine in Russian linguistic culture: structural features and pragmatics. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):362-366] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 59. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.59 


Keywords: names of dishes and Japanese cuisine establishments, the Russian language, propositional-frame modeling, language game

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Complex counter explosive examination in investigations of the acts of terrorism accomplished with the use of explosive devices 


Gulbanu Zhumaniyazovna Bainazarova and Zhanat Rakhinzhanovna Dilbarkanova 


Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Utepova Str., 29, 050060, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Abstract. The questions of perfection of detection, fixing and withdrawal of explosives and explosive devices, their parts, setting of legal examination on the fact of act of terrorism by using of explosive devices are considered in the article.The features of setting of complex explosives expertise are reflected at investigation of crimes of a terrorist character accomplished by explosions. Set of measures of law enforcement authorities is considered on counteraction to terrorism.

[Bainazarova G.Z., Dilbarkanova Z.R. Complex counter explosive examination in investigations of the acts of terrorism accomplished with the use of explosive devices. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):367-371] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 60. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.60


Keywords: act of terrorism, explosive devices and explosives, forensic examination, complex explosive examination

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Quantitative method of information security risk assessment by multicomponent threats


Raikhan Muratkhan and Dina Zhagiparovna Satybaldina


L. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Munaitpasov str., 5, Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan


Abstract. Traditionally, information security risk is defined as a combination of the probability of adverse events and their possible consequences. But the risk of the security disturbance of the modern organization is a multidimensional complex concept that also includes a set of interrelated variables. The paper proposes a combined approach to assess the risk of occurrence of information security events based on an ontological description of the subject area and a quantitative method of risk assessment of implementation of multicomponent threats using more than a single vulnerability. The example of assessment of risk of information security is considered in accordance with international standards and preferences of the owner of information resources.

[Muratkhan R., Zhagiparovna S.D. Quantitative method of information security risk assessment by multicomponent threats. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):372-375] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 61. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.61 


Keywords: Risk, information security, method of risk assessment

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Horses in the life of Eurasian Turkic peoples


Arnabay Abishevich Nurzhanov1, Yeraly Shardarbekuly Akymbek2, Gulim Kagazbekovna Kadirkulova3, Ekaterina Alexandrova Karibzhanova4


1Archaeological Institute named A.H. Margulan, Dostik prosp., 44, Almati, Republic of Kazakhstan

2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Al-Farabi str.,71, Almati, 050040, Republic of Kazakhstan

3Almati Academy of Economic and Statistic, Djandosova str., 59, Almati, Republic of Kazakhstan

4The Kazakhstan’s  University named Abai, Dostik str., 13, Almati, Republic of Kazakhstan


Abstract. Horse played a great role in the life, religious beliefs and rituals of ancient Turkic people. It is hard to overestimate its significance in military, economic, cultural and other life spheres of nomads. That is why horse had a special place in nomad’s world-view: it was a sacrificial animal in divine initiation and obsequial rites. Usually, horses found in burial places are fully equipped, bridled, saddled and hobbled. Contemporary Turkic people still have the tradition of burial with horse. A large number of archeological and ethnographic materials including written sources point out that not any horse but precisely the white one was an attribute of Turkic obsequial rites accompanying royalties on the way to “the other world”. Horse was an object not only for rituals but also for worship and reverence.

[Nurzhanov A.A., Akymbek Y.S., Kadirkulova G.K., Karibzhanova E.A. Horses in the life of Eurasian Turkic peoples. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):376-379] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 62. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.62 


Keywords: archeology, Turkic people, Tengri, cult, horse

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Academic competitions and Technology Olympiads as a means to identify and develop endowments of school students


Olga Vasilyevna Shatunova and Albina Borisovna Sergeeva


Kazan Federal University (Elabuga Institute), Kazanskaya str., 89, Elabuga, 423604, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia


Abstract. The article investigates the problems linked to the issues of finding out, developing and supporting of the endowments of children and adolescents. The authors offer a range of criteria to determine the types of endowments which are determined as an integral and a multisided phenomenon. The complex structure of the concept singles out inclination to labor as the primary factor of the endowments. This article introduces the experience of conducting competitions and technology Olympiads for the students of general education institutions, which are, according to the authors, is the efficient means to identification and development of the endowments of the children and adolescents.

[Shatunova O.V., Sergeeva A.B. Academic competitions and Technology Olympiads as a means to identify and develop endowments of school students. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):380-383] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 63. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.63


Keywords: endowments, aptitudes, development of the endowments of children and adolescents, competitions and technology Olympiads

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Sphero-conical vessels of Aktobe medieval ancient settlement


Madiyar Yeleuov1, Yeraly Shardarbekuly Akymbek1, Claudia Chang2


1Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Al-Farabi, 71, Almaty, 050040, Republic of Kazakhstan

2Sweet Briar College, USA, 1054, Virginia, 24595-1054

E-mail: eraly_a@mail.ru, 87015707240


Abstract. Aktobe medieval settlement is situated to the south of the Aksu village of Shumsky district in Zhambyl region. The settlement is surrounded by two long walls. Over 40 years the settlement is a subject of archaeological research. Several construction horizons were discovered during the archaeological excavations. The foundation of the minaret, dated back to the XI-XII centuries, is one of the most attractive monuments. Considerable number of sphero-conical vessels were found there. Such archeological finds were discovered in the monuments of cultic architecture for the first time. Earlier the similar number of such artefacts were found at the excavation of bath situated in Otrar and dated back to the XI-XII centuries. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the sphero-conical vessels and the minaret.

[Yeleuov M., Akymbek Y.S., Chang C. Sphero-conical vessels of Aktobe medieval ancient settlement. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):384-387] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 64. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.64 


Keywords: Aktobe, minaret, foundation, sphero-conical vessel

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Trends and contradictions of factor`s development affecting formation of geo-economic multipolarity


Alexey Yurievich Arkhipov and Alexey Nikolayevich Yeletsky


Southern Federal University, Soborny lane, 26, Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russian Federation


Abstract. The key factors of the interconnection of geo-economic and geopolitical processes are investigated. The changing role of geo-economic influence is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the issues, prospects and contradictions of the dynamics of the alignment of forces within the world economy. The most probable scenarios of the geo-economic leadership are revealed. The places of the Anglo-Saxon alliance as a specific transcontinental partnership as well as the Eurasian Economic Union within the reshaping world economy are emphasized.

[Arkhipov A.Y., Yeletsky A.N. Trends and contradictions of factor`s development affecting formation of geo-economic multipolarity. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):388-393] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 65. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.65


Keywords: multipolarity, factors of globalization, geo-economic leadership, centers of economic influence, global contradictions, regional economic integration, the Eurasian Economic Space

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Analysis of dust particle dynamics induced at open local exhausts by rotating cylinders


Olga Alerksandrovna Averkova and Konstantin Ivanovich Logachev


Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shoukhov, Kostykova str., 46, Belgorod, 308012, Russia


Abstract. The paper investigates the behavior of dust particles in the spectrum of action of local ventilation extraction from processed cylindrical detail. For describing the behavior of dust particles in the swirling air currents there has been developed method of mathematical modeling and a computer program. The obtained results can be used for designing of local ventilation exhausts from the various types of lathes. There were proposed measures to reduce energy consumption for production of local exhaust ventilation.

[Averkova O.A., Logachev K.I. Analysis of dust particle dynamics induced at open local exhausts by rotating cylinders. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):394-398] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 66. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.66 


Keywords: aspiration, method of boundary integral equations, rotating cylinders, reduction of dust discharges

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Ideas of constructivism in philosophy of education: from ontology to phenomenology


Sergey Valentinovich Borisov


Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Lenin Avenue, 69, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia


Abstract. On the basis of education we understand, we interpret the world, but we don’t feel education, itself getting used to follow the standards and rules which have no sufficient proof. Education is not that the person knows, but something that really influences his behavior. Education is a dynamic system of interaction between designs of consciousness and environment. Education “designs” the person.

[Borisov S.V. Ideas of constructivism in philosophy of education: from ontology to phenomenology. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):399-402] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 67. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.67


Keywords: philosophy of education, constructivism, consciousness, knowledge

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Statistical analysis of Kondratiev water long


Marina Aleksandrovna Borovskaya, Inna Konstantinovna Shevchenko, Yuliya Viktorovna Razvadovskaya, Olga Shepanyak


Southern Federal University, Russia


Abstract. This article analyzes the dynamics of main macroeconomic indicators of economic development in order to reveal wave motions, determine decline and growth periods in economy as well as show the reasons of cyclicality in economic development. Basing on N.D. Kondratiev's theory, this article analyzes the dynamics of economical development in the USA over a period from 1775 to 2010. The resulting conclusion confirms existence of structural cycles in economy caused by the governmental monetary policy.

[Borovskaya M.A., Shevchenko I.K., Razvadovskaya Y.V., Shepanyak O. Statistical analysis of Kondratiev water long. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):403-408] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 68. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.68


Keywords: long waves, Kondratiev, economical growth, inflation, structural cycle

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Paremiological Fund of the Tatar people in the ethno-linguistic aspect


Gulnaz Rinatovna Mugtasimova, Guzel Amirovna Nabiullina, Elvira Nikolaevna Denmukhametova


Kazan Federal University, Kremlyovskaya Str., 18, Kazan, 420008,  Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation


Abstract. The scientific article is devoted to the research of the language of proverbs of the Tatar people, who carry chronologically deep and diverse information about the ethnos. The learning of a proverbs language deepens the theory of linguistics and ethnolinguistics, stimulates historical and typological interpretation of the age-old folk literature. The relevance of this research is due firstly to the great importance of the learning of the proverbs language in addressing of problem as well of history and ethnography of the Tatar people as of the standard language and its regularities of formation, secondly to the scantly knowledge of the proverbs language in the Tatar linguistics.

[Mugtasimova G.R., Nabiullina G.A., Denmukhametova E.N. Paremiological Fund of the Tatar people in the ethno-linguistic aspect. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):409-412] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 69. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.69


Keywords: Lingvofolkloristics, proverbs, interference of the language and of the history, vocabulary, traditions of culture, ethnos, culture

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Changes in protein hydration means a transition mechanism of heat energy into mechanical one


Vladimir Ivanovich Yashkichev


Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities, Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya Street 16-18, Moscow, 109240, Russia


Abstract. Of particular importance is hydration of protein molecules that depends on the temperature and concentration of water molecules in any biological cell. The changes in hydration are based on the pulsation of cells as well as the other essential cellular processes, also accounting for actions of cross-striated and non-striated muscles. Alongside with that, the changes in hydration can be explained by a transition of heat energy into action.

[Yashkichev V.I. Changes in protein hydration means a transition mechanism of heat energy into mechanical one. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):413-417] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 70. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.70


Keywords: protein molecules, myosin, actin, hydration, hydrolysis, heat, action, pulsations, cytoskeleton

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Diagnosing potato viruses using ELISA and RT-PCR method


Yekaterina Mikhaylovna Yekaterinskaya


Kazakh National Agrarian University, Abaya street, 8, Almaty, 050010, Republic of Kazakhstan


Abstract. The article contains the results of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for potato viral infections. Estimation of seed potato and vegetating potato plants infection degree with PVS, PVX and PVM viruses is provided as well as the extent of their dominance is revealed. The mixed infection of the examined samples of Dunyasha sort plant samples includes two viral components PVS+PVM which belong to the same Carlavirus group. PLRV and PVY viruses were not found in any of the samples which passed assay. Late Udovickiy sort showed the greatest viral reinfection resistance under the conditions of Kostanay province.

[Yekaterinskaya Y.M. Diagnosing potato viruses using ELISA and RT-PCR method. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):418-423] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 71. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.71


Keywords: potato, minitubers, sort, viruses, RT-PCR, ELISA, reproduction

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Professional training of special psychologists to work in integrated education conditions


Elena Vladimirovna Zvoleiko, Svetlana Anatolyevna Kalashnikova, Tatyana Konstantinovna Klimenko


Transbaikal State University, Aleksandro-Zavodskaya Street, 30, Chita, 672039, Russian Federation


Abstract. Learning the “integration philosophy” means the working-out  of new professional position of special  psychologist, which correctly realizes the principles of integration in educational sphere. The innovative content of integral-target- oriented and informative-processual components of professional training of special psychologists system conditioned by changes of professional environment is revealed in the article. The innovative tasks of psychological-pedagogical support service of education of special needs children in organizations with different types of integrated education are also considered in the article.

[Zvoleiko E.V., Kalashnikova S.A., Klimenko T.K. Professional training of special psychologists to work in integrated education conditions. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):424-428] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 72. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.72


Keywords: Special psychologist; new professional position of special psychologist; disabled children (Health disabilities); integrated education; inclusive education model; innovative tasks of special psychologists’ activity

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Philosophical understanding of music as a methodological basis of research in the field of musical art and education


Anna Iosifovna Shcherbakova


Russian State Social University, Wilhelm Pieck str., 4, Moscow, 129226, Russia


Abstract. The article tells about the philosophical analysis of music as artistic and aesthetic phenomenon that reveals difficult questions of life to the comprehending person. Music education is regarded as a tool to promote the penetration in the music space. This work investigates the music complexity and diversity as an art form, many approaches are presented that help the person to freely navigate the world of music. The author focuses on the problem of the interaction of music and music education as the two inextricably linked systems, their harmonious unity is a source of constant development and improvement of musical space, as well as artistic and aesthetic space of culture in general.

[Shcherbakova A.I. Philosophical understanding of music as a methodological basis of research in the field of musical art and education. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):429-432] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 73. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.73 


Keywords: philosophy of music and music education, artistic and aesthetic space of culture, synergy, axiology, hermeneutics, interpretation, systematic approach, systematic thinking, axiological approach, social intelligence, social responsibility

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Components of the human body environmental preparedness for adaptation. Literature review


Olga Ivanovna Ustinova


Medical Institute “REAVIZ, Chapaevskaya str. 227, Samara, 443001, Russian Federation


Abstract. Health completeness is the adaptation completeness, a human body’s property of being "inscribed" into the living environment. Homeostasis, a good adaptation at high trophic and neurohumoral interaction of all organs. Cells functioning environment is blood and lymph. Lymph flows into the bloodstream, so the quality of the internal environment is determined by the quality of the blood. Modern living conditions alter the internal environment: exogenous toxins accumulate in the intercellular space, in lymphatic and later in the circulatory system, causing intoxication. Qualitative organism functioning is provided by removing endotoxins. They can be rejected and excreted only by the organs having excretory ducts. Natural blood filters, having excretory ducts, indirectly related to the environment are the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Their self-cleaning property solves the problem of natural recovery of human body functions, strengthen environmental preparedness of the human body for adaptation.

[Ustinova O.I. Components of the human body environmental preparedness for adaptation. Literature review. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):433-437] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 74. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.74 


Keywords: health, endoecology, environmental readiness of the human body for adaptation, self-cleaning property of the natural blood filters

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Nominalization in linguocultural paradigm of chronicles


Irina Valeryevna Erofeeva


Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kremlevskaya Str., 18, Kazan, 420008, Russia


Abstract. This paper deals with ways of representing linguistic consciousness of the Middle Ages’ people with the help of word formation methods. It identifies key mechanisms of derivation process in a nominalization; it identifies the derivative forms the most important for the culture and traditions. It shows the role of derivatives in the formation of two main centers of word formation system - the field of action and field of worker, on a material of chronicles. It analyzes the ability of word formation types to reflect the conceptual significance of the concept of the worldview. It reveals the mechanisms of interaction of linguistic and extra linguistic reality. It determines the specificity of national representations of the human world of the Middle Ages as a result of linguistic and cultural approach to the study of linguistic units.

[Erofeeva I.V. Nominalization in linguocultural paradigm of chronicles. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):438-442] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 75. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.75


Keywords: derivation, cultural linguistics, axiology, mentality, Middle Ages, chronicling

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Everyday texts: the speech genre of menu


Ludmila Alekseevna Araeva1, Irina Vladimirovna Evseeva2, Olga Victorowna Felde2


1Kemerovo State University, Krasnaya Str., 6, office 6306, Kemerovo City, 650043, Russia

2Siberian Federal University Institute of Philology and Language Communication, Svobodny St., 82А, office 242, Krasnoyarsk City, 660041, Russia


Abstract. This article is devoted to analysing the contemporary menu texts. The main attention is paid to the composition of the texts of this genre. Menu is a special text type, a speech genre of the informative advertising type, which contains the evaluation, ritual and even imperative elements, reflected in separate texts - the basic genres, which constitute the integrated genre of menu. Put it otherwise, menu - is some utterances, semantically and syntactically consolidated into the unified fragment of a specific composition.

[Araeva L.A., Evseeva I.V., Felde O.V. Everyday texts: the speech genre of menu. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):443-447] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 76. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.76 


Keywords: food code, menu, speech genre, text, text composition, descriptive text

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State and prospects of developing primary branches of transport engineering of the republic of Kazakhstan


Shuakhbay Zamanbekovich Zamanbekov


Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University, Ayteke bi street, 99, Almaty, 050000, Republic of Kazakhstan


Abstract. Transport engineering of Kazakhstan is the major industry defining its successful functioning in conditions of intensifying process of globalization and internationalization of international competition problem. Transport vehicles available in the republic provide uninterrupted transportation of loads and passengers in the country. But despite the observed positive phenomenon in use of these conveyances, there are many problems in transport engineering of Kazakhstan demanding its solving. The level of developing own transport engineering of the republic is not so high as a whole, appreciable part of vehicles of the country replenishes due to import deliveries, so that US $ 10 billion are annually spent. The resource base of transport engineering of Kazakhstan doesn't allow to use more effectively its transit potential and deepen integration with neighboring countries of the Central Asian region. Special problem is caused by incompleteness of process on creation of infrastructure of transport system and slow expansion of Kazakhstani share in assembly of rolling stock of railway transport, automobile and trucks, construction and road cars. In total it attached priority significance to development of vehicle production in the country. In recent years the state accepted a series of programs on formation and primary development of machine-building complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for change-over of transport engineering on innovative basis, on cluster creation in this branch and use of private and state partnership. Nowadays dozens enterprises of transport engineering in the republic are being built, projects on construction and reconstruction of automobile and railway tracks for introducing of domestic goods both on internal, and foreign markets are realized.In this connection competitive advantages of transport engineering of the country especially railway transport were researched. Implementation of innovative modernization is of great importance for technological updating of vehicle production at the operating enterprises. For this purpose creation of independently functioning design office for mastering new types of transport vehicles and test base in the territory of the country is very important. It gives Kazakhstan after entering into force in 2015 technical regulations of the Customs union on safety of vehicles and opportunity to get approval on release of buses, cargo and automobile cars with various modification and achieve their competitiveness on sales markets. Cluster creation in transport engineering with the use of private and state partnership mechanisms will provide accelerated development of transport engineering in the country with accompanying enterprises of small and middle-sized business.

[Zamanbekov S.Z. State and prospects of developing primary branches of transport engineering of the republic of Kazakhstan. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):448-455] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 77. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.77 


Keywords: transport engineering, infrastructure, potential, technology, innovation, integration, localization, modification, subsidizing, cluster, standard

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Study of transmissible-gastroenteritis-virus-antigen-conjugated immunogenic properties of selenium nanoparticles and gold


Sergey A. Staroverov1,2,3, Alexei A. Volkov1, Sergey V. Larionov1, Pavel V. Mezhennyy1, Sergey V. Kozlov1, Alexander S. Fomin1,2,3, Lev A. Dykman2,3


1 Saratov State Agrarian University Named After N. I. Vavilov, Saratov, Russia

2The Department of the Russian Academy of Science, The Institute for Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms, Saratov, Russia

3The Departament of the Russian Academy for Agricultural Sciences, State Institute Saratov Scientific and Research Veterinary Institute, Saratov, Russia


Abstract. There was performed the study of the transmissible-gastroenteritis-virus-antigen-conjugated immunogenic properties of selenium nanoparticles and gold. In comparative immunobiological studies there was found that immunization of guinea pigs driven by the colloid-selenium- as well as colloid-gold-conjugated transmissible gastroenteritis virus antigen of swine, leads to activation of the respiratory activity of lymphoid cells and peritoneal macrophages, which is directly related to increased activity of antibody-producing cells and activation of antibody generating. The obtained data suggest that the colloid particles promote antigen presentation to the reticuloendothelial system organs. In addition, there was established that these carriers stimulate production of proinflammatory cytokines, which leads to a complete and consistent immune response of both cellular and humoral components of immune system.

[Staroverov S.A., Volkov A.A., Larionov S.V., Mezhennyy P.V., Kozlov S.V., Fomin A.S., Dykman L.A. Study of transmissible-gastroenteritis-virus-antigen-conjugated immunogenic properties of selenium nanoparticles and gold. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):456-460] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 78. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.78


Keywords: colloid particle, colloid selenium, colloid gold, nanoparticle, nanocarrier

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Protection of Intellectual property rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan: the background and challenges


Yerbol Musinovich Abaideldinov, Aigul Anuarbekovna Karibayeva (Shakhmova), Mira Zhumagazyyevna Kulikpayeva


L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Mirzoyan Street, 2, Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan


Abstract. Intellectual activity of person in various spheres of spiritual and material perception is taking on significance in conditions of rapid development of the scientific-technical progress in contemporary world. Their circulation complies with common rules of market. However, the character of rights and duties, the means of their implementation and protection bear own peculiarities. «Intellectual capital» is becoming significant in modern economy. This article identifies specific challenges and strategies of the Republic of Kazakhstan engaged in industrial-innovative development through the modification of legislation in the sphere of intellectual property rights.

[Abaideldinov Y.M., Karibayeva (Shakhmova) A.A. , Kulikpayeva M.Z. Protection of Intellectual property rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan: the background and challenges. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):461-466] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 79. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.79


Keywords: Intellectual property rights, Industrial-innovative development, the Republic of Kazakhstan, International outer space law.

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Development and yield capacity of grass


Ivan Stepanovich Belyuchenko1 and Alfiya Yunerovna Gorchakova2


1Federal State – Financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Kuban State Agrarian University

Kalinin street, 13, Krasnodar, 350044, Russia

2Federal State – Financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education M. E. Evsevjev Mordovian State Teachers’ Training Institute, Studencheskaya street, 13, Saransk, 430027, Russia


Abstract. Formation of grass sprouts is closely associated with generation of short internodes and bud set of specific capacity followed by growth and generation of yield. Process of grass sprout development consists of vegetative and generative phases. Process of sprout development at different stages is controlled by its heritable background within the frameworks of certain homeostatics, when the sprout reacts to changes in external environment, as well as by development of organism with the impact of internal (physiological, biochemical and energy) and external (environmental) factors.

[Belyuchenko I.S., Gorchakova A.Y. Development and yield capacity of grass. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):467-472] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 80. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.80


Keywords: Grasses (Poaceae, Gramineae), sprout, vegetative phases, generative phases, seasonal development of grass, yield capacity, tropical grass, boreal grass

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Modeling of elastic properties of discretely reinforced composites with an implementation of R. Hill method and porous materials' deformation model


Aleksаndr Fedоrоviсh Fedоtоv


Samara State Aerospace University, Moscow highway, 34, Samara, 443086, Russia


Abstract. In the presented study a method of a calculation of effective elasticity modules of isotropic matrix composites with isolated spherical inclusions is proposed. The feature of the method is a calculation of a concentration of R.Hill model's average deformations coefficients through effective averaging volumes of deformation phases. In terms of quantity, those volumes are a ratio of a sum of deformations in a volume of a phase to a sum of deformation in a volume of a composite. Analytical relationships for a calculation of effective Young modulus and Poisson ratio of a composite are presented. The equation for a calculation of Young modulus is presented in a form of Voigt ratio. In contrast to Voigt model, instead of volume fractions of phases, fractions of effective averaging volumes are used. Effective averaging volumes can be found by means of solving boundary-value problem of elastic deformations of a representative cell of a two-phase composite using a basic discretization scheme and mathematical apparatus. For a solution, a boundary variant of porous composite with zero values of elastic constants of inclusions is implemented. Using experimental data for two-phase composites with different combinations of elasticity modules of phases, the proposed method's adequacy verification is conducted. The proposed model, in terms of Young modulus's calculation accuracy, is equal to fundamental models of Christensen (MCr) and Mori-Tanaka (MM-T). In comparison to MCr and MM-T, results of a calculation of Poisson ratio correlate with experimental data better. It was demonstrated, that formal zeroing of inclusion’s elasticity modules in MCr and MM-T models does not allow to adequately describe elastic properties of porous materials. The proposed approach considers a boundary case of a composite with a porous matrix and, thus, covers a wider range of changes of components elastic constants.

[Fedоtоv A.F. Modeling of elastic properties of discretely reinforced composites with an implementation of R. Hill method and porous materials' deformation model. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):473-479] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 81. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.81


Keywords: matrix composite, effective elasticity modules, volume of averaging, porous material.

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Assessment of speed of the recent floodplain alluvium accumulation in basins of minor rivers of the East of the Russian Plain


Saniya Gasimovna Kurbanova, Ramil Rafailovich Denmukhametov, Amir Nurullaevich Sharifullin


Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya street, 18, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation


Abstract. The indicator of intensity of erosive and accumulative processes in basins of minor rivers is forming of the recent floodplain deposits. Studying of width and age of deposits has been held since 70-80th of the XX century. Three methods are used in studying of the recent floodplain accumulation. They estimate influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on speed of floodplain deposits accumulation in basins of minor rivers in various landscape conditions. Floodplain deposits do not grow in forest landscapes with minimum anthropogenic impact. In comparison with natural conditions speed of floodplain deposits accumulation in reclaimed landscapes of forest-steppe and steppe zones increases in 1-2 times (in average until 21-22 mm per year).

[Kurbanova S.G., Denmukhametov R.R., Sharifullin A.N. Assessment of speed of the recent floodplain alluvium accumulation in basins of minor rivers of the East of the Russian Plain. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):480-483] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 82. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.82


Keywords: river basin, minor rivers, floodplain accumulation, erosive and accumulative processes, floodplai deposits, forest coverage, the proportion of ploughed land.

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Problems on formation of anti-criminal mindset in education


Albina Zulfatovna Minakhmetova, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Pyanova, Oksana Aleksandrovna Makarova

Kazan Federal University


Kazanskaya str., 89, Elabuga, 423600, Republic of Tatarstan, the Russian Federation


Abstract. This article examines the problems on anti-criminal mindset formation in education. Particular attention is paid to the formation of personal tolerance of upper form pupils in the educational environment. Personal tolerance is considered as a component of anti-criminal mindset. The authors make an attempt to explore the noted problem domain through the prism of concepts, such as subjective personality control, personal qualities, and human self-perception. Upper form pupils have the ability to resist the negative influence of the social environment in varying degrees. This ability is reflected in personal qualities and localization of control over the events, which are significant to them.

[Minakhmetova A.Z., Pyanova E.N., Makarova O.A. Problems on formation of anti-criminal mindset in education. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):484-488] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 83. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.83


Keywords: "world image", "world view", mindset, personal stability, anti-criminal mindset, adolescenc.

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Phenomenon of dancing culture of the Uighur people


Gulnara Yusupovna Saitova1, Toygan Ospankyzy Izim2, Alexandra Sergeevna Tskhay3


1Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, Panfilov str., 127, Almaty, 050000, Kazakhstan

2Kazakh National University of Arts, Tauelsizdic ave., 50, Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan

3Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, Panfilov str., 127, Almaty, 050000, Kazakhstan


Abstract. In this article examines and studies the features of Uighur dancing art which at early stages of historical development represented the vast syncretic sight: shaman dancing, Buddhist temple performances. On the basis of historical, linguistic, ethnographic, and archaeological data we assume to conclude that the Uighur people are the composition of two ethnic substrates: the ancient settled population of East Turkestan and the nomadic Orhon-Yenisei Uighurs who have finally settled in this territory after fall of the Uighur khaganate. In this regard, the dancing traditions of two cultures are studied. The dancing culture of Uighurs in the period of Islamic ideology is presented. Interference of musical and dancing culture of the people of the East and Uighurs is investigated. Dances which could not live up to our days and that entered traditional heritage of dancing art are presented.

[Saitova G.Y., Izim T.O., Tskhay A.S. Phenomenon of dancing culture of the Uighur people. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):489-501] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 84. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.84


Keywords: Uighur dance, ritual, ceremony, shaman, Buddhist period, East Turkestan, Tengriism, ussuli (dance oyun game, dance).

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Competitive aspect in foreign language teaching of primary school pupils


Anna Vyacheslavna Gizatullina, Albina Mukhametdinovna Yakhina


Kazan Federal University, Kazanskaya Street, 89, 423600, Elabuga, Russia


Abstract. The article surveys the method of competition at foreign language lessons in primary school in various forms of its realization, gives the advantages and disadvantages of its use in specific situations, takes into consideration the psycho-physiological characteristics and gender of pupils in making the decision to use this method when teaching primary school pupils.

[Gizatullina A.V., Yakhina A.M. Competitive aspect in foreign language teaching of primary school pupils. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):502-505] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 85. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.85


Keywords: Competitive method, foreign language teaching, stimulation of activity and behavior, primary school pupils, gender equity.

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Simulation of concurrent process with Petri-Markov nets


Alexey Nikolaevich Ivutin, Eugene Vasilevich Larkin, Yuri Ivanovich Lutskov, Aleksander Sergeevich Novikov


Tula State University, Lenin av. 92, Tula, 300012, Russia


Abstract. Mathematical apparatus of Petri-Markov nets is described. Petri-Markov simple subnets are introduced. Structures for the simulation of parallelism based on the simple subnets are proposed. Mathematical relationships for the evaluation of the time characteristics of algorithms for a wide class of concurrent computing systems are described.

[Ivutin A.N., Larkin E.V., Lutskov Y.I., Novikov A.S. Simulation of concurrent process with Petri-Markov nets. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):506-511] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 86. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.86


Keywords: Petri net, semi-Markov process, Petri-Markov net, algorithm, parallelism, concurrency, computer system.

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Up to the development of strategy on adaptation water measures due to the climate change


Shekarban Kapar, Almaz Toktasinovich Tleukulov, Zaurbek Karibaevich Auelbek, Issabek Zhanashevich Zhanashev


Kazakh National Agrarian University, Abay str., 8, Alma-Ata, 050000, Republic of Kazakhstan


Abstract. Extraction of minerals which includes water and land recourses grow from year to year thus grows anthropogenic burden on the depths of Earth, bedding rock, the system of open water, and geodynamics of geologic structures. Improved criterion by estimate of the environment condition and foundation of social-ecological-economic efficiency of water recourses usage are suggested. The National strategy of water delivery and logical sequence of problem solving on control of water recourses in Kazakhstan are worked out. But listed problems should be reconsidered due to the climate change.

[Kapar S., Tleukulov A.T., Auelbek Z.K., Zhanashev I.Z. Up to the development of strategy on adaptation water measures due to the climate change. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):512-516] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 87. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.87


Keywords: Hay land, grazing, gross product, cross-border river, air and earth pollution, adaptation, index.

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Evolution of economic development aims. Assessment of the smart growth


Elena Viktorovna Kurushina and Victoriya Alexandrovna Kurushina


Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Volodarskogo Street, 38, Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation


Abstract. The paper investigated the global trends of changing aims for evaluating economic development. Approaches to assessing the level of innovation are systematized. Classifications of innovations are given. The approach to the assessment of smart growth using the theory of technological way is proposed. The results of testing the author's approach to the assessment of innovative development on the example of one of the branches of the Russian economy are presented in the article. The correlation between the specificity of the system elements and their rate of evolution is determined. The industry’s innovative development forecast based on the Foresight estimates is performed.

[Kurushina E.V., Kurushina V.A. Evolution of economic development aims. Assessment of the smart growth. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):517-521] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 88. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.88


Keywords: economic growth and development, a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, classification of innovations, technological way, the rate of evolution of the system and its components.

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Sustainable development of companies and environmental innovation


Valeriy Vladimirovich Lepikhin and Natalya Fridrikhovna Bolshakova


Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Komsomolsky pr., 29, Perm, 614990, Perm krai, Russia


Abstract. this article discusses the process of ecological activities of the modern enterprises. The prerequisites of the formation of ecological behavior of economic agents are determined. The dynamics of the costs associated with environmental innovations on economic activities in the Russian federation is analyzed.

[Lepikhin V.V., Bolshakova N.F. Sustainable development of companies and environmental innovation. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):522-524] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 89. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.89


Keywords: ecological and socio- economic sustainability of the enterprise, greening of business, environmental innovation.

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Modern methods of linguistic studies


Bikesh Revovna Ospanova, Meruert Arstanovna Gazaliyeva, Raykhan Makuovna Aldynazarova


Karaganda State Technical University, Mira B., 56. Karaganda, Kazakhstan

E-mail: kargtu@kstu.kz, o.b.r@mail.ru


Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the most effective selection of methods of analysis in linguistic studies. The modern philological science offers new methods and methodologies of linguistic analysis, new technologies developed by the new interdisciplinary fields of science. In the article there are described present day methods of scientific linguistic studies based on the analysis of the text base structure within the text linguistics. The studies are carried out in the field of linguistics for the purpose of constructing a language system based on the methodological principle. Linguistics is a complicated multifactor sphere of knowledge and applications that deals with both humanities and hard sciences. Within the last years there occurred adjacent trends on the interface of these or those sciences that are actively developing owing to new theoretical and practical applications. Methods and principles of linguistic analysis are multi-aspect and variable. Separating this or that aspect of a language is often integrated with the method of its linguistic consideration. The language itself is defined as a complicated and historically movable phenomenon that is reflected in the language description model that was developed within the traditional linguistics. The structure of classic linguistics itself clearly proves that the language presents a certain system.

[Ospanova B.R., Gazaliyeva M.A., Aldynazarova R.M. Modern methods of linguistic studies. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):525-527] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 90. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.90


Keywords: linguistics, study, scientific methods, model, language, interdisciplinary, experiment, linguistic analysis, conception, structure

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The Semantic and cognitive characteristics of metaphorically redefined vocabulary (on the material of ‘building’ vocabulary)


Aida Sadykova and Diana Kayumova


Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kremliovskaya str., 18, 420008, Kazan, Russian Federation

E-mail: a_sadykova@bk.ru, tel.: +79033439435


Abstract. The study of metaphor is based on combining semantic and cognitive aspects of its functioning. Metaphor is viewed both as a semantic phenomenon, being special or derivative meanings of words, and as a cognitive phenomenon, being a method of perception of reality. In the framework of semantic and cognitive approach, the study of concepts is conducted by distinguishing and analysing the means of their linguistic objectivization. The modeling of the structure and the content of the concept implies its ordered, structured description with cognitive terms. A sphere of concepts is interpreted as an ordered set of concepts peculiar to a certain nation, information base of thinking, which is determined by a number of mental stereotypes in the consciousness of native speakers.

[Sadykova A., Kayumova D. The Semantic and cognitive characteristics of metaphorically redefined vocabulary (on the material of ‘building’ vocabulary). Life Sci J 2014;11(11):528-531] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 91. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.91


Keywords: the sphere of concepts, the categorization, mental stereotypes, associative and imaginative thinking, the semantic field, the concept

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The study of occasional words: theoretical sspect


Elena Smirnova, Aida Sadykova, Diana Davletbaeva


Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kremliovskaya str., 18, 420008, Kazan, Russian Federation

E-mail: s_elena_84@mail.ru, tel.: +79033130050


Abstract. The notion ‘occasional word’ or ‘nonce word’ has a very disputable character in linguistics. Language creativity is a peculiar feature of spoken communication and fiction works, which are a great source for enriching vocabulary of a certain language. The article is devoted to the problem of defining the notion of occasional words in Russian and Western linguistic schools, dealing with the typological peculiarities of author’s or speaker’s creativity in language. The research is a part of a great work on studying morphological, derivational, semantic, idiomatic, syntactic transformations, aiming to find a unified approach to the study of occasional words and phrases typical to almost all known languages.

[Smirnova E., Sadykova A., Davletbaeva D. The study of occasional words: theoretical aspect. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):532-535] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 92. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.92


Keywords: the occasional word, the nonce word, the neologism, the occasional novelty.

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Regional service economics development: foundations and process of strategic management 


Liubov Leonidovna Tonysheva and Elena Victorovna Nazmutdinova 


Tyumen State Oil and Gas University,  Volodarskogo Str., 38,  Tyumen,  625000,  Russia

E-mail: tonjisheval@mail.ru;   Tel +7 912 9224543 


Abstract. In the work there is shown an actual problem and pointed out essential characteristics of service economy; also, theoretic working out of all the regulations is done that define the structurization of all service activity types. We have defined the purpose of service zones in changing of spatial organization of regional economy. In the article there given and proved the principles of strategic management of the region service economy: the compliance of the expansion of the service list of strategic aim of the territory development due to formation of new service zones, and the ramification of the existing service network; client orientation services and creation of organizational and legal conditions at the macro - and meso-levels for the development of the service business by maintaining of close contact with the consumers; balanced development of regional economy, which determines the necessity to create an efficient mechanism of service and production activities’ regulation, taking into account the interests of the main economic agents’ groups (authorities, different organizations and the population, living on this territory); the guarantee of a certain completeness and adequacy of the means and methods of impact to the objects of service activity with regard to key areas and conditions of functioning of region service-oriented economy. We have worked out the process of region service economy strategic management, including the formulation of strategic goals, strategic analysis of the development of service sphere in the region with the assessment of the service potential, the rationale for the spatial transformation of the regional economy, the choice of the region service economy strategy, modeling of the balanced scorecard and the development of managerial strategic initiatives of the territory.

[Tonysheva L.L., Nazmutdinova E.V. Regional service economics development: foundations and process of strategic management. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):536-539] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 93. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.93 


Keywords: service economy, principles, strategic management process, spatial economy transformation, service activity

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Role and functions of a newspaper headline


Kuanysh Sovetuly Yergaliyev, Yeldana Bakytovna Asanbayeva, Botakoz Shaykenkyzy Kuralkanova, Assel Kayirbaevna Moldazhanova, Samal Zhanatkyzy Yergaliyeva


Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Mira Street, 60, Pavlodar, 140000, Kazakhstan


Abstract. This article deals with the theoretical aspects of a newspaper headline and defines the main trends in today’s journalism. Exploring the scientific works of foreign and native linguists, as well as analyzing the mistakes, frequently made in current periodicals, the article offers a systematic classification of requirements for newspaper headlines, which could serve the "guidelines" for today’s journalists, when composing the headlines, and, first of all, help readers in searching the needed information in the columns of various periodicals.

[Yergaliyev K.S., Asanbayeva Y.B., Kuralkanova B.S., Moldazhanova A.K., Yergaliyeva S.Z. Role and functions of a newspaper headline. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):540-543] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 94. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.94


Keywords: journalism, headline, function, recipient.

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The structure and logic of the pedagogical process as the basis of the conception of historical and actual pedagogical research


Takhir Majitovich Aminov


The Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M.Akmulla, October Revolution street, 3a, Ufa, 450000, Russian Federation


Abstract. One of the possible conceptions of historical and actual pedagogical works providing a higher processability in the organization of research in the spheres mentioned above is getting stated and proved in this article. The logic and structure of the pedagogical process in its modern sense makes up the basis of the conception. Within the proposed model such its components as aims, objectives, content, forms, methods, means, the achievement of the aim, results of the educational systems’ activities, the evaluation of the achieved result and all the process as a whole have been marked out. Following the declared idea will let researchers logically and consistently reveal, analyze, generalize and extrapolate the historical and pedagogical experience into the modern educational theory and practice.

[Aminov T.M. The structure and logic of the pedagogical process as the basis of the conception of historical and actual pedagogical research. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):544-547] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 95. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.95


Keywords: a conception of the historical and pedagogical research; the pedagogical process; the structure of the pedagogical process: an aim, objectives, content, forms, methods, means, process, result, outcome access.

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Global monetary system: from past to future


Alexei Y. Arkhipov1, Aleksandr V. Ishkhanov2, Elena F. Linkevich2


1Southern Federal University, Higher School of Business, Sobornay per., 26, Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russia

2Kuban State University, Stavropolskaya Street, 149, Krasnodar, 350040, Russia


Abstract. Instability of the global financial sphere is the consequence of non-correspondence between current world currency order and changed conditions. Nowadays USD remains a dominant world currency without any worthy alternative even though the trust in this currency has decreased. Thus, we can see the prerequisites of the rebuilding of the existing currency system. In this article, we analyze the main problems of the valid Jamaican currency system. We observe the opportunity of attaching the world currencies to the material equivalent. We also explore the ways of overcoming Triffin’s paradox. We evaluate the possibility of changing the existing currency order. The authors have come to the conclusion that stabilizing of the global currency-financial sphere is possible only in case of accepting new currency instruments by the world community not depending on the geopolitical interests of certain states.

[Arkhipov A.Y., Ishkhanov A.V., Linkevich E.F. Global monetary system: from past to future. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):548-553] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 96. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.96


Keywords: world currency system, reserve currency, currency regulation, polyinstrument standard

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Permanent raised beds using; efficiency of direct seeding in the southeast region of Kazakhstan


Tastanbek Atakulov, Zhumagali Ospanbaev, Yeltay Alkenov


Kazakh National Agrarian University, Abay Ave., 8, 050010, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan


Abstract. Irrigated agriculture of the south eastern Kazakhstan requires a new technology of crop production with high economic efficiency. This study was conducted to determine technology of direct seeding on permanent raised beds, its impact on crop yields, and yield structure. The experiment was conducted with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], and corn (Zea mays L.) in Zhambyl district of Almaty province during 2008–2011 growing seasons. The main point of new technology is use of ridges formed under cultivation of winter wheat during 5 years or more for direct sowing of the most common crops under irrigation conditions. Results of research have proved that direct seeding on permanent beds in comparison with a conventional method ensured higher efficiency, and good profit.  Yields of winter wheat, soybean, and corn in total were accordingly 4.78, 3.48, and 9.27 t ha-1. In this case resource–saving technology of crop production on permanent beds could become the diversification basis of irrigated agriculture in the south–east Kazakhstan. Introduction of this technology under conditions of the southeast will increase the productivity of irrigated land, and will make a difference in protecting of environment, production of ecologically pure, and competitive agricultural products.

[Atakulov T., Ospanbaev Z., Alkenov Y. Permanent raised beds using; efficiency of direct seeding in the southeast region of Kazakhstan. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):554-557] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 97. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.97 


Keywords: permanent beds, direct seeding, crop growth and development, Kazakhstan.

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The modern methods of increase of management efficiency of small and medium businesses 


Olga Nikolaevna Balabanova, Rasulya Rifkatovna Aetdinova, Igor Petrovich Balabanov 


Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kremlyovskaya Str., 18, Kazan, 420008, Republic of Tatarstan, the Russian Federation


Abstract. The article contains the analysis of dynamics of development of the subjects of small and medium businesses in the Russian Federation. Despite the measures of the state policy of Russia in relation to the development of small and medium businesses the reduction in the number and turnover in this sphere is found out. The key factors of successful entrepreneurial activities have been analyzed. The modern methods of increase of efficiency of activities in small and medium businesses have been offered. The possibilities of receiving the state support of businesses, use of the services of business consultants and more traditional methods of management optimization – business planning, optimization of strategy and structure of an organization, receiving supplementary education in the chosen field of activities have been considered. As the most common problem for small business is the limited financial resources, we have focused on finding free or cheap ways of optimization of activities as well as opportunities for reduction of expenses in this work. One of the effective ways of increasing efficiency is the use of the modern information technologies including the cloud services. The comparative analysis of several services, offered in Russia, as well as prospects for their development has been performed. The analysis has revealed that the cloud services are still undiscovered reserves for many Russian and foreign firms.

[Balabanova O.N., Aetdinova R.R., Balabanov I.P. The modern methods of increase of management efficiency of small and medium businesses. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):558-561] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 98. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.98 


Keywords: small and medium business, management efficiency, turnover, state business support infrastructure, IT-Park, business incubator, Technopark, software products, cloud services, cloud computing, online accounting, trade automation, mobile applications.

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The evolution of socio-responsible business in developing countries: an institutional perspective


Daniil Petrovich Frolov1 and Anna Anatolievna Shulimova2


1Volgograd State University, Universitetsky prospect, 100, Volgograd, 400062, Russia

2Institute of Economics and Management in Medicine and Social Sphere, Sadovaya street, 218, Krasnodar, 350042, Russia


Abstract. This paper explores the socio-responsible business practices in corporate management, suggesting the usefulness of adopting an institutional perspective. Focused on the possibilities of institutional transplantation, the economic benefits of an importation and a further adaptation of business social innovations, leading companies create adequate forms of realization of business social responsibility (BSR). This research demonstrates that the firm evolution and global trends assign incentives to introduce BSR institutions in organizational behaviour for minimization negative externalities, creation and consolidation reputational capital, maximizing capitalization of brand. The case study highlights a number of contradictions and problems that delay the successful building of managerial strategies to improvement business-government relations, meeting stakeholder expectations and produce customer loyalty.

[Frolov D.P., Shulimova A. A. The evolution of socio-responsible business in developing countries: an institutional perspective. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):562-566] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 99. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.99 


Keywords: firm evolution; business social responsibility; entrepreneurship; corporate management; institution; institutionalization; transplantation; organizational behaviour; social-cause marketing; developing countries; Russia.

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Scientific analogies in institutional economics


Daniil Petrovich Frolov and Anna Viktorovna Lavrentyeva


Volgograd State University, Universitetsky prospect, 100, Volgograd, 400062, Russia


Abstract. The article presents a critical review of physical and biological metaphors in the institutional economic theory. It is proved that physical (including mechanistic) analogies are most adequate for the associative characteristic of a statics and kinetics of institutional systems, and biological – for the figurative description of their evolution. Efficiency of use of metaphors and analogies from the most developed, vanguard areas of natural-science researches is shown.

[Frolov D.P., Lavrentyeva A.V. Scientific analogies in institutional economics. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):567-570] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 100. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.100


Keywords: Metaphors, Institutionalism, Institutions, Path Dependence, Vacuum, Field, Impurities, Niche Construction, Transplantation, Genetics, Evolution.

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Development of database design technique as part of the system of ecological monitoring of urban infrastructure objects


Larissa Gennadievna Gagarina, Aleksandra Igorevna Kononova, Yana Olegovna Teplova, Alexey Vladslavovich Gorodilov, Aleksander Mikhailovich Bain, Oleg Ivanovich Lisov, Victor Georgievich Dorogov, Catherine Georgievna Dorogova


National Research University of Electronic Technology, 4806 passage, 5 , Zelenograd, Moscow, 124498, Russian Federation

 E-mail: yana.teplova@gmail.com


Abstract. The paper dwells on the problem of designing efficient database logical structures to improve the efficiency of processing data queries for solving the tasks of ecological monitoring and industrial ecological control. Computer network of ecological monitoring system with databases is represented as graph. The database design technique is suggested, which respects time characteristics of work as part of the system of ecological monitoring of urban infrastructure objects, based on graph theory.  Implementation of logical database structures, designed taking into account time characteristics of the work, will allow avoiding unreasonably high time costs in information processing and analysis.

[Gagarina L.G., Kononova A.I., Teplova Y.O., Gorodilov A.V., Bain A.M., Lisov O.I., Dorogov V. G., Dorogova C.G. Development of database design technique as part of the system of ecological monitoring of urban infrastructure objects. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):571-573] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 101. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.101


Keywords: ecological monitoring of urban infrastructure objects, ecological monitoring system, monitoring information processing, databases, graph theory.

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The risks of innovation activities in enterprises


Andrey Sergeevich Nechaev, Oksana Victorovna Antipina, Anna Vladimirovna Prokopyeva


Irkutsk State Technical University, Lermontov str, 83, Irkutsk, 664074, Russia Federation


Abstract. Purpose: the risks of an innovative activity are a difficult complex. The workers of the organizations must a have deep economic knowledge to function successfully in a risk sphere. Effective risk management provides enterprise competitiveness in the domestic and international markets and also promotes the increase of the economic and industrial potentials needed for the realization of the state innovative development strategy as a whole. Methods: In the article is used comparative methods and methods of systems analysis. Results: In the article propose the algorithm of the identification and management process risks of enterprises innovative activity. This algorithm allows to estimate the enterprise potential and to use effectively the methods of the risks identification and management in a complex.

[Nechaev A.S., Antipina O.V., Prokopyeva A.V. The risks of innovation activities in enterprises. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):574-575] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 102. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.102


Keywords: risks, innovative activity, enterprises, economic growth

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Risk management for securitization of bank assets


Liudmila Vasilevna Nikolova, Dmitriy Anatolevich Sergeev, Artur Robertovich Omelianenko


St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Politekhnicheskaya street, 29, St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia


Abstract. Bank transactions with securitization use represent a new approach in activity as regards the bank operating credit risks and the borrower pursuing the aim to minimize a payment for credit recourses and to provide necessary inflow of money. In this work the problems of traditional ways of financing are considered, the mechanism of securitization of bank assets is offered as solution to the problem and analyzed from the point of view of profitable approach. Existing ways of quantitative assessment of securitization risks are defined, a new approach on the basis of Wang transformation is offered. Ways and mechanisms of risk management of securitization are analyzed.

[Nikolova L.V., Sergeev D.A., Omelianenko A.R. Risk management for securitization of bank assets. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):576-581] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com 103. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.103


Keywords: securitization, bank assets, innovative model, liquidity, risks of securitization, mechanisms of de-risking, Wang transformation

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Lexicographic codification of phraseological units with the concept “Name” in the modern Yakut language 


Svetlana Mitrofanovna Prokopieva1 and Nikolay Nikolaevich Efremov2 


1North-Eastern Federal University, Belinskogo Street., 58, Yakutsk, 677000, Russia

2Institute of Humanities and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrovskogo Str., 1, Yakutsk, 677027, Russia


Abstract. Expressive and pragmatic potential of phraseological units is a highly complex phenomenon which is always considered as the basic source of figurative means of a language, its figurative   wealth. Heterogeneity and connotative dominance of phraseological semantics allows to fill lacunas of lexical nomination and to denote individual and sets of elements of the conceptual picture of the world. Figurativeness of phraseological units is created by internal structure providing figurative and associative perception of the original frame or situation. Lexicographical codification of phraseological units with the concept “name” of the modern Yakut language is analyzed, structural and semantic characteristics of Yakut phraseological units with the prepositional component represented by the polysemantic noun nаme are considered. Variability of components of phraseological units with the concept “name” is represented by intralingual lexical, quantitative, combined, and dialectic variance. Polysemy is represented by phraseological homonymy.

[Prokopieva S.M., Efremov N.N. Lexicographic codification of phraseological units with the concept “Name” in the modern Yakut language. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):582-586] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 104. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.104


Keywords: phraseological unit, preposition, postposition, semantics, variance, polysemy, homonymy.

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Infestation of horses by the causative agents of gasterophilosis (Diptera: Gasterophilidae): the species composition and the north-eastern border of the area in the Republic (Sakha) of Yakutia of the Russian Federation


Alexander Dmitrievich Reshetnikov, Anastasia Ivanovna Barashkova, Zasim Sidorovich Prokopyev


Yakut Research Institute of Agriculture, Yakutsk, Russian Federation

E-mail: yniicx@mail.ru


Abstract. We have found that the areal of distribution of horses and that of gadflies of the order Gasterophilus don’t match. The northern border of the Yakut herd horses is considerably greater than the spread of gastric gadflies of horses. Boundary of the natural habitat of horses extends to 69-70º N latitude and 156º E longitude, while the border area of natural habitat of gadflies is limited by more southerly areas and extends from 69º N latitude and 146º E longitude. In Central and Western zones an extent of infestation is 100%, in the North-Eastern region it ranges from 100 to 0%. Species composition of gastric gadflies in Central Yakutia is presented by 5 species, and the species is G. intestinalis – 69.5%, G. veterinus – 12.8%, G. pecorum – 13.4%, G. haemorrhoidalis – 3.8% and G. nigricornis – 1.1-1.6%. In West and Northeast regions species composition has 4 types, except the last one.

[Reshetnikov A.D., Barashkova A.I., Prokopyev Z.S. Infestation of horses by the causative agents of gasterophilosis (Diptera: Gasterophilidae): the species composition and the north-eastern border of the area in the Republic (Sakha) of Yakutia of the Russian Federation. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):587-590] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 105. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.105


Keywords: horses, gastric gadflies, habitat, gasterophilosis.

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Specifics of oil pipeline systems’ risks management


Urpash Zhaniyzovna Shalbolova, Saule Meyrbekovna Yegemberdiyeva, Saken Seytkanovich Uderbayev, Madina Abzhalievna Elpanova, Liman Aydarbekovna Kazbekova


The Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Aiteke Bi str., 29-A, Kyzylorda, 120014, Kazakhsnan


Abstract. Some difficulties (risks) that occur in realization of oil pipeline projects may cause undesirable consequences and significantly affects the result. Possibilities of emergency conditions occurrences have been analyzed by authors. Ways, factors of risk situations occurrence in oil-trunk pipelines exploitation have been analyzed. Methods of quantitative risk evaluation have been proposed and methods of oil pipeline systems risks management. Analysis of danger and risk of possible breakdowns has been made and evaluation of breakdowns frequency on pipeline route has been provided. Measures to decrease risks have been proposed to provide reliability and safety of large objects.

[Shalbolova U.Z., Yegemberdiyeva S.M., Uderbayev S.S., Elpanova M.A., Kazbekova L.A. Specifics of oil pipeline systems’ risks management. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):591-594] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 106. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.106 


Keywords: risks, uncertainty, situation, project, evaluation, analysis, management, oil pipeline system, exploitation, oil transportation, safety, oil-trunk pipeline, reduction methods

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The influence of natural bio-correctors of oceanic nature on different data of blood biochemistry of sportsmen


Vyacheslav Grigorievich Tyutyukov, Galina Vladimirovna Safonova, Olga Viktorovna Shakirova

Far-Eastern Federal University, Suhanova Street, 8, Vladivostok, 690091, Russia


Abstract. The results of inverstigation on the evaluation of changing data of blood biochemistry of sportsmen during their training are depicted in the article. The process is characterized by having of food supplements produced from raw materials of oceanic origine.

[Tyutyukov V.G., Safonova G.V., Shakirova O.V. The influence of natural bio-correctors of oceanic nature on different data of blood biochemistry of sportsmen. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):595-597] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 107. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.107 


Keywords: sportsmen nourishment, natural biocorrectors, data of blood biochemistry, work capability (efficiency)

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Tatar SUFI poetry of the XVI-XIX centuries: peculiarities, world models and symbolics


Nurfiya Marsovna Yusupova and Ayrat Faikovich Yusupov


Kazan Federal University, Kremliovskaya str., 18, Kazan, 420008, Russia


Abstract. The article reveals the main national-specific peculiarities of Tatar Sufi poetry of the XVI-XIX centuries. In the course of investigation, the Sufi worldview is reconstructed, functional and artistic meanings of Sufi symbols are revealed at the material of poetic pieces; intratextual connections, existing in the Tatar literature of this period, are determined. Scientific novelty is determined by the alternate approach to the study of oral culture: the Tatar Sufi poetry is studied against the background of reconstruction of Sufi world models, as well as in wide context of Eastern literature and philosophy.

[Yusupova N.M., Yusupov A.F. Tatar SUFI poetry of the XVI-XIX centuries: peculiarities, world models and symbolics Life Sci J 2014;11(11):598-601] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 108. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.108


Keywords: Sufism; Sufi symbolics; specificity; Sufi world models; medieval Tatar poetry.

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Repetition in the structure of Tatar fairytale texts (The device of stringing in chain-type structures) 


Fanzilya Khakimovna Zavgarova, Alsu Damirovna Battalova, Aliya Fanilovna Mukhammatgalieva 


Kazan (Volga) Federal University, Kremlevskaya str., 18, Kazan, 420008, Russia


Abstract. The paper focuses on the analysis of the literary device of repetition, in particular its type called stringing, which manifests itself in a remarkable way in chain-type structures of Tatar fairytale texts. The research subject is meaningful units (links) of a folklore fairytale text and consistent connections between them, which perform the function of organizing a speech act. The paper contains analysis of a considerable body of Tatar fairytales, in which the device of stringing manifests itself in a specific way, besides, an attempt to describe varieties of this type of repetition with consideration of different levels of text research has been made.

[Zavgarova F.K., Battalova A.D., Mukhammatgalieva A.F. Repetition in the structure of Tatar fairytale texts (The device of stringing in chain-type structures). Life Sci J 2014;11(11):602-605] (ISSN:1097-8135).http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 109. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.109


Keywords: folklore text, fairytale, structure, device, repetition, cumulation, chains of stringing, link, type, subject,object, action.

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Methods of assessment of enterprise potential to changes


Svetlana Igorevna Ashmarina, Gabibulla Rabadanovich Khasaev, Anna Sergeevna Zotova


Samara State Economic University, Sovetskoi Armii Street, 141, Samara, 443090, Russia


Abstract. The article investigates main economic trends assessing the enterprise readiness to implement changes such as the methods of enterprise potential assessment, the elements of changes in organization structure, the instruments of overcoming changes resistance. Suggested authentic methodical instruments to assess the possibility, necessity and readiness of economic entities to implement the changes is the result of the authors' research aimed to study specific factors that influence change implementation process.

[Ashmarina S.I., Khasaev G.R., Zotova A.S. Methods of assessment of enterprise potential to changes. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):606-609] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 110. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.110


Keywords: changes; readiness to changes; resource potential; changes necessity

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Modeling of the integrated interaction of the innovation process subjects


Tatyana Valerievna Balabanova, Marina Valentinovna Vladika, Oksana Valerievna Vaganova, Svetlana Alekseevna Kucheryavenko


Belgorod State University, Pobeda Street, 85, Belgorod, 308015, Russian Federation


Abstract. During the research problems related to integrated relationship modeling, it seems to be the most advisable using complex approach to “integration” concept consideration. Within the scope of the presented article, the category “integration” is used as development process, leading to a new type of innovative process subject interaction with the purpose of growth in competitiveness, uncertainty reduction of innovative product commercialization, cost reduction. In connection with that, in the article, there are suggested network modeling algorithm of integrated integration of subjects and evaluation method improvement of integrated relationship efficiency, used for prediction of implemented innovative process efficiency or its inefficiency for suggested model.

[Balabanova T.V., Vladika M.V., Vaganova O.V., Kucheryavenko S.A. Modeling of the integrated interaction of the innovation process subjects. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):610-613] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 111. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.111


Keywords: integration, innovative way of development, subjects of innovative process, evaluation methods of subjects’ interest

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Culture and arts of the Yuan Empire in XIII-XIV centuries


Gulzhan Bedelova1, Moldakhmet Myrzabekov1, Ryskeldy Myrzabekova1, Gulmira Sabdenova1, Dosbol Baigunakov2, Gulzhanar Shulanbekova3


1al-Farabi Kazakh National University, al-Farabi av. 71, Almaty, 050038, Republic of Kazakhstan

2Academy of Law and Economy after U.A.Zholdasbekov, Tauelsizdik str., 77, Taldykorgan, 480009, Republic of Kazakhstan

3Kazakh National Technical University after K.I.Satpayev, Satpaev Street, 22a, Almaty, 050013, Republic of Kazakhstan


Abstract. In XIII-XIV centuries, Emperor Kublai Khan of the Yuan Empire provided special attention to artists, about whose work their enlightened contemporaries talk as about a "revolution" in the art of the time. In this period, culture including pictorial skill as such had not disappeared; it rather turned into a different quality, as it happened with the culture of Yuan period as a whole. The time of Mongol domination was not accompanied by a weakening of the high spiritual tension in Chinese culture: when else, as not in a period of unrest, wars and external pressure a culture suffers not only a shock, but the ultimate spiritual tension? It’s more accurate to say that the Mongol time a new system of priorities turned up. For example, the Yuan period easel painting undergoing changes in the level of concentration is often really inferior to its predecessor – Sung painting, as she sometimes is inferior in this respect to its contemporary – Buddhist bronze plastic, that perhaps more adequately expressed the aspirations of the Mongol era with their qualitative novelty.

[Bedelova G., Myrzabekov M., Myrzabekova R., Sabdenova G., Baigunakov D., Shulanbekova G. Culture and arts of the Yuan Empire in XIII-XIV centuries. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):614-618] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 112. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.112 


Keywords: Culture, art, Empire, Yuan Empire, Mongols, China, painting

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Experimental study of correction of addictive behavior of teenagers in the Internet environment


Rezida Akhatovna Fahrutdinova, Iskander Engelevich Yarmakeev, Rifat Rifovich Fahrutdinov


Kazan Federal University, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Kremlyovskaya Street,18, Kazan, 420008, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation


Abstract. This article performs a theoretical justification of problem of teenagers’ addictive behavior in Internet environment. The authors of the work represent a multiple number of psychological and pedagogical researches of modern schoolchildren’s addictive behavior manifestation. The scientific research includes the careful analysis of domestic and foreign investigators on this problem. Theoretical provisions of research are confirmed with experimental work results. Within a pilot study the authors have managed to realize its purpose of theoretical justification and experimental study of correction of teenagers’ addictive behavior in Internet environment.

[Fahrutdinova R.A., Yarmakeev I.E., Fahrutdinov R.R. Experimental study of correction of addictive behavior of teenagers in the Internet environment. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):619-625] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 113. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.113 


Keywords: Internet-addiction, Internet environment, addictive behavior, prevention, correction and pilot study

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Human capital contribution into innovation progress: world experience


T.V. Kasaeva1, N.N. Kiseleva2, N.Y. Rud2


1Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Kalinina str., 9, Pyatigorsk, 357500, Stavropolsky krai, Russian Federation

2North Caucases Federal University, Matveeva str., 35b, Pyatigorsk, 357500, Stavropolsky krai, Russian Federation

E-mail: Kasaeva@pglu.ru


Abstract. The article deals with the evaluation of different approaches to the human capital notion, the features of state policy in a number of developing and developed states based on foreign and home research. The approaches are aimed at stimulating human capital in order to stimulate the innovation activity. The article shows the use of concrete program measures of stimulating the human capital development by the innovation capital leaders aimed at stimulating the human capital to encourage innovation progress (benefits, financial support, measures of effective interaction between science and production). Particular attention is paid to the experience of some developing countries (china, India, South Korea) in preventing the «brain outflow» and in attracting both international and home ‘intelligence” into the national economy (remigration).

[Kasaeva T.V., Kiseleva N.N., Rud N.Y. Human capital contribution into innovation progress: world experience. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):626-629] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 114. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.114 


Keywords: human capital, human capital theory, investment into human capital, innovations, industrial parks, business incubators, start-up-companies, reemigration

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Intrauterine leptospirosis in cattle


Gulnur Berikovna Kuzembekova, Zhumagul Slyambekovna Kirkimbayeva, Kadir Biyashevich Biyashev, Amangeldi Zamanovich Maulanov, Oric Orazimanovna Zhanserkenova, Shinar Nikolaevna Kassymbekova


Kazakh National Agrarian University, Abaya 26, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan


Abstract. Cases of abortion in cattle were observed in March and April 2010 at the farm in South Kazakhstan region, Sairam district. The number of aborted cows was 11. The abortions were observed in the second half of the pregnancy. Serological test of serum from 95 cattle, breed "Kazakh white", aged from 1 to 5 years, 24 samples showed positive results to serogroups: L. hebdomonas (13), L. icterohaemorrhagiae (8), L. sejroe (3). During the study of urine samples by PCR analysis positive result was observed in 29 animals. As a result of bacteriological examination we isolated pure culture of Leptospira from the 1st aborted fetus.For passive immunization and treatment sick animals received hyperimmune serum against leptospirosis of farm animals with streptomycin. For an active immunization all heads of cattle were vaccinated with polyvalent vaccine against leptospirosis of farm animals. We performed disinfestation in the farm. The course of the treatment and prevention measures taken in this sector were effective.

[Kuzembekova G.B., Kirkimbayeva Z.S., Biyashev K.B., Maulanov A.Z., Zhanserkenova O.O., Kassymbekova S.N. Intrauterine leptospirosis in cattle. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):630-634] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 115. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.115


Keywords: Leptospirosis, abortion, cattle

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Health-saving culture as a factor of human capital reproduction at the enterprise


T. Lepikhina and Y. Karpovich


Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Komsomolski ave, 29, Perm, Russia


Abstract. Health as an element of the human capital structure is considered in the issue, which is, in turn, is the basis for the formation processes of the intellectual and creative resources in the country. Factors and conditions of health protection services are analyzed. Factors of individual health-saving behavior  are determined, and the necessity of health saving mental model formation in Perm region is proved. An attempt to identify functions and responsibilities for the preservation of the population health of all three subjects in the economic system: the state, firms, households is made.

[Lepikhina T., Karpovich Y. Health-saving culture as a factor of human capital reproduction at the enterprise. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):635-638] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 116. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.116 


Keywords: institute of health, health saving behavior, unfavourable working conditions, formal and informal factors of the institute of health

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The concept of a person in the literature of the twentieth century (on the problem statement)


Elena Michailovna Luludova1,2, Kunimzhan Sadirkyzy Abdykalyk1,2, Gibadat Amanzholovna Orynchanova1,2,  Kenzhehan Turapbekovna Medeubaeva1,2


1Saint-Petersburg Humanitarian University of Union, Almaty city, Kazakhstan

2Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, Almaty city, Kazakhstan


Abstract. A man of the twentieth century is a man in a state of making a choice. The central problem is truly the problem of the human figure, whose image is extremely ambivalent in the Holy relics and on posters expressing, in reality, two concepts of people. Images of foreign literature of the twentieth century is the mirror reflecting the reality, as well as images either masking the absence of reality, or deforming the already existing reality. They acquire the meaning of a symbol, which includes the idea of perfection of the world, the presence of divine origin, and also embody the idea of pettiness of human and the surrounding reality. Due to the contrast of values inside the image and the ironic and often tragic modality of narration, there arise ambivalently semantically dual images; the space becomes the focus of the three-dimensional from the two-dimensional which is an important component of the mythical-poetical system of foreign literature of the twentieth century.

[Luludova E.M., Abdykalyk K.S., Orynchanova G.A.,  Medeubaeva K.T. The concept of a person in the literature of the twentieth century (on the problem statement). Life Sci J 2014;11(11):639-643] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 117. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.117 


Keywords: man, literature, personality, Philology, poetics

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Large-eddy simulation of flow structure after a bluff-body flameholder with different chemical kinetics mechanisms


Sergey Gennadyevich Matveev and Ivan Alexandrovich Zubrilin


Samara State Aerospace University, Moskovskoye shosse, 34, Samara, 443086, Russia


Abstract. The majority of modern power generating systems operates on a principle of fuel combustion in turbulent flow. A design and a final adjustment of that kind of products often involve use of methods of computational fluid dynamics. In the last decades, large eddy simulation (LES) proved its efficiency in a solution of turbulent flows' simulation problems. That method is more versatile in comparison with RANS and requires less computing resources and time than direct numerical simulation method. The process of combustion, in a case of an implementation of methods of computational fluid dynamics, can be described using global oxidation reactions of fuel, as well as with a use of detailed kinetic mechanisms. In the presented study, results of calculations of flow after flameholder in a case of an implementation of LESmethod with kinetic mechanisms of chemical reactions of varied number of reactions are presented and analyzed. At the first stage, a calculation of flow without combustion was conducted, a sub-grid viscosity model is selected, which most accurately describes flow characteristics, such as axial velocity and gas flow through a recirculation zone. Further, combustion of pre-prepared mixture of a stoichiometric composition was simulated, using a one-, two- and multiple-step kinetic mechanisms of chemical reactions. Results showed that in a case of an implementation of one- and two-step mechanisms flame flashback is appearing, which was not registered during experimental studies. At the final stage a capability to predict lean blow-out of flame was studied. It is shown, that one and two step reaction mechanisms predict lean blow-out of flame in a case of an equivalent ratio leaner, then it was obtained during the experiment. The value of an equivalent ratio of lean blow-out of flame in a case of multi-step mechanism use proved to be much closer to the experimental value.

[Matveev S.G., Zubrilin I.A. Large-eddy simulation of flow structure after a bluff-body flameholder with different chemical kinetics mechanisms. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):644-649] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 118. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.118 


Keywords: flаmehоlder, соmputаtiоnаl fluid dynamics, RANS, large eddy simulation

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Numerical simulation of an influence of a compressor and a turbine on characteristics of a combustion chamber of a small-sizes gas turbine engine


Mikhail Y. Orlov and Sergey S. Matveev


Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU), Moskovskoye shosse, 34, Samara, 443086, Russia

E-mail: adler65@mail.ru


Abstract. The objective of the presented study is an investigation of gas turbine engine's (GTE) combustion chamber (CC) characteristics with a consideration of a compressor and a turbine by means of numerical simulation. Combustion chamber of GTE determines its basic characteristics, therefore, an accurate calculation of its operating procedure is of great importance. However, nowadays, an accuracy of combustion chambers' calculation is limited by a number of factors. In particular, those are problems associated with the correct setting of operation parameters at an inlet and an exhaust of a combustion chamber. At the time of beginning of a combustion chamber's calculation, data on nature of parameters' change after a compressor is often unknown. Therefore, as a general rule, researchers specify them in a form of a uniform distribution over a cross-section. At the same time, the way how it influences combustion chamber's characteristics is unknown. The same can be said about parameters at a turbine's inlet. A verification by means of numerical simulation of a presence or an absence of an influence of parameters' distribution after or before a compressor on a combustion chamber's characteristics is impeded by a need to ensure a harmonization of geometric and grid models of calculated areas, as well as by a number of conditions, such as a harmonization of revolutions of rotors of a turbine and a compressor. In the presented study the objective of an investigation of an influence of parameters after a compressor and before a turbine on CC characteristics was achieved in a consecutive manner. Initially, a calculation was performed for a combustion chamber with a specified input and output parameters in a form of diagrams with average values of parameters. As a results, basic characteristics of a combustion chamber are obtained. It is established, that taking into account a turbine and a compressor changes a distribution of parameters in a combustion chamber and influences its performance. On a basis of results of the conducted study, a new methodology for a design of a combustion chamber is proposed.

[Orlov M.Y., Matveev S.S. Numerical simulation of an influence of a compressor and a turbine on characteristics of a combustion chamber of a small-sizes gas turbine engine. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):650-654] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 119. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.119


Keywords: Combustion chamber, gas turbine engine, technical characteristics, the numerical simulation

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Research on the influence of music on human and society in the works of V.M.Bekhterev: becoming of music psychology in Russia


Ekaterina Markovna Orlova


Moscow State Pedagogical University, Pirogovskaya Str., 1/1 M, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


Abstract. Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927) - an outstanding Russian scientist, physician  and psychologist. After graduating from high school in Vyatka in 1873 VM Bekhterev enters the Medico-Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg and graduated from it in 1878. Upon completion of the Academy of V.M. Bekhterev won the competition and was sent on a scientific mission to Europe. Abroad scientist worked in the laboratories and clinics of leading European scientists (K. Westphal, P. Flechsig, K. Ludwig, J. Charcot, W. Wundt). Upon returning from a scientific V.M. Bekhterev was appointed professor and chair of psychiatry at Kazan University. He also opened in Russia first experimental psychophysiological laboratory at the University of Kazan in 1885. V.M. Bekhterev saw a serious need to develop an objective method for the study of personality and development of a comprehensive doctrine of man.

[Orlova E.M. Research on the influence of music on human and society in the works of V.M.Bekhterev: becoming of music psychology in Russia. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):655-657] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 120. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.120 


Keywords: music, therapeutic, educational, sanitary and social importance of music, musical psychology, music therapy, art, personality

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Scientific and research activities: evaluation criteria, development prospects (based on the activities of the Federal State Government-financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Orel State University”)


Elena Nikolaevna Puzankova, Elena Fedorovna Dudina, Elena Aleksandrovna Hovanskaya, Maria Aleksandrovna Soboleva, Andrey Viktorovich Trishkin


Federal State Government-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Orel State University”, Komsomolskaya St., 95, Orel, 302026, Russia


Abstract. The paper focuses on the importance of establishing a unified system (content structure) of reporting on the research work of a faculty, a department (laboratory), a research institute, a research center, a research and education center of the Federal State Government-financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Orel State University”. Taking into account the organization of university research activities, the authors analyze the implementation of the system.

[Puzankova E.N., Dudina E.F., Hovanskaya E.A., Soboleva M.A., Trishkin A.V. Scientific and research activities: evaluation criteria, development prospects (based on the activities of the Federal State Government-financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Orel State University”). Life Sci J 2014;11(11):658-663] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 121. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.121 


Keywords: scientific research, database, report structure

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Comprehensive evaluation of gas producing companies in the sphere of energy saving


Larisa Nikolayevna Rudneva and Olga Mikhailovna Starovoitova


Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Volodarskogo Street, 38, Tyumen, 625000, Russia


Abstract. A multilevel system of indicators to assess the effectiveness of energy consumption in the gas producing companies is formed. The methodical approach to the evaluation of a gas producing company in the field of energy conservation reflecting the management and production aspects of energy use is proposed. The criterion scale systematizing complex index of energy-saving activities is developed.

[Rudneva L.N., Starovoitova O.M. Comprehensive evaluation of gas producing companies in the sphere of energy saving. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):664-666] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 122. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.122 


Keywords: energy saving, energy conservation, energy efficiency, regression models, integrated assessment

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The K.E. Shannon and L. Floridi's amount of information


Victor Yakovlevich Tsvetkov


Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation MGTU MIREA, Vernadsky Prospekt, 78, Moscow, 119454, Russia


Abstract. Paper compares the estimates of the information amount using the K.E. Shannon L. Floridi's approaches. The difference in these approaches to the content of the term information is shown. The concept of "information design" as an extension of the term "communication" is introduced. The difference in the assessment of the Shannon L. Florida's informativeness is shown. The difference between the concepts of "not knowing" and "ignorance" is shown. It is shown that clear characteristics' values are specified by point numeric values. It is shown that nonclear characteristics' values are designated by interval numerical values. The significance of information units for the interpretation of information structures is revealed. The Shannon massages' range equivalence condition of one meaningful massage by L. Floridi is given. It is shown that the theory of Shannon defines the area that should be called "statistical information theory". It is shown that the L. Floridi's approach defines foundations of the semantic information theory.

[Tsvetkov V.Y. The K.E. Shannon and L. Floridi's amount of information. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):667-671] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 123. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.123 


Keywords: information, information construction, the amount of information, information theory, statistical information theory, semantic theory of information, informativeness, informative measurability, information units

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Development of future pedagogues’ professional competence of a pre-school educational establishment in the sphere of literary education of pre-school children


Nataliya Valentinovna Vinokurova and Oksana Vladimirovna Mazurenko


Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute after M.E. Evseviev, Studencheskaya Street, 11a, Saransk, 430007, Russia


Abstract. The given article considers the problem of perfecting professional competence of a future pedagogue of pre-school establishment in the sphere of literary education. There have been analyzed innovatory conceptions relying on the ideas of transprofessional, interprofessional and multiprofessional students’ training. The necessity of partly using the ideas of transprofessional education in the process of training future pedagogues of a pre-school educational institution in the sphere of pre-school children’s literary education has been revealed and grounded. As a research task there has been made an attempt to suggest and theoretically ground a complex of practical and pedagogic conditions defining scientific, program and methodic, pithy components of future pedagogues’ preschool professional training in the sphere of pre-school children’s literary education.

[Vinokurova N.V., Mazurenko O.V. Development of future pedagogues’ professional competence of a pre-school educational establishment in the sphere of literary education of pre-school children. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):672-675] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 124. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.124 


Keywords: professional competence, a future pedagogue, a preschool educational institution, literary training, pre-school age

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Genesis of the Russia’s economy innovative development


Marina Valentinovna Vladika, Tatiana Valerievna Balabanova, Oksana Valerievna Vaganova, Svetlana Alekseevna Kucheryavenko, Svetlana Nikolaevna Stepanenko


Belgorod State University, Pobeda Street, 85, Belgorod, 308015, Russian Federation


Abstract. The innovative development of economy in Russia is possible only if the way of development will be based on the objective basic components, i.e. the corresponding system of premises and factors determining the innovative process. Namely the latter ensure a transformation of the fundamental processes into the application ones, as well as the dynamic development of the economy under the new trends and patterns influence.

[Vladika M.V., Balabanova T.V., Vaganova O.V., Kucheryavenko S.A., Stepanenko S.N. Genesis of the Russia’s economy innovative development. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):676-680] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 125. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.125 


Keywords: Structuring Priority Areas, Intensification, Innovation, Innovative organization, Innovation process

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Event-calendar: event as the basis of the territory tourist attractiveness


Ekaterina Valerievna Agamirova, Elizaveta Valerievna Agamirova, Tatiana Alekseevna Adashova, Tatiana Mikhailovna Valkova, Natalia Viktorovna Kosareva, Viktoria Vladimirovna Lapochkina


Institute for Tourism and Hospitality Russia, Kronshtadsky bulvar, 32, Moscow, Russian Federation


Abstract. This article considers the role and place of the event-calendar in the territory development. An event is displayed as an important category to form the tourism product and the tourist attraction. The authors describe the principles of formation and the possible options for the event-calendar structure. Based on the analysis of event calendars of different countries, the authors offer recommendations for the staged creation of territorial event-calendar.

[Agamirova E.V., Agamirova E.V., Adashova T.A., Valkova T.M., Kosareva N.V., Lapochkina V.V. Event-calendar: event as the basis of the territory tourist attractiveness. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):687-689] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 126. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.126


Keywords: Event tourism, event-calendar, event, territorial event-calendar creation, territory promotion

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Studying the polymorphism of different Agrimonia L. populations growing in the south-eastern Kazakhstan


A.N. Kaliyeva1, G.U. Dyuskalieva1, A. Newsome2, R.K. Zhexembiyev1, M.S. Kurmanbayeva1, A.K. Mussaeva1


1Department of Biology, Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, Aiteke bi str., 99, Almaty, 050000, Republic of Kazakhstan

2Mississippi Valley State University, Itta Bena, USA


Abstract. There are various methods of genetic marking aimed at preserving and expanding the gene pool of plants which are of medical or agricultural importance and at the genetic monitoring of their natural population. The RAPD analysis can be a kind of rapid method for detecting a genetic polymorphism and genomic marking in population research. The results showed that each species of Agrimonia L. under analysis is at a considerable genetic distance (more than 0.4). This is an evidence of significant differences between them. The RAPD revealed a high level of intraspecific polymorphism in different populations of Agrimonia asiatica Juz. and the considerable distinctions of their DNA-profiles versus another species Agrimonia pilosa Ldb.

[Kaliyeva A.N., Dyuskalieva G.U., Newsome A., Zhexembiyev R.K., Kurmanbayeva M.S., Mussaeva A.K. Studying the polymorphism of different Agrimonia L. populations growing in the south-eastern Kazakhstan. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):690-692] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 127. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.127


Keywords: Agrimonia L., population, RAPD analysis, amplification, primers, genomic DNA

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Limit state of anisotropic rock massif near a mine opening


Murat Yeskaliyev1, Zhazira Kozhamkulova1, Arkady Vasiljevich Leontiev2, Moldir Chanbaeva1, Anar Sultangazieva1


1Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, Aiteke bi str., 99, Almaty, 0500108, Kazakhstan

2Chinakal Institute of Mining of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Krasny ave, 54, Novosibirsk, 630091, Russian Federation


Abstract. We consider approximated solution of elasticoplastic problem close to a cavity in laminated (layered) massif with the assumptions that in elastic zone the massif is anisotropic and obeys the generalized Hooke's law, and the inelastic zone is modeled as an isotropic medium. The problem is approximately solved using the P.I. Perlin's method involving an iterative scheme. A system of algebraic equations has been created for finding unknown coefficients of complex potential. For the same elastic parameters of anisotropy, comparison is shown of dimensions of the inelastic deformation zone for various conditions of plasticity near a mining opening of the same depth.

[Yeskaliyev M., Kozhamkulova Z., Leontiev A.V., Chanbaeva M., Sultangazieva A. Limit state of anisotropic rock massif near a mine opening. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):693-700] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 128. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.128


Keywords: anisotropic rock massif, elasticoplastic problem, Hooke's law, P.I. Perlin's method

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Influence of degree of density on growth rate and yield of oil-bearing flax under the conditions of South-Eastern Kazakhstan


Yalknjan Sadirovich Abdrakhmanov1, Serik Auelbekovich Orazbaev1, Кenzhe Мambetоvna Еrzhanova1, Radka Ivanova2


1Kazakh National Agrarian University, Abaya Avenue, 8, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan

2Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria


Abstract. The article presents data on the study of average influence of degree of density on growth rate and yield of oil-bearing flax under the conditions of South-Eastern Kazakhstan in 2012-2013. According to the results of the investigation we stated that the oil-bearing flax was most productive when sowing with planting width of 45 cm and seeding rate of 4.0 million units/ga. In this case the yield was 22.4 dt/ga, which is 2.7-3.1 dt/ga higher than in other variants.

[Abdrakhmanov Y.S., Orazbaev S.A., Еrzhanova К.М., Ivanova R. Influence of degree of density on growth rate and yield of oil-bearing flax under the conditions of South-Eastern Kazakhstan. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):701-703] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 129. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.129


Keywords: oil-bearing flax, seeding rate, yield, plant height, degree of density

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Development of gifted children`s social competencies: German and Russian experience


Yekaterina Sergeyevna Cherepanova and Yekaterina Anatol’evna Batyuta


Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Mira Street, 19, Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation


Abstract. Reviewing studies on gifted children social competencies, it has been postulated that adults usually offer a proper vocational guidance to children. This paper argues that this stance neglects prospects and young people potential in developing gifted children social competencies. The paper exploits cultural and philosophical anthropology to reveal the role played by younger instructors in prompting the successful behavior and the right future career choice. A parallel is drawn between the “Successful Enrollee’s School” in Russia and “The Academy of Schoolchildren” in Germany, both of the programs offer an opportunity for gifted children to consider their life choices and to form, if necessary, their social competencies with the help of university students, postgraduates and young instructors.

[Cherepanova Y.S., Batyuta Y.A. Development of gifted children`s social competencies: German and Russian experience. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):704-708] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 130. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.130


Keywords: social competencies, gifted children, vocational guidance, teenager, self-determination, psychological and social development of a child

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Fecal Calprotectin: A Novel Screening Marker for Diagnosis of Gut Flora Associated Complications in Cirrhotic Patients


Sherif Monier Mohamed (MD) (1), Nevine Ibrahim Musa (MD) (1), Ashraf Albreedy (MD) (2), Sally Mohamed Saber (MD)(3)


Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology Department (1), Tropical Medicine Department (2) - Clinical pathology department (3) - Faculty of Medicine - Ain Shams University- Cairo –Egypt



Abstract: Background and Aims: The gut flora and bacterial translocation play an important role in the pathogenesis of certain complications of cirrhosis as hepatic encephalopathy (HE), spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) and Hepatorenal syndrome(HRS). Diagnosis of these complications continues to be a major clinical problem. Calprotectin is a cytosolic protein with immunmodulatory, antimicrobial and antiproliferative action that is predominantly found in neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages as well as in T and B lymphocytes. The measurement of fecal calprotectin (FC) level is a sensitive and non-invasive marker that determines an active inflammation in the gastroin­testinal system. The aim of this study was to study the diagnostic value of FC as a predictor for certain complications in cirrhotic patients as HE, SBP and HRS. Patients and Methods: This study included 100 subjects.They were divided into five groups: 20 healthy subjects as a control, 20 patients with liver cirrhosis without complications, 20 patients with SBP, 20 patients with HE and 20 patients with HRS. All studied groups were subjected to full history taking, complete clinical examination and routine laboratory investigations and microbiological analysis of ascetic fluid. Fecal calprotectin concentration was measured (by ELISA). Results: Fecal calprotectin concentrations were higher in cirrhotics (76+15 mg/kg) compared with controls (31.2+9 mg/kg) (P<0.001). Comparison between HE(364+83 mg/kg ), SBP (273+42 mg/kg)and HRS(450+5 mg/kg) groups as regard FC showed statistically highly significant difference (P<0.001). Comparison between cirrhotic(76+15 mg/kg),low grade HE(239+19 mg/kg) and High grade HE (489+23mg/kg)groups as regard FC showed statistically highly significant difference (P<0.001). Fecal calprotectin had sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 60% in prediction of HE with PPV and NPV of 67% and 94% respectively at cut off value of 280mg/kg with AUC of 0.72, on the other hand FC had sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 43% with PPV and NPV of 50% and 96% respectively at cut off value 190mg/kg with AUC of 0.47in prediction of SBP group. As regard HRS group, FC had sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 88% with PPV and NPV of 90% and 97% respectively at cut off value of 340mg/kg with AUC of 0.94. Conclusions and Recommendations: FC was significantly elevated in cirrhotic patients with significant correlation emerged between elevated FC and complications as HE, SBP and HRS. And we recommend the use FC as a promising, simple, non-invasive and rapid screening test to make a diagnosis of these complications.

[Sherif Monier Mohamed, Nevine Ibrahim Musa, Ashraf Albreedy, Sally Mohamed Saber. Fecal Calprotectin: A Novel Screening Marker for Diagnosis of Gut Flora Associated Complications in Cirrhotic Patients. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):709-717] (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 131. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.131


Keywords: Fecal calprotectin, liver cirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and hepatorenal syndrome.

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Determination of Stem Cells in Hepatobiliary System during Gestation


A. Ali1 1, M. Ashgan ², S. Karim ², F.Alqudsi ²


1 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.

² Biology Departments, Faculty of Science, King Abdul-Aziz University, KAU, Jeddah.



ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to understand mouse embryonic liver development in order to provide important insights into treatments and preventative strategies for human pediatric liver disease.Also, the current study was performed to determine whether the hematopoietic cell markers, such as CD34, were co-expressed by oval cells by using immunohistochemical stain. 13- and 16-days of gestation were used (where the time of conception is designated as E0.5) to illustrate the main developmental events including structures and cell morphology of the liver by light and electron microscope with particular reference to especial type of stem cells (oval cells).Sections revealed that liver hematopoiesis reached a peak from E13 to 16-days of gestation. At E 13 the liver hepatoblasts were arranged as hepatic cords where at E 16 the hepatocyte volume and number increased.The portal space was represented only as vein and bile duct till E16.During gestation, hepatocytes had short profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum, small ill-defined mitochondria and large amount of ribosomes. By using CD34+ antibody, it was shown that large amounts of candidate liver stem cells with high purity phenotypically were labeled and defined by CD+34 and their amount decreased with aging. The present results had led to a reasonably detailed picture that derived the presence of stem cells as well as differentiation of the different hepatic cell types during gestation period.

[A. Ali, M. Ashgan, S. Karim, F. Alqudsi. Determination of Stem Cells in Hepatobiliary System during Gestation. Life Sci J 2014; 11(11):718-726]. (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 132. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.132


Key words: stem cells, embryonic liver, mice, histology, histoimmunology

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Clinical curative effect observation of stellate ganglion block treatment on shoulder-hand syndrome


Shuqiao Qin1,2, Yuming Xu1, Xi Zeng2


1 Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, Henan Province, China

2 The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450043, Henan Province, China



Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the clinical curative effect of stellate ganglion block(SGB) on shoulder-hand syndrome (SHS) treatment. Methods: A total of 56 cases are selected, and according to the random number table, they are equally divided into control group with routine rehabilitation treatment and experimental group with stellate ganglion block treatment based on routine rehabilitation treatment. The visual analogue scale (VAS) and upper limb simplification Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) which is used to evaluate upper limb motor function, are conducted before the operation and 14 days after the operation. Results: 14 days after the operation, the condition of two groups are both better than that before operation, the VAS decreases significantly (P<0.01), and the upper limb simplification FMA improves significantly (P<0.01). There is significant difference between the two groups (P<0.01). Conclusion: The curative effect of tellate ganglion block (SGB) on shoulder-hand syndrome (SHS) treatment is accurate, and there are few adverse reactions, therefore, it is worthy of being generalized.

[Shuqiao Qin, Yuming Xu, Xi Zeng. Clinical curative effect observation of stellate ganglion block treatment on shoulder-hand syndrome. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):727-731]. (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 133. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.133


Key Words: stellate ganglion block; stroke; shoulder-hand syndrome

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Analysis of the Hot Forging Process Parameters of CCM Alloy for Medical Device


Chyouhwu Huang 1, H.-S. Chen 1*, Sainbuyan Natsagdorj1, J.-C. Hsiung1, J.-N. Lee1


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cheng Shiu University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 83347, R.O.C.

E-mail: hschen@csu.edu.tw


Abstract: Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum (CCM) alloy has been widely used in orthopedic implant materials due to its good mechanical properties, abrasion resistance and excellent corrosion resistance. Hot forging manufacturing process is the primary method for the forming of CCM alloy in current industry. To understanding the effect of preheat temperature of the hot forging process for CCM alloy on the materials property, we evaluated the preheat temperature range based on performance requirement of the orthopedic implant product, focus on the effect of forge preheat temperature upper/lower temperature limit to the mechanical property, hardness and microstructure. Through mechanical property testing, hardness testing and microstructure observation to analyze the effect of high/low temperature to Co-Cr-MO alloy, to find out the optimal preheat temperature for C0-Cr-Mo ally hot forge. [Chyouhwu Huang, H.-S. Chen, Sainbuyan Natsagdorj, J.-C. Hsiung, J.-N. Lee. Analysis of the Hot Forging Process Parameters of CCM Alloy for Medical Device. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):732-736]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 134. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.134


Keywords: CCM alloy, Hot forging, Preheat temperature, Orthopedic implant materials, Homogenization heat treatment


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The Study of Wear Resistance of the Artificial Knee Joint


J.-C. Hsiung1, G.H. Tan1, H.-J Tzeng2, H.-S. Chen1, H.-K. Kung1


1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cheng Shiu University

2 Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology

E-mail: jchsiung@csu.edu.tw


Abstract: In aging society, the artificial knee replacement become increasingly common, however wear of the artificial knee components will happen after long-term use, which thus gives rise to other problems, or even failure. This research mainly aims at analyzing the wear of these artificial components and evaluating the cryogenic treatment for wear resistance. Wear analysis focuses on in-vitro measurements. The in-vitro measurement can be accomplished by AMTI Force5 wear testing machine in accordance with ISO 14243 standard. Then the cryogenic treatment was utilized to compare the wear performance of components with and without this treatment. The in-vitro wear testing results indicate that AMTI Force5 wear tester in accordance with ISO 14243 standard is more practical and widely accepted by customers, which is useful for in-vitro wear measurement. In addition, the results show that the cryogenic treatment can significantly enhance the wear resistance.

[J.-C. Hsiung, G.H. Tan, H.-J Tzeng, H.-S. Chen, H.-K. Kung. The Study of Wear Resistance of the Artificial Knee Joint. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):737-741]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 135. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.135


Keywords: Wear Artificial knee joint AMTI Force5 ISO 14243 Cryogenic treatment

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Performance of Some Wheat Genotypes Affected By Different Nitrogen, Potassium and Zinc Foliar Applications


Abd El-azeem K. Salem1,2 and Abdullah A. Al-Doss1


1Plant Production Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

2Field Crops Research Department, National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt



Abstract: For increasing wheat grain yield and protein content for human nutrition, two field experiments were conducted at Dirab Experimental and Research Station, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, for two seasons 2011 and 2012. Four wheat varieties were used in this study. These included the recommended cultivar (YecoraRojo), as well as two advanced lines selected from the wheat breeding program at the Plant Production Department (KSU 105 and L11-21) and the variety Pavon 76 were derived from CIMMYT program. The experimental design was split- plot design with three replications. Varieties were assigned to the main plots and five foliar application treatments: control, N (3 % Urea), K(2 % K2O), Zn (0.5 % ZnSO4.H2O) and mix of 3 % urea +2 % K2O +0.5 % ZnSO4H2O were assigned to the sub- plots. Results showed that the newly selected promising lines KSU105 gave the highest plant height, number of spikes /m2, 1000 kernel weight, grain yield, biologicalyield and grain protein content. On the other hand the promising lines L11 -21 had the highest spike length and spike weight. All foliar applicationshad significant improvements for all characterscomparing with the control. The best significant nutrient foliar treatment was the mixture of N, K, and Zn spray. The highest grain yield and protein content was achieved from the selected promising lines KSU 105 under the mixed foliar application(N+ K+Zn).

[Abd El-azeem K. Salem and Abdullah A. Al-Doss. Performance of Some Wheat Genotypes Affected By Different Nitrogen, Potassium and Zinc Foliar Applications. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):742-748]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 136. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.136


Key words: wheat varieties, foliar application, N. K. Zn, Grain yield

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The Effect Of Childhood Trauma Life On Self-Esteem In School Of Health Students In A Province Of Western Turkey


Canan Baydemır1, Ayfer Acıkgoz2, Dilek Derınce3, Yeliz Kaya2, Esen Ongun2, Hülya Kok2


1 Department of Biostatistics, Medical Faculty, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli 41380 TURKEY

2 Department of Nursing,  Health Sciences School, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir 26480 TURKEY 

3 Department of Nursing,  Health Sciences School, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University, Bilecik 11000 TURKEY 



Abstract: The main purpose of this study determine the childhood trauma life and relation of trauma life with self-esteem in nursing students. This study was carried out on 346 nursing students in a school of health in September 23-27, 2013 in Eskisehir, Turkey. The tools used for data collection were personal information form, Childhood Trauma Life Questionnaire (CTQ), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Before collecting the data, necessary permissions were obtained. Data were analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 statistical package program. Male students were found to experience more to childhood trauma life and have lower self-esteem compared to the female students. The CTQ scores were higher and self-esteem was lower in students reporting to have a poor family income level compared to other students. The family types other than nuclear family type, high number of siblings and having an authoritarian father were found to be effective on experiencing to more childhood trauma life. The correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between CTQ and RSES scores (p<0.05), with increasing RSES scores with increased CTQ scores. As a result, it is of great importance to organize education programs through social media about the traumatic events and their harmful effects experienced during growing of the children.

[Baydemir C, Acikgoz A, Derince D, Kaya Y, Ongun E, Kok H. The Effect Of Childhood Trauma Life On Self-Esteem In School Of Health Students In A Province Of Western Turkey. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):749-757]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 137. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.137


Key words: Self-esteem, coping attitudes, childhood trauma life, nursing, student

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Problems facing Female students during their Practical Training In Najran University -Radiology Department-KSA


Maha Esmeal Ahmed, Rehab Hussein Alkair


Department of Radiological Sciences, Najran University-Applied Medical College, KSA-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

maha_esmeal@yahoo.com & rehabhussien1@hotmail.com


Abstract: Practical training is a key factor to enhance the efficiency and expertise of the work force. This study was descriptive analytic study, the purpose of this study was to find and describe if there is current problems facing Najran university radiology department- female students during their practical training or not. The research paper is accomplished on a basis of the problem facing training in the planning stage, implementation stage and the general problems faced by training institution. Questionnaire was used for the study with 12 research questions guided the study and simple random sample was used. A sample size of 43 students was selected from Najran university radiology department female students. The study revealed that Najran university radiology department are well equipped with the request practical skills for the job market and the campaign about the benefits of technical experience. 100% of the students agreed about the importance of the practical training, 98% of the students cleared that their practical experience help them in developing their abilities and 90% of the student agreed that they were able to apply critical thinking during practical and they have ability to collaborate effectively with colleagues for the benefit of the patient. According to that, currently there is no critical problems facing Najran university radiology department female students.

[Maha Esmeal Ahmed, Rehab Hussein Alkair. Problems facing Female students during their Practical Training In Najran University -Radiology Department-KSA. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):758-763]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 138. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.138


Keywords: Female student, Practical training, problems, implementation, planning

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Enhancement of Maize Growth Using Some Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Under Laboratory Conditions


Omar A. Almaghrabi1, Abdelmoneim T. S.1,2*, Hassan M. Albishri3 and Tarek A. A. Moussa1,4


1Biology Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 15758, Jeddah 21454, Saudi Arabia; 2Department of Agricultural Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University, P.O. Box 41522, Ismailia, Egypt; 3Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 15758, Jeddah 21454, Saudi Arabia; 4Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza12613, Egypt



Abstract: Thirty one bacterial isolates were isolated and identified in nine genera, with twelve taxa as Pseudomonas putida, P. fluorescens, P. areuginosa, Serratia marcences, Xanthomonas sp., Bacillus cereus, Microccoucs sp., B. subtilis, B. megaterium, B. amyloliquefaciencs, Pseudomonas sp., Staphylococcus sp. The highest percentage distribution was B. subtilis, followed by P. putida, P. areuginosa and S. marcences. Eight isolates had the ability for production of IAA and siderophores. S. marcences then P. putida followed by P. fluorescens were the highest in IAA production. The eight isolates of PGPR were increased seed germination by 7 to 13% over control. The highest seed germination was recorded when seeds were pretreated with S. marcences, then P. putida followed by B. subtilis. The highest seedling height and shoot dry weight were observed in seeds treated with S. marcences then P. putida followed by B. cereus and B. subtilis. The use of S. marcences produced the highest root length and weight, and also increased the chlorophyll contents. The MDG was the highest in case of seed soaking and inoculums added with irrigation water treatments, while was the lowest at spry the inoculums on the soil surface. Also, the best results for MGT and GI was found in seed soaking and inoculums added with irrigation water treatments. The best PGPR bacteria for MDG, MGT and GI in seed soaking treatment were B. megaterium, P. putida, S. marcences and P. areuginosa, while in adding inoculums with irrigation water were B. subtilis, B. cereus, S. marcences and P. fluorescens. When cultured the high efficacy isolates of Serratia marcences with Pseudomonas pitida and Bacillus subtilis without any antagonistic effect between them.

[Omar A. Almaghrabi, Abdelmoneim T. S., Hassan M. Albishri and Tarek A. A. Moussa. Enhancement of Maize Growth Using Some Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Under Laboratory Conditions. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):764-772]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 139. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.139


Key words: PGPR, maize, IAA, siderophores, antagonism, Pseudomonas

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Some Portfolio Selection Models Applied to Russian Stock Exchange Market


Isavnin Alexey, Makhmutov Ilnur, Galiev Damir


Department of economics, Kazan (Volga region) federal university, Naberezhnye Chelny, 423810, Russian Federation



Abstract: In this paper we consider different portfolio selection models: the basic Markowitz model, modified models with alternative risk measures and Black-Litterman model, which is able to take into account expert views specified by confidence level. We use asymmetric risk measures like Value-at-Risk, Mean Absolute Deviation and Semivariance in modified models. In our experiments we took the data of Russian Stock Exchange market on the example of Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX). The genetic algorithms were also chosen as the instrument for solving optimization problems. Finally we compare the efficiency of considered models.

[Isavnin A, Makhmutov I, Galiev D. Some Portfolio Selection Models Applied to Russian Stock Exchange Market. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):773-778]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 140. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.140


Keywords: Portfolio selection; stock exchange market; Markowitz model; Black-Litterman model; alternative risk measures

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Genetic divergence and phylogenetic relationship among five sparid species from the coastal waters of Egypt based on protein profiling and RAPD molecular markers


Safaa Ismaeil El-Deeb1, Ayman Salah El-Seedy2*, Ashgan Abdel Megeed Abo Gabal3, Hossam El-Din El-Wakeel3, Nermin Abd El aziz Ibrahim1


1National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Kayet Bey, Alexandria, Egypt.

2Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Aflaton St. 21545-EL-Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt

3Agriculture Botany Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Saba-Bacha, Alexandria University,

*Corresponding author: el_seedyus@yahoo.com


Abstract: Genetic variations between five sparid species from the northern coastal waters of Egypt; namely Sparus aurata, Diplodus vulgaris, Diplodus sargus, Diplodus annularis and Lithognathus mormyrus; were analyzed using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of sarcoplasmic proteins and rondom amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses. SDS-PAGE profiles of cellular sarcoplasmic proteins were diagnostic at the species level; clear cut interspecific variations were observed between the different species. The obtained results revealed a total number of 11 bands at relative front (RF) range from 0.17-0.87. There were four monomorphic bands, six polymorphic bands and one specific band in L. mormyrus at RF 0.83 and molecular weight between 17-30 kDa. The average of polymorphism among the different species was 54.5%. RAPD assays were performed using a 20 arbitrary decamer primer panel; however, only 16 primers yielded a total of 191 scorable bands, of which 139 (73℅) were polymorphic bands and 31 were specific markers. In addition, distinct bands (n = 5, 1 and 2) for D. sargus, L. mormyrus and S. aurata were obtained by using different primers, respectively. Similarity values ranged from 0.67 between L. mormyrus and D. annularis to 0.50 between D. sargus and S. aurata. The dendrogram showed that the five sparid species are separated from each other into two clusters: the first cluster included D. vulgaris and D. sargus, whereas the second cluster was divided into two groups, one included L. mormyrus and D. annularis, the other group S. aurata. In conclusion, these data serve as a useful tool for genetic identification and differentiation of these species in coastal water of Egypt and in the production of their interspecific hybrids.

[Safaa Ismaeil El-Deeb, Ayman Salah El-Seedy, Ashgan Abdel Megeed Abo Gabal, Hossam El-Din El-Wakeel, Nermin Abd El aziz Ibrahim. Genetic divergence and phylogenetic relationship among five sparid species from the coastal waters of Egypt based on protein profiling and RAPD molecular markers Efficiency. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):779-789]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 141. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.141


Key words: Genetic variations, phylogenetic relationship, RAPD-PCR, sarcoplasmic protein, SDS-PAGE, Sparidae

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Low seroprevalence of Chlamydia abortus in dairy cows of hot environment in southern of Mexico




1Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootécnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Km. 15.5, Carretera Toluca- Atlacomulco, C.P. 50090. Toluca, México

2Instituto de Patología Animal. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Universidad Austral de Chile. Isla Teja S/N. Casilla 567. Valdivia. Chile



Abstract: Chlamydia abortus (C. abortus) are Gram-negative obligate, intracellular bacteria responsible of major economic losses due to infection and subsequent induction of abortion in several animal species, including humans. To test the prevalence of C. abortus in dairy cows in Mexico, 271 sera were tested for the presence of anti- C. abortus antibodies. Detection of anti- C. abortus antibodies was carried out with a commercial indirect ELISA kit.  Optical density readings specific to C. abortus were low (14.53 ± 9.55) ranging from 2.81% - 90.21%. Only two sera from State of Mexico exhibited positive readings, showing a prevalence of 0.73%.  It is concluded that the seroprevalence of C. abortus in dairy cattle in Mexico is low.

[Ana Rosa PRAGA-AYALA, Roberto MONTES DE OCA-JIMÉNEZ. César ORTEGA-SANTANA, A.Z.M. SALEM, Víctor CUBILLOS-GODOY, Pomposo FERNÁNDEZ-ROSAS, Humberto G. MONROY-SALAZAR. Low seroprevalence of Chlamydia abortus in dairy cows of hot environment in southern of Mexico. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):790-793]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 142. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.142


Key words: C. abortus, cows, seroprevalence.

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Prediction of The Result in 400m Hurdle Races in Two Years Training Cycle


Krzysztof Przednowek1, Janusz Iskra2, Justyna Lenik1, Stanisław Cieszkowski1


1. Faculty of Physical Education, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland

2.Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Technical University of Opole, Opole, Poland



Abstract: In this study, artificial neural networks conducting prediction of results in 400m hurdle races were presented. The determined models predict results that should be obtained by the given athlete for suggested training loads in a two-year training cycle. All models were determined based on training data of 21 athletes – Polish Athletics Association National Team members. The athletes featured a high training level (result in 400m hurdles: 51.26 ± 1.24 s). To assess the prediction ability of designed models, the leave-one-out cross-validation method was used. From the conducted analysis it follows, that the method generating the least prediction error is the artificial neural network with 6 neurons in the hidden layer and the hyperbolical tangent activation function. The optimal model generates prediction error at the level of RMSECV=0.75 s. The obtained model can be a tool supporting the coach in planning the training loads over a two-year training cycle.

[Przednowek K, Iskra J, Lenik J, Cieszkowski S. Prediction of The Result in 400m Hurdle Races in Two Years Training Cycle. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):794-797]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 143. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.143


Keywords: sport prediction, 400-metres hurdle races, artificial neural networks

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Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of 1,3,5-triazine derivatives as potential inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase.


El-Hamamsy M. H. 1, El-Mahdy N.2


1Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University, Elgesh street, 31527, Tanta, Egypt.

2 Department of Pharmacology and toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University, Elgesh street, 31527, Tanta, Egypt.



Abstract: Being aware of the crucial importance of diaminotriazine pharmacophore for binding to dihydrofolate reductase; two different series of diaminotriazine derivatives were designed, synthesized and evaluated as potential inhibitors of human dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). The first series were 4,6-diamino-2,2-dimethyl-1,2-dihydro-1-phenyl-1,3,5-triazine derivatives and the second series were 2,4-diamino-6-phenyl-1,3,5-triazine derivatives. Triazine derivatives with lipophilic N-cyclohexyl substitution in position 4 displayed the highest potency in antitumor testing. These findings were in accordance with the results of the molecular modeling and docking simulation studies. These compounds would be potential anticancer lead agents. The synthesized compounds were screened for qualitative (zone of inhibition) and quantitative (MIC) antibacterial activity by agar cup plate method. The tested compounds were very weak or not active aginst Escherichia Coli and Sarcina Lutea.

[El-Hamamsy M. H., El-Mahdy N. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of 1,3,5-triazine derivatives as potential inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):798-805]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 144. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.144


Keywords: 4,6-Diamino-2,2-dimethyl-1,2-dihydro-1-phenyl-1,3,5-triazines, 2,4-Diamino-6-phenyl-1,3,5-triazines, N-Cyclohexyldicyandiamide, Anticancer activity, Antibacterial activity, Molecular docking.

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The Utility of Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization for Early Detection of Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma in Comparison with Urine Cytology


Mamdouh Roshdy1, Olfat Hammam2, Ahmed Abdelsalam1, Hani Nour1, Hossam El Ganzori1, Samir Ghobashy1and Ahmed Kamel1


Urology1 and Pathology2 Departments, Theodor bilharz Research Institute, Scientific Research Academy, Egypt.

hossam_elganzouri@yahoo.com, totoali1@hotmail.com


Abstract: UroVysion is a multitarget multicolor florescent in situ hybridization (FISH) probe set combining 4 probes in single probe that detects aneuploidy of chromosomes 3, 7, and 17 and loss of the 9p21 locus in exfoliated urine cells, our study investigated the role of UroVysion in predicting tumor recurrence in patients with free cystoscopy and –ve cytology and detecting new cases of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder in patients complaining of hematuria with high risk of malignancy. Material and Methods: our study conducted on 46 patients, group A: 30 patients with history of superficial urothelial carcinoma and16 patients complaining of gross heamaturia subdivided after cystoscopy into group B) 8 patients with 1ry urothelial carcinoma and group C) 8 patients with cystitis. All patients were subjected to voided urine cytology and UroVysion before cystoscopy ± biopsy. Follow up of group A and one case of group C with +ve UroVysion was done for 18 months. Results: The mean age of patients was 50.5 years. In group A, 15 (50%) patients were UroVysion –ve and 15 patients were UroVysion+ve and all patients are negative for malignancy by cytology and first cystoscopy was free. Recurrence were diagnosed in 11patients (36.6%) with median time to recurrence was 4 months. Anticipatory +ve UroVysion preceded recurrence in 81.8% and NPV was 86,6%. There was statistical significance p<0.01 difference in UroVysion results between low and high grades. For group B the sensitivity of UroVysion was equal to cytology (75%), Group C only one patient was +ve FISH and developed low grade Ta TCC after 12 months. Bilharzisis had no influence on the predictive value of UroVysion. Conclusion: Our data suggested that UroVysion help to predict recurrence of uothelial cell carcinoma of the bladder and may change the surveillance protocols especially patients with history of low grade tumors with –ve UroVysion to be with expanded intervals.

[Mamdouh Roshdy, Olfat Hammam, Ahmed Abdelsalam, Hani Nour, Hossam El Ganzori, Samir Ghobashy, Ahmed Kamel. The Utility of Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization for Early Detection of Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma in Comparison with Urine Cytology. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):806-813]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 145. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.145


Key words: Urothelial cancer, UroVysion, follow up, bilharziasis.

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Assessment of ERB in Cancer Colon and Its Clinical Relationship in Egyptian Patients


Mohsen M. maher, Wael A. Yousry, Wesam A. Ibrahim, Hesham H. Radwan and Khaled Amr


Internal Medicine Department, Ain Shams University



Abstract: Background: Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of worldwide morbidity and mortality. Estrogen receptor ß (ERß) in particular is abundantly expressed in the gut. Colon cancer tissue often displays a loss of ER expression, and tumors with a more severe loss of expression are associated with poorer prognosis. Aim of the work: Assessment of ERb in cancer colon and its clinical relationship in Egyptian patients. Patient and method; the study included 40 subjects who are attending Ain Shams University hospitals which were divided into 2 groups:-Group A: Included 30 patients with colorectal carcinoma proved by endoscopy and histopathological examination (with or without metastases). Group B: Included 10 patients who undergo colonoscopy as part of routine investigation eg; (piles, fissures, IBS….etc). They were subjected to full medical history, clinical examination &lab investigations. Colonoscopic examination was done for Group A subjects and biopsies were taken from both malignant tissue and also from normal mucosa. For Group B subjects, the biopsies were taken from their colonic mucosa. Detection of Estrogen receptor βeta assay in malignant and normal colonic mucosa by immuno histochemistry was also done. Results: As regard the clinical picture it was found that there was a statistically significant difference between CRC group and control group in relation to anorexia and weight loss as nearly 100% of patients with CRC experienced weight loss. In the CRC group, 24 patients had adenocarcinoma (9 well differentiated adenocarcinoma, 9 moderate differentiated adenocarcinoma, 5 poor differentiated adenocarcinoma and 1pappilary adenocarcinoma). Two patients had non Hodjkin lymphoma, 3 had mucoid carcinoma and one patient had GIST. ERβ was negative in 24 (80%) and positive in 6. In the control group 5 patients had features of non specific colitis, 3 had bilharzial hyperplastic polyps. One patient had an adenomatous polyp and one patient had IBD. ERβ was positive in all the control group except for three patients (1 with IBD. 1 with non specific colitis, 1 with Hyperplastic polyps). Our study showed that there was a statistically significant difference between patients and control groups regarding the ER-beta in the unhealthy mucosa. We have also found no significant correlation between ERβ and gender but there was a statistically significant difference between patients who were positive for ER-beta and negative for ER-beta regarding the age. We also found that there was no statistically significant difference between malignant mucosal tissue and ER-beta expression. Conclusion: ERβ mediated functions, in part, could be a potential mechanism by which estrogens alter susceptibility for colon cancers. The potential clinical significance is that ERβ may mediate chemopreventive effects for estrogens in the colon and selective ERβ ligands might be a colon cancer prevention strategy. The protective effects of estrogen replacement therapy against colon cancer may be mediated by ERβ.

[Mohsen M. maher, Wael A. Yousry, Wesam A. Ibrahim, Hesham H. Radwan and Khaled Amr. Assessment of ERB in Cancer Colon and Its Clinical Relationship in Egyptian Patients. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):814-822]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 146. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.146


Key words: colorectal cancer, estrogen receptor β

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An Economic Study of Poverty Rates in Egyptian Society


Fatima Ahmed Shafiq, Nagwa El Agroudy, Soheir Mokhtar and, Heba Yassin Abdel Fatah


Department of Agriculture Economic, National Research Centre, Cairo



Abstract: Study problem is represented in the substantial increase in poverty rates in Egypt annually and lower rates of income that cannot even meet the nutritional needs only to a large segment of the Egyptian society, determined according to the published data by about 25.2% and the International Organizations declared that it exceeds 53%. The study aim to shed light on some of the concepts associated with poverty and its properties and try to clarify the relation between the rates of income in Egypt and the rates of spending on basic needs of the individual in light of the surge in prices low-income and people with no income cannot face in order to urge to policymakers in Egypt to find urgent solutions to improve their living conditions. The study found that about 86.9% of the members of the Egyptian society their rate of monthly spending does not exceed them about 500 pounds per month and about 42.7% does not exceed the average monthly spending of about 250 pounds. The average income of people who are suffering from extreme poverty reached about 174.6 pounds per month about 35.4% of which is spent on food and beverage which is equivalent to about 61.8 pounds, the share of grains and bread is about 13.9%, while they are spending about 28.9%, 6.5%, 12.4%, 7%, 6.8%, 15.3%, 4.3%, and 3.2% of its income on fish, milk, cheese and eggs, oils and fats, fruits, vegetables, sugar and beverages each of them respectively. Thus, the study recommended that decision-makers and all state officials should find urgent solutions to these low-income and no income categories so as not to be the next revolution is a revolution of the hungry comes on the green and the ground.

[Fatima Ahmed Shafiq, Nagwa El Agroudy, Soheir Mokhtar and and Heba Yassin Abdel Fatah. An Economic Study of Poverty Rates in Egyptian Society. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):823-828]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 147. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.147


Key Words: National Poverty Line - Food Poverty Line - Extreme Poverty Line - Poverty Rates in Egypt

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Assessment of natural radioactivity levels and heavy metals in different types of rice consumed in Qassim, Saudi Arabia


Al-Hassan1* A. A., Abdel-Salam1 A.M and A. El-Taher 2


1Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition2, College of Agriculture and Veterinary, Medicine, P.O. Box 6622, Qassim University, Buraydah 51452, Saudi Arabia.

2Physics Department, College of Science, Qassim University, Buraydah 51452, KSA



Abstract: Radionuclides ingested in food and to a lesser extent, water, account for a substantial part of the average radiation doses received by various organs of the human body, especially the skeleton. A study of natural radionuclides in rice consumed in Saudi Arabia was performed. The study targeted the natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K, in addition to heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Fe, Cr, Pb and V). It was found that rice consumption in Saudi Arabia is radiologically safe for the presence of the investigated radionuclides. The presence of 40K in all samples in higher levels was anticipated due to its natural abundance. The levels of the toxic metals, Lead (pb), Cadmium (cd) were not detected in examined rice samples. The mean values of Iron, zinc and manganese were higher than findings reported by other studies in literature. The present study is the first at the national level to investigate the radioactivity and heavy metals of rice in Saudi Arabia. The findings of this study will help in establishing a baseline of radioactivity and heavy metals for public exposure from foodstuff ingestion.

[Al-Hassan A. A., Abdel-Salam A.M and A. El-Taher. Assessment of natural radioactivity levels and heavy metals in different types of rice consumed in Qassim, Saudi Arabia. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):829-836]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 148. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.148


Key words: Natural Radionuclides, Heavy metals, Foodstuff, Rice, Saudi Arabia

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Barriers to community participation in rural tourism: A case study of the communities of Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia.


Siow May-Ling1, Sridar Ramachandran 1,2, Ahmad Shuib1, Syamsul Herman Mohammad Afandi1,2


1Institute of Agricultural and Food Policy Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, 43400, Malaysia

2Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, 43400, Malaysia



Abstract: Semporna district is situated within the Tawau division, located on the southeastern coast of Sabah. The district is 1,145 square kilometers and is one of the main tourist attractions for both locals and foreign tourist. Most of Semporna’s potential for tourism lies within the natural resources of the district. In order to safeguard the sustainability of the industry, it is of unprecedented importance that there is proper use of rural tourism policies. In this argument, this paper highlights gaps and challenges in the actual scenario of the study site versus the policy texts. A full qualitative study was conducted on the heterogeneous society of Semporna and the results indicated that the local communities were not fully involved in tourism activities despite policies indicating the support of their participation. From the study several factors were identified that caused the participatory gap. This includes (i) knowledge gap, (ii) economic factors, (iii) religious factors and (iv) traditional factors. This gap indicates that the policies are under utilized and therefore there is a need for a change in management practices within the district.

[Siow ML, Ramachandran S, Shuib A, Mohammad Afandi SA. Barriers to community participation in rural tourism: A case study of the communities of Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):837-841]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 149. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.149


Keywords: Rural tourism policy; heterogeneous community; community participation

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Current Trends in Computed Tomography Referral Practice Experience at a Large Academic Hospital


Sarah Hagi1, Mawya Khafaji1, Naushad Ahmed2, Majdi Al Nowami3


1Radiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

2Radiology Department, King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

3Nuclear Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia

Email: sarahhagi@gmail.com


Abstract: To evaluate current computed tomography (CT) referral practice with emphasis on correct clinical data and examination choice. Our second aim was to investigate turnaround times on all brain CT scans included in the study. Retrospective analysis of CT examinations in the radiology information system was carried out at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah Saudi Arabia. This study was conducted six months after hospital wide implementation of the iRefer criteria, the Royal college of Radiologists imaging referral guidelines. The review included all patients who had attended the emergency department, out-patients, or were inpatients and had a CT request during the period from July to September 2012. Clinical data and indication for all subjects were evaluated and analyzed. Two thousand three hundred twenty two records were investigated, of which 1695(73%) were adults and 627(27%) were pediatric patients. The majority of requests were for brain 856 (37%). Of those, 46% were requested by the Emergency department, (86%) adult and (14%) pediatric patients. The total number of examinations performed with inadequate clinical information was 111; among those were 17(15%) pediatric patient requests. There is a need to increase collaboration between clinicians and radiologists to follow appropriateness guidelines and decrease inappropriate CT requests. Educational tools should be used in raising clinicians' awareness on radiation dose from radiological investigations.

[Sarah Hagi, Mawya Khafaji, Naushad Ahmed, Majdi Al Nowami. Current Trends in Computed Tomography Referral Practice Experience at a Large Academic Hospital. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):842-848]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 150. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.150


Keywords:Computed tomography (CT), pediatric patients, radiologist, radiation dose

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Performance Evaluation on the province ministry joint projects in Henan Province from 2007 to 2011


Wei Huang1, Shanshan Yin 2, Wei Nie2,3, Yongjun Guo 2, Li Li2


1Henan Health and Family Planning Commission, Zhengzhou 450003, Henan Province, China

2 Henan Academy of Medical Science, Zhengzhou 450003, Henan Province, China

3 Institute of Hospital Administration, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, Henan Province, China



Abstract: Objective: The study is to accurately grasp the project performance and enhance the role of projects to promote the overall level of health technology. Methods: A questionnaire and on-site inspection methods were used for the acceptance projects from 2007 to 2011 to analyze the material.  Results: Among 76 province ministry projects, 29 basic research (accounting for 38.16%), 26 clinical research (34.21%), 21 application research (representing 27.63%), covering 24 three disciplines. 32 projects achieved the desired goal, accounting for 70.05%. 7 projects exceeded the targets, accounting for 9.21 %. 6 projects did not achieve the expected goal, accounting for 7.89%. 9 projects was on schedule, accounting for 11.84%. Scientific and technological achievements attained a total of 48 awards, winning rate 66.2%. Other outputs included 583 papers, 185 SCI indexed, 7 patents and so on.

[Wei Huang, Shanshan Yin, Wei Nie, Yongjun Guo, Li Li. Performance Evaluation on the province ministry joint projects in Henan Province from 2007 to 2011. Life Sci J 2014; 11(11):849-852]. (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 151. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.151


Key words: Province ministry joint projects; performance evaluation

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Study on Food Intolerance in Children with Mental Retardation


Geng Xiang-juShang QingZhang Yan-minLi Wei-meng


Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Children's Hospital of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou 400053, Henan Province, China



Abstract: Objective: To research treatment efficacy between food intolerance and diet intolerance among mental retardation children. Methods:168 subjects were divided into two groups; one had 148 mental retardation children, the other 20 healthy children. ELISA was used to detect 14 kind food allergen lgG levels in serum for both groups, compared results. The 116 subjects (34 out-patients, 82 in-patents) with food allergen positive were grouped into three: one out-patient group and two in-patients groups. The 34 cases of out-patient group were treated with simple diet intolerant food with regular follow-ups for six months. The other two groups were divided equally among in-patient subjects: both groups were treated with a period of six months: but one group with combined treatment of rehabilitation plus diet intolerant food; the other with rehabilitation alone. Results:  The antibody levels of food allergen-specific IgG among mental retardation children are significant higher than the ones among the healthy children (P0.05).  Followed-up 34 cases of out-patients, symptoms of mental retardation improved compared to condition before treatment, developmental quotients improved compared to previous recorded quotient; before and after treatment differences are statistically significant (P0.05). Among 82 cases of in-patients, symptoms of mental retardation improved and developmental quotients improved drastically. The difference shows statistically significant (P0.05). Conclusions: Food allergen-specific IgG antibody detection can help early detection of food intolerance in mental retardation children; and diet intolerance treatment has some significant efficacy for mental retardation children.

[Geng Xiang-juShang QingZhang Yan-minLi Wei-meng. Study on Food Intolerance in Children with Mental Retardation. Life Sci J 2014; 11(11):853-856]. (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 152. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.152


Key words: mental retardation; food intolerance; IgG antibody; children

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Epidemiological Investigation of Allergic Rhinitis Patients with Asthma in Qingdao Area


Niankai Zhang1 Junwei Ma2 Rongli Gao1 Tingting Liu1 Zhimin Wang2


1Department of Otolaryngology, Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao 266003, China

2 Department of Neurosurgery, Suzhou Kowloon Hospital Affiliated Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Suzhou 266021, China



ABSTRACT: Objective: To investigate the morbidity of allergic rhinitis patients with asthma and correlative factors in Qingdao area. Methods: A questionnaire survey on AR in Qingdao area was designed. Multistage and cluster sampling methods were applied to the residents aged from 5-70 years old in Qingdao area excluding hypertension, diabetes mellitus and rheumatic disease. This investigation has three stages: questionnaire survey, screening suspected AR patients according to the results of questionnaire, and then further specific examination and allergen skin tests to confirm. Results: The total number of questionnaires is 2400, and 2052 questionnaires were available. The effective rate was 85.5%. There were 248 cases of AR, including 20 cases with asthma. The prevalence rate of AR patients with asthma in residents aged from 5-70 was 8.06% in Qingdao City. The difference of prevalence between female 9.26% and male 7.14% was insignificant statistically (X2=0.36, P>0.05). Conclusion: The prevalence rate of AR patients with asthma was 8.06%. The current situation of allergic rhinitis with asthma in Qingdao region can provide a theoretical basis on the development of rational and effective treatment plan for clinicians.

[Niankai Zhang, Junwei Ma, Rongli Gao, Tingting Liu, Qianqian Liu. Epidemiological Investigation of Allergic Rhinitis Patients with Asthma in Qingdao Area. Life Sci J 2014; 11(11):857-860]. (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 153. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.153


Key words: rhinitis; allergy; asthma; prevalence; epidemiological studies

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Effect of Throwing Method on Special Judo Fitness Test Performance in Competitive Period of Training


Katarzyna Sterkowicz-Przybycień1, Urszula Szmatlan-Gabryś2, Tomasz Gabryś 3, Stanisław Sterkowicz4, Mariusz Ozimek5


1. Department of Gymnastics, Institute of Sport, University School of Physical Education in Cracow, Poland

2. Department of Anatomy, University School of Physical Education Cracow, Poland

3. Institute of Physical Education and Sport, State School of Higher Education in Oswiecim, Poland

4. Department of Sport’s Theory and Kinesiology, Institute of Sport, University School of Physical Education in Cracow, Poland

5. Department of Track end Fields Sports, Institute of Sport, University School of Physical Education in Cracow, Poland



Abstract: To determine the effect of modification of throwing method on changes in judo-specific test performance, seven judoists were evaluated following the SJFT protocol. On the two consecutive days, the subjects performed one-shoulder throw in repetitive practice (RT) and as solo practice (TR). The number of throws performed, heart rates, index in the SJFT, blood lactate concentration before and during 8 minute of recovery were analysed. There was a significant effect of interaction between test variant and recovery time on lactate levels. A case study was used to demonstrate typical results obtained from the analysis of the effort and body response to the exercise. In conclusion, changes in the throwing method improved the performance in TR SJFT variant. The athletes performed the majority of work during this variant using their lower limbs, whereas the throws, although with higher number, were repeated without the resistance caused by receiver in RT SJFT.  Performing the throws with judoists from lower weight categories might promote development of the speed.

 [Sterkowicz-Przybycień K, Szmaltan-Gabryś U, Gabryś T, Sterkowicz S, Ozimek M. Effect of Throwing Method on Special Judo Fitness Test Performance in Competitive Period of Training. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):861-866]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 154. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.154


Keywords: Sport, training, physical performance, motor behavior

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Host-parasite of Sheep Mucus Layers infected with Dictyocaulus filarial


Roberto Montes-de-Oca-Jiménez*, Betsy Coyote-Camacho, María-Eugenia López-Arellano, Cesar Ortega-Santana, Pomposo Fernández-Rosas, Humberto G. Monroy-Salazar, Esvieta Borroto-Tenorio


1 Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicines and Animal Husbandry, Autonomous University of Mexico State (UAEM), Km 15.5 Autopista de cuota Toluca – Atlacomulco; Toluca, Estado de México, 50200, México.

2 National Center for Disciplinary Research in Veterinary Parasitology. National Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock.Cuernavaca-Cuautlaroad#8534, Jiutepec, Morelos, Mexico.C.P.62550



Abstract: The immune system has the essential function of protecting the body against the damaging effects of pathogenic microbial agents. The incidence of parasitic diseases, including respiratory helminthosis varies greatly from place to place depending on the relative importance of the factors. Several report the periods of high risk of infection by small lungworms. This study was performed in eight sheep farms with 112 sheep flocks located in Ixtapaluca Municipality, State of Mexico. Gross tissue examination was carried out considering localization, mucus layers as well as pulmonary consistency. Lesions were classified as: no lesion, mild lesion and severe lesion. In addition to the analysis of the infected tissue was used immunohistochemical techniques. Briefly, a set of primary monoclonal antibody (mAbs) was used to label macrophages, CD4+, CD8+, gd+ T. In this work, D. filaria infection was found in 47.6% of infected tissue, and 52.4% of pulmonary tissue damage showed the presence of D. filarial, nematode genera. The mucus layer, was the main tissues affected by lungworms, showing an increased number of immune cell population, compared with control group In addition, hosts with heavy lungworm infection showed increased number of CD4+, gd+ T-cells and B+ cells. The data provide further evidence that subsets of inflammatory cells into the lungs include sheep infected with lung worms, however, the understanding of the process of the immune response and the development of resistance in sheep lung worm remain to be clearly elucidated.

[Roberto Montes-de-Oca-Jiménez, Betsy Coyote-Camacho, María-Eugenia López-Arellano, Cesar Ortega-Santana, Pomposo Fernández-Rosas, Humberto G. Monroy-Salazar, Esvieta Borroto-Tenorio. Host-parasite of Sheep Mucus Layers infected with Dictyocaulus filarial. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):867-870]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 155. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.155


Keywords: Sheep, Mucus Layers, Dictyocaulus filaria

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Gemstone Property Studies for Minerals Based Cosmetics and Beauty Applications


S. Suwandee1, 2 and P.P. Yupapin1,2,3


1Interdisciplinary Research Center, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kasem Bundit University, Bangkok, Thailand; E-mail: <senee.suw@kbu.ac.th>

2SCI Center, SOL Corporation International Company Limited, Bangkok Thailand, E-mail:<vpkbu3@ymail.com>,<panda.yupapin@gmail.com>

3Advanced Studies Centre, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Bangkok, Thailand; E-mail: <kypreech@kmitl.ac.th>


Abstract: In this article, properties of various gemstones are investigated and discussed for the possibility of using as mineral based cosmetics usage. By using the separation technology, the single atom of various gemstones , for instance, Au and Ag are combined with tourmaline and some other gemstones, which can give the infrared spectrum and be useful for many applications, where in this work we concentrate on the gemstone optical properties that can be used incorporating the cosmetic materials and useful for surface usage. The optical properties such as absorption and transparent transmission, where the desired properties are suitable for cosmetic applications, which are also investigated and discussed in details.

[Suwandee S. and Yupapin P.P. Gemstone Property Studies for Minerals Based Cosmetics and Beauty Applications. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):871-873]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 156. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.156


Keywords: Gemstones, Gemology; Optical gemology, Nano life; Nanocosmetics; Nano-medicine; Nanotechnology

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Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Autopilot based on Freescale Qorivva 32-bit Microcontroller


Abid Abbasi1, 2, Ubaid M. Al-Saggaf 1, 2, Khalid Munawar1, 2


1. Center of Excellence in Intelligent Engineering Systems (CEIES), King Abdulaziz University,

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

2. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

aanra_abbasi@hotmail.com, usaggaf@kau.edu.sa


Abstract: Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) is typically a low-cost aircraft designed to execute missions that are expensive or dangerous to be executed using its contrary .i.e. manned aircraft. Autopilot acts as the brain of the UAV along with the eyes and ears (sensors). Autopilot has two major components, system software and hardware. Freescale’s MPC5644A is selected as the main embedded controller. Qorivva MPC564xA family is a 32-bit Power Architecture® microcontroller solution designed primarily for engines and advanced transmissions. The selected microcontroller is highly suitable for Autopilot application because of high performance and on-chip integrated resources. Design and development started from a bare board, initialization, configuration and peripheral interface development is followed. A Ground Control Station (GCS) is also developed using National Instrument’s Lab Windows CVI (Integrated Development Environment) for constant monitoring of UAV health and mission plan upload. Testing of the Autopilot software is accomplished by Hardware-in-loop simulation. Design of the Guidance and Control Algorithm is not included in this research, open-source Algorithm is currently used and can be replaced by customized algorithms in future research.

[Abbasi A, Al-Saggaf UM, Munawar K. Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Autopilot based on Freescale Qorivva 32-bit Microcontroller. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):874-878]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 157. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.157


Keywords: UAV, Autopilot, MEMS, Freescale CodeWarrior, Inertial Measurement Unit, LabWindows CVI

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Characterization of genetic diversity of Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars collected from New Valley governorate (El-Kharga and Dakhleh) based on morphological variability and molecular markers


Ibrahim A. Ibrahim1, Medhat H. Hashem1, Alaa A. Hemeida1*, Mona M. Hassan2 and Ahmed I.A. Maksoud1


1. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute (GEBRI), University of Sadat City, Sadat City, Egypt

2. Central Laboratory of Date Palm for Research and Development, Agriculture Research Center (ARC), Egypt



Abstract: The present work was designed to study the genetic back ground of three date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars (Siwi, Tamr, Hegazi) and one unknown female (Faleg, has high quality and desirable traits) which were collected from New Valley Governorate (El-Kharga and Dakhleh). To achieve this purpose, morphological variability; RAPDs; SSRs and AFLPs technologies were applied. Moreover, through the obtained data, the genetic relationships between the cultivars were determined. Also, for each cultivar, different genomic markers were identified. In addition, some specific markers for certain cultivars were screened. These results indicated that each cultivar has its own genetic makeup at the level of coding sequences. Concerning the data of the three DNA-markers, considerable genetic diversity for coding and non-coding sequences was indicated among the genomes. However, each technology exhibited different level of polymorphism and unique markers. This feature may be attributed to the limited number of AFLPs selective primers used in the present analyses; the amplification of different parts of the genomes or/and the reliability of each technique to react with Date palm genomes. SSRs were the most effective method for assessing the genetic diversity and the unique DNA-markers across the four Date palm genomes. The dendrograms of the three applied DNA techniques were partially different. Therefore, the data of RAPDs, SSRs and AFLPs analyses were combined to estimate the genetic relationships among the cultivars under study.

[Ibrahim IA, Hashem MH, Hemeida AA, Hassan MM and Maksoud AIA. Characterization of genetic diversity of Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars collected from New Valley governorate (El-Kharga and Dakhleh) based on morphological variability and molecular markers. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):879-889]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 158. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.158


Keywords: Date palm; Genetic similarity; Molecular marker; Morphological analysis

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Genetic Heterogeneity in Moroccan Primary Congenital Glaucoma Patients


Soumaya El Akil 1, Rahma Melki 1, 2, Ahmed Belmouden 1


1. Laboratoire de Biologie Cellulaire et Génétique Moléculaire, Faculté des Sciences, Université Ibnou Zohr, Agadir, Morocco

2. Present address: Laboratoire de génétique et biotechnologies, Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohammed I, Oujda, Morocco



Abstract: Purpose: Primary Congenital Glaucoma (PCG) is an autosomal recessive, infantile ocular disorder resulting from malformation of the anterior eye chamber. Three loci associated with PCG are known, namely GLC3A (2p21), GLC3B (1p36), and GLC3C (14q24). The CYP1B1 and LTBP2 genes associated with PCG are localized, respectively, to the GLC3A and GLC3C loci, while the associated gene within GLC3B is still unknown. The GLC3A locus is implicated in approximately 35% of Moroccan PCG patients. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic heterogeneity in a Moroccan PCG population and to assess the involvement of the GLC3B and GLC3C-LTBP2 loci in mediating the disease. Methods: We recruited 26 unrelated patients lacking mutations in the GLC3A-CYP1B1 gene, 13 of which were born from first-degree consanguineous parents, and 50 healthy controls. Homozygosity mapping and linkage disequilibrium analysis were used to define linkages to the GLC3B or GLC3C loci. The LTBP2 gene was screened for mutations in patients that were homozygous for GLC3C. Results: Linkages to GLC3B and GLC3C were excluded in 46% of the PCG patients studied. GLC3B homozygosity profile analysis suggested that the causative gene is likely localized between the D1S2834 and D1S2672 markers. This region contains a newly mapped gene (KAZN) gene that mediates cellular adhesion and apoptosis. Finally, LTBP2 sequencing did not reveal any causative mutations. Conclusions: These results revealed a high genetic heterogeneity within the Moroccan PCG population, suggesting the possible involvement of unknown loci mediating PCG development.

[El Akil S, Melki R, Belmouden A. Genetic Heterogeneity in Moroccan Primary Congenital Glaucoma Patients. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):890-898]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 159. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.159


Keywords: Primary congenital glaucoma, Moroccan population, CYP1B1, GLC3A, GLC3B, GLC3C, GLC3D, LTBP2

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Protection of Zinc Alloy in H3PO4 using Extract of Lantana Camara


Mojisola O.Nkiko1, 2, Esther. S.Oguntoyinbo2, Janet.T. Bamgbose2, Akeem .A. Bamigbade2


1. Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Elizade University, Wuraola Adeojo Avenue, P. M. B. 002 Ilara – Mokin, Nigeria

2. Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, P.M.B. 2240, Abeokuta, Nigeria



Abstract: The inhibitive effect of lantana camara leaf extract on the corrosion of Zinc alloy in phosphoric acid solution has been studied using gravimetric methods. Inhibition increases with time and concentration of extract and temperature. This observation implies that lantana camara leaf extract is an effective and non-toxic inhibitor of the corrosion of zinc alloy. Adsorption of the extract on the surface obeyed the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The kinetic parameter B, measured for the reaction has a high negative value which implies that lantana camara becomes more effective as the temperature increases. The free energy calculated for adsorption is small and negative in magnitude which suggests that the mechanism of adsorption is physical. The Brinell hardness test which is a measure of the tensile strength shows that lantana camara provides protection for Zn alloy in acid solutions.

[Nkiko M. O, Oguntoyinbo E. S, Bamgbose J.T. Protection of Zinc Alloy In H3PO4 Using Extract of Lantana Camara. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):899-904]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 160. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.160


Key words: corrosion inhibition, gravimetric methods, adsorption, hardness, lantana camara, Brinell hardness, tensile strength.

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Operative Treatment of Thoracolumbar Burst Fracture with or without Computer-Assisted Pedicle Screw(s) at the Fracture Level


S-H Chen1, Y-C Lau2, J-Y Ko1


1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

2 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

E-mail: chensh@adm.cgmh.org.tw


Abstract: Objection: The purpose of this study is to compare the clinical results of operative treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures with or without computer-assisted pedicle screw(s) at the fracture level. The surgical treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures with short pedicle screw instrumentation has good results in clinical situations but failure to maintain the sagittal plane correction has been reported by several authors. Several methods have been mentioned to reduce the high fixation failure rate in the treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures with short pedicle screw instrumentation. Computer-assisted pedicle screw insertion in the fracture side is one of the methods and the success rates may be improved by inserting an additional screw at the facture level. Methods: Thirty-six patients (23 males and 13 females; mean age, 37.2 years; age range, 26-65 years) were treated with short posterior pedicle instrumentation with computer-assisted screw insertion at the fracture level in 17 cases (Group I) and without screw insertion in 19 cases (Group II). Segmental kyphosis and vertebral height were assessed by lateral view X-ray. Patients were thoroughly reexamined and the neurologic status, functional outcome and complications of both groups were assessed. Results: The average kyphotic angle before and after surgery and at latest follow-up were 16º, 2º, and 4º, respectively, in Group I and 17º, 3º, and 11º, respectively, in Group II. Mean anterior vertebral body height before and after surgery and at latest follow-up were 56%, 78%, and 75% of normal, respectively, in Group I and 54%, 75% and 63%, respectively, in Group II. Loss of kyphotic correction or vertebral height was more severe (p<0.05) and there was substantially more pain in Group II. No patients had an increase in neurologic deficit. Patients with neurologic deficit experienced improvement irrespective of treatment choice. Complications were relatively rare. Conclusions: There are high fixation failure rates associated with thoracolumbar burst fractures treated with short pedicle instrumentation. Computer-assisted pedicle screw insertion at the fracture level effectively reduces the fixation failure of thoracolumbar burst fractures treated with short pedicle instrumentation.

[S-H Chen, Y-C Lau, J-Y Ko. Operative Treatment of Thoracolumbar Burst Fracture with or without Computer-Assisted Pedicle Screw(s) at the Fracture Level. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):905-910]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 161. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.161


Keywords: Thoracolumbar fracture, short-segment fixation, computer-assisted screw, fracture level

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The Potential Influence of Obstructive Airways and The Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder in Children


Sarah T. Zawawi 1 and Faisal Zawawi 2,3


1 Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA

2 Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada.

3 Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia



Abstract: Objective: The aim of this review is to address the potential influence and relationship between Obstructive airway disease and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. Method: A review of the literature was conducted using PubMed from 1980 to 2014 for articles that discuss the relationship between Obstructive airway disease and ADHD in children and the management of each disorder. Results and Conclusion: Although the relationship between obstructive airway diseases, behavioral disease and sleep disorders are yet to be fully understood, it is observed that addressing the airway disease improves both sleep and behavioral disorders. While further studies are anticipated to prove or refute the relationship, nonetheless, screening for airway disorders in ADHD children may well be advisable.

[Sarah T. Zawawi and Faisal Zawawi. The Potential Influence of Obstructive Airways and The Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder in Children. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):911-914]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 162. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.162


Keywords: Obstructive airway disease; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); children; PubMed; sleep; behavioral disorder.

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Control Strategy for a Versatile Compensation in the Unbalanced and Non-Sinusoidal System Using UPQC


Khaled Sedraoui


Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80204, Jeddah, 21589, KSA. ksedraoui@kau.edu.sa


Abstract: This paper proposes a control strategy for three-phase unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) installed to compensate both voltage flickers and current harmonics for nonlinear unbalanced loads. This approach is based on the control of instantaneous power symmetrical components at the load side. The proposed control strategy of the UPQC, decompose instantaneously the active and reactive current into zero, positive and negative sequences with fundamental and harmonic components. To realize this decomposition in real time a general equations of the instantaneous powers based on symmetrical components are used. To validate the proposed power equations, comparative experimental results are presented in this work. A control strategy based on this approach is applied to the unified power quality conditioner (UPQC). A typical non-linear loads and UPQC model has been implemented in digital simulator to demonstrate the practicality of the proposed approach. And how the UPQC can be controlled to take care of all disturbances.

[Sedraoui K. Control Strategy for a Versatile Compensation in the Unbalanced and Non-Sinusoidal System Using UPQC. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):915-920]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 163. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.163


Keywords: Power Quality, UPQC, Instantaneous power, symmetrical components, real time control.

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Electric properties of low-temperature sintering Zn-doped PZT based ceramics and characterizations on applied SAW devices


Chia-Chi Shih1,*, Cheng-Che Tsai 2 , and Shih-HaoHsu2


1Department of Interior Design,Tungfang Design Institude,Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC

2Department of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Tungfang Design Institute, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC.



Abstract: To develop the ceramic sheet with low sintering temperature for Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) devices applications, the low cost and feasible material systems with moderate piezoelectric properties, good dielectric properties, higher Curie temperature and higher effective energy transformation ratio for devices would be explored. The piezoelectric ceramics with compositions of PbCa0.01[(Mn1/3Nb2/3)0.06-(Zr0.48Ti0.52)0.94]O3 (PMnN-PZT) + 0.1 wt.% CuO + x wt.% ZnO (abbreviated PMNZTC-Z10x) had been prepared by the conventional mixed-oxide method. The ZnO dopants were used as the sintering aids to improve the bulk density and lower the sintering temperature. The phase structurse, microstructures, dielectric and piezoelectric properties, and ferroelectric properties versus ZnO additives were systematically investigated. Experimental results showed that the sintering temperature could be lowered down to 980 oC and still keep reasonably good characteristics. We found that the addition of co-doping of ZnO could enhance the relative dielectric constant, coupling factors, and remnant polarization compared to those of undoped PMnN-PZT ceramics.

[Chia-Chi Shih, Cheng-Che Tsai, and Shih-HaoHsu. Electric properties of low-temperature sintering Zn-doped PZT based ceramics and characterizations on applied SAW devices. Life Sci J. 2014;11(11):921-923] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 164. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.164


Keywords: Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW), piezoelectric, dielectric

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The Effect  of Dehulling and Cooking of Lentils (Lens Culinaris, L.) on Serum Glucose and Lipid and Lipoprotein Concentrations in Rats Fed Cholesterol- Supplemented Diets


Mousa Numan Ahmad


Department of Nutrition and Food Technology/ Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Jordan, Amman11942, Jordan.

mosnuman@ju.edu.jo, mousanuman@gmail.com


Abstract: Lentil (Lens culinaris, L.) is one of the most important pulse crops worldwide and has been known for many health benefits, but its antihyperlipidemic effect still remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of lentils on serum lipids and glucose, body weight and food intake in cholesterol-fed rats. Sixty male Sprague–Dawley rats were assigned into five cholesterol-free or five cholesterol-supplemented diets containing casein (control), raw dehulled lentil, raw whole lentil, cooked dehulled lentil and cooked whole lentil and given ad libitum to the rats for four weeks. Serum total cholesterol (TC), low- density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglycerides (TG) and glucose were then quantified and other biological parameters were assessed. Compared to control, cholesterol significantly (p<0.05) increased LDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C and TC/TG ratios and liver weight, and decreased TG, whereas TC, HDL-C, glucose, weight gain and food intake were unchanged. In normal and cholesterol-fed groups, compared to control, lentil diets significantly (p<0.05) increased TC, notably due to increased HDL-C, while glucose was decreased and LDL-C and LDL-C/HDL-C ratio were unaffected. Triglyceride was decreased in normal groups and was maintained in cholesterol-fed groups resulting in increased or decreased TC/TG ratio in these groups respectively. In all rats, with exception of cooked dehulled lentil diet, lentil diets markedly (p<0.05) decreased weight gain, liver weight and food intake. Among all rats, there were little or no differences in studied variables due to lentil diets. These results show that lentil equally maintains its favorable lipid modifying activity and low glycemic property in normal and hypercholesterolemic rats with little or no effect for cooking and dehulling processes.

[Ahmad MN. The Effect of Dehulling and Cooking of Lentils (Lens Culinaris, L.) on Serum Glucose and Lipid and Lipoprotein Concentrations in Rats Fed Cholesterol- Supplemented Diets. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):924-931] (ISSN: 1097-8135).  http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 165. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.165


Key words: Lentil, cholesterol, lipemia, glycemia, dehulling, cooking, rats

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The Role of Some Psychological Variables in the Emotional Distress between the Couple, who live in the Slums


Ibrahim A Saadi, Marwan A Alharbi, Abdulrahman M Alzamzami and Abdulrahman D Alzahrani


Department of Education psychology, Faculty of Education, King Abdulaziz University



Abstract: The present study aimed to detect the amount of direct causal effects of each of the psychological adjustment, awareness of the legitimate values and teachings concerning the marital life, sexual consent, spousal abuse, and the use of social networking on the emotional distress between spouses in slum areas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study sample included (580) with (320) husbands and (260) wives, and the study revealed that each of the psychological adjustment, awareness of the legitimate values and teachings of marital life, sexual consent, spousal abuse, and the use of social networks, directly affect the emotional turmoil between the couple. And the study concluded that the emotional distress has a role in the disruption of family and social construction among slum-dwellers.

[Ibrahim A Saadi, Marwan A Alharbi, Abdulrahman M Alzamzami and Abdulrahman D Alzahrani. The Role of Some Psychological Variables in the Emotional Distress between the Couple, who live in the Slums. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):932-940]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 166. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.166


Key words: Emotional Distress, Psychological Variables, Couple, Slums

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Serum Resistin and Insulin Resistance as Risk Factors for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Cirrhotic Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


Mohamed M Elbedewy 1, Medhat A Ghazy 1, Tamer A Elbedewy 1, Ghada A Suliman 2


Departments of Internal Medicine1, Clinical Pathology 2, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University; Egypt

Email: tamerelbedewy2006@yahoo.com

Phone: 020-01151681120 / 020-01094680720


Abstract: Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth most common cancer and the third leading cause of cancer related death. At least 25% of HCC cases do not have any known etiology. Approximately 2-fold higher risk of HCC in diabetic patients. The causal nature of this positive association involves complex mechanisms that have not yet been conclusively described. Previous studies have suggested that elevated levels of insulin and insulin growth factor (IGF) may play important roles in HCC. Resistin is a polypeptide hormone belonging to adipokines and could contribute to tumorigenesis and angiogenesis Aim: to study serum resistin and insulin resistance as risk factors for HCC in hepatitis C virus (HCV) cirrhotic patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Subjects and Methods: 50 adult patients with HCV infection were selected for this study. They were categorized into: (Group I) which included 25 type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients with cirrhosis and HCC and (Group II) which included 25 type 2 DM patients with cirrhosis only. 25 healthy subjects, age and sex-matched, were enrolled as controls (Group III). Routine tests for DM, HCV, liver cirrhosis & HCC were done. HOMA-IR and serum resistin were assessed in all groups. Results: HCC diabetic patients (Group I) showed significantly higher mean values of HOMA-IR and resistin than cirrhotic diabetic patients (Group II) and the control subjects (Group III). Frequency of low value for HOMA-IR index (>2.5) was not significantly different between HCC (Group I) and cirrhotic (Group II) patients but Frequency of high value for HOMA-IR index (>4) was significantly different between HCC and cirrhotic patients with higher frequency in HCC patients (Group I) (76%) when compared with cirrhotic patients (Group II) (4%). In HCC patients (Group I), significant positive correlations were found between HOMA-IR and both fasting insulin and α - Fetoprotein (AFP). Significant positive correlations were found between resistin, and both fasting insulin and AFP. Positive correlation was found between HOMA-IR & resistin in (Group I) & (Group II). Conclusions: HOMA-IR and serum resistin measurement could represent novel markers to identify the HCV cirrhotic patients with type 2 DM at greater risk for the development of HCC. These findings may have important prognostic and therapeutic implications as insulin resistance (IR) is a potentially modifiable factor.

[Mohamed M Elbedewy, Medhat A Ghazy, Tamer A Elbedewy, and Ghada A Suliman. Serum Resistin and Insulin Resistance as Risk Factors for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Cirrhotic Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):941-949]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 167. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.167


Key words: Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Hepatitis C virus, Insulin resistance, Resistin, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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Detection of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA in Saliva of HCV-Infected Patients by qualitative technique


Hesham H. Radwan1, Sonya A, El-Gaaly1, Manal Sabry1 and Manal Ahmed Shams1, 2


Department of 1Internal Medicine and 2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, AM Shams University



Abstract: The search for hepatitis C virus (HCV) in body fluids other than blood is important when assessing possible non parenteral routes of viral transmission. However, the role of oral fluids in HCV transmission remains controversial. The saliva test maybe a useful alternative in the event of refusal of blood test. These findings have important implications for medical personnel and suggest that epidemiological studies designed to understand the significance of the oral route of transmission of HCV are warranted (Chen, M., et al., 1995). The aim of this study is to evaluate the possible existence of  hepatitis C Virus in the saliva. A cross sectional study was conducted on 40 patients with chronic liver disease who were positive for anti-HCV and serum HCV RNA. Each patient was subjected to a full history, examination, liver functions, quantitative PCR in serum and qualitative saliva PCR for HCV. Here we qualitatively determined HCV RNA in saliva and quantitatively in the blood of anti­HCV-positive patients. In this study it was found a significantly high incidence of PCR positivity for HCV RNA in saliva in patients positive for HCV Ab and HCV .PCR. The results revealed a highly significant relation between the serum level and the incidence of positive HCV RNA in saliva. Twenty three of HCV positive patients in the blood showed positive PCR in the saliva related to the viral load. It can be concluded from the current study that the presence of HCV-RNA in the saliva provides a possible source of infection. However, our results suggest the need for further investigations.

[Hesham H. Radwan, Sonya A, El-Gaaly, Manal Sabry and Manal Ahmed Shams. Detection of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA in Saliva of HCV-Infected Patients by qualitative technique. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):950-955]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 168. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.168


Keywords: Hepatitis C Virus (HCV); RNA; Saliva; Patient; qualitative technique

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Authentication and Security, issues of modern banking services in Iranian banking sector


Ali AghaeiRad, Bernardete Ribeiro


CISUC, Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal

{ali, bribeiro}@dei.uc.pt


Abstract: Interbank Network "SHETAB" has been working for several years in Iran, and provides banking services such as withdrawals from ATM machines, buying from the POS machines, and also recently the online shopping service for the clients of the member banks. In another paper we have shown that the interbank network in the present form can jeopardize users’ privacy. In this paper, we show that users are not aware of security issues in modern banking services by using a statistical study, and they usually do not consider such issues. Therefore, we conclude that the methods used by interbank network “SHETAB” are not safe. Finally, for solving the mentioned problems, a banking system based on the collaboration between the banks is offered, that will eliminate problems facing the current system. The presented method is based on short-term passwords, which in author’s opinion, is one of the best available methods. Based on the information of field research, it is concluded that so few people, who use the new bank services, are aware of security issues; among these few people, so few consider these issues. Therefore, in the presented solution, we tried to design the system in a way to be intrinsically secure, and to be independent from user behavior regarding security issues consideration, as far as possible. Moreover, besides security and privacy of the system, another issue, which shall be considered for acceptability of a system, is its simplicity. Therefore, we tried to design the presented system as simple as possible for users.

[Ali AghaeiRad, Bernardete Ribeiro. Authentication and Security, issues of modern banking services in Iranian banking sector. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):956-960]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 169. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.169


Keywords: E-banking, Security, Authentication mechanisms, Collaborative banking.

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Experiences of the HIV Serostatus Disclosure in Serodiscordant Couples in Three Urban Areas in Botswana


William Mooketsi Baratedi1, Gloria Thupayagale-Tshweneagae1, Makombo Ganga-Limando1


1. Department of Health Studies, University of South Africa, PO Box 329, Pretoria 0003, South Africa



Abstract: This paper describes the experiences of the HIV Serostatus disclosure in discordant couples in three urban areas in Botswana. A qualitative, exploratory research approach, using individual interviews was used to explore the experiences of 46 participants aged between 18 and 53 years. These are located in HIV counselling and Testing Centres in three urban areas in Botswana. Individual interviews were conducted to explore the means by which the participants were informed about their partners’ HIV-positive status, and their experiences following the disclosure. Interviews were audio-taped and transcribed. The transcripts and field notes were then analysed using thematic content analysis. The experiences of the HIV discordant couples were found to be varied ranging from acceptance, trust, shock, stress, disappointment, embarrassment and termination of the relationship. Three types of discordance emerged as disruptive sero-discordance, negotiated sero-discordance and concealed sero-discordance, all of which formed the basis of the way the participants experienced discordance. The findings of this study shed light on the participants’ experiences and should serve as the basis for further studies on discordance in other developing countries. Future research is needed to demystify this misunderstood concept and it needs to take place on a larger scale probably using quantitative survey as most research studies conducted have been qualitative.

[Baratedi WM, Thupayagale-Tshweneagae G, Ganga-Limando M. Experiences of the HIV Serostatus Disclosure in Serodiscordant Couples in Three Urban Areas in Botswana. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):961-965]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 170. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.170


Keywords: Botswana; Disclosure; Experiences; HIV and AIDS; Sero-discordance, Urban area

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Genetic Transformation of Immature Zygotic Embryos of Maize Genotypes via Agrobacterium tumefaciens


Ayman Almerei(1,2), Stuart Lane (1) and Michael Paul Fuller (1)


1. School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science & Environment, Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK

2. Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Aleppo, Syria



Abstract: Many cereals crops are recalcitrant species to genetically modification through their resistance to Agrobacterium infection and recalcitrance to in vitro regeneration. However, a routine and efficient transformation protocol of Syrian maize (Zea mays) using an Agrobacterium tumefaciens standard binary vector system for year-round production of fertile transgenic maize plants was achieved. Immature zygotic embryos of Syrian genotypes and the control hybrid line Hi II were infected with A. tumefaciens strain EHA101 harboring a standard binary vector pTF102. The average stable transformation frequency (number of bialaphos-resistant events recovered per 100 embryos infected) of the present protocol was 14.5% for Hi II and 5.9 for Syrian genotypes. The expression of the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene was delivered with high efficiency to maize calli, roots and shoots by A. tumefaciens carrying the GUS gene was observed. Progeny analysis through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of total isolated DNA confirmed the integration, expression and inheritance of T-DNA carrying the selectable marker gene bar and reporter gene gus in the genomes of transgenic maize plants. More than 90% of transformants were normal in morphology. The protocol took about 3 months from the start of infection and co-cultivation to the planting of transformants into pots. It is anticipated that this study will assist further enhancement of maize transformation technology leading to develop an updated protocol for the Agrobacterium-mediated generation of maize. To our knowledge, this is the first report providing evidence of the transformation ability of Syrian genotypes via A. tumefaciens.

[Ayman A, Lane S, Fuller MP. Genetic Transformation of Immature Zygotic Embryos of Maize Genotypes via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):966-975]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 171. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.171


Keywords: Maize transformation; Agrobacterium tumefaciens; callus; Syrian cultivars

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Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity, Starter Capability and Technological Properties of Some Probiotic Bacteria Isolated from Egyptian Pickles


Gamal Enan1*, Mahmoud E.F. Abdel-Haliem1,2 and Eman Tartour1


1Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt

2College of Arts and Science at Nairyiaha, Dammam University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia



Abstract: The work employed in this paper was an endeavour to select and characterise a probiotic bacterial strains which could be used as starter and protective cultures for pickles fermentation. Sixty one bacterial isolates were isolated from Egyptian pickled vegetables and fruits onto both MRS and nutrient agar media. One isolate only of lactic acid bacteria growing on MRS agar: LPS10 and three isolates BPS4, BPS20 and BPS33 growing on nutrient agar inhibited other pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. Additionally the LPS10 isolate inhibited Candida albicans fungus. The antimicrobial spectrum of LPS10 isolate was more than that obtained from other BPS4, BPS20 and BPS33 isolates. The LPS10 bactic acid bacterial isolate showed fast growth and decreased pH of the medium from 6.5 to 3.5 within 48 h, tolerated NaCl up to 11%, grew at wide range of pH (2.0-8.0) and temperatures (15-44°C). It showed interested probiotic capabilities such as production of acetoin, citrate utilization, oxalate hydrolysis and production of some important enzymes. The BPS4, BPS20 and BPS33 isolates grew in nutrient broth, at 4-7% NaCl; at initial pH 3.5-8.0; at 15°C-50°C, they produced acetoin and decomposed some polymers and consequently, could be used as probiotics and biocontrol agents during pickles fermentation. The bacterial isolates LPS10; BPS4; BPS20; BPS33 were identified by biochemical and molecular methods as belonging to L. plantarum LPS10’ B. acidicolaBPS4; B. amyloliquefaciens BPS20; B. mycoidesBPS33 respectively.

[GamalEnan, Mahmoud E.F. Abdel-Haliem and EmanTortour. Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity, Starter Capability and Technological Properties of Some Probiotic Bacteria Isolated from Egyptian Pickles. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):976-985]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 172. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.172


Key words: Pickles fementation, L. plantarum LPS10, Probiotcis, Starter capabilities, Antibacterial activity, Bacillus strains.

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Are Our Children in Safe Hands? Evaluating the preparedness of primary school staff in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in responding to health related emergencies.


Dr. Shifaa M. Bashir1, Dr. Marwan A. Bakarman2


1.Primary Health Care, MOH, Jeddah.2.Rabigh Medical College, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA.



Abstract: Background: In emergency situations, fast and skilled intervention is crucial for a patient's outcome and saving life; which necessitate availability of persons who are capable to endorse such intervention. One of the places which are considered to carry potential risk for such emergencies are schools. Objectives: to evaluate the preparedness of female primary school staff in Jeddah, KSA when faced with emergency cases. Methods: A cross sectional study design, which enrolled 118 female staff from different schools of both governmental and private sectors in Jeddah City, KSA. They were selected by a multistage random sampling technique. The data were collected using a structured self-administered questionnaire. Results: The average test scores reflecting the knowledge were 57.8 % for governmental and 57.7% for private schools. For the practice in first aid the test score was 56.7% for governmental and 56.6% for private sectors. More than half of the staff (58.8%) had previous training in first aid and BLS and their average score in practice was significantly better (61.1%) than those who were not trained (50.4%). The lowest score in knowledge was for a question about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (11.9%) and in practice was for a case about seizure (31.4%). The attitude score was positive concerning first aid training at school setting. Conclusion: female primary school staff were found to have insufficient level of knowledge and practice of first aid. However, the attitude towards first aid training was positive and desired among them.

[Shifaa M. Bashir, Marwan A. Bakarman. Are Our Children in Safe Hands? Evaluating the preparedness of primary school staff in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in responding to health related emergencies. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):986-989]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 173. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.173


Key words: first aid, primary school, emergency cases, Saudi Arabia

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Phenolic Content and Related Antioxidant Activities in in vitro Cultures of Cephalotaxus Harringtonia L. Grown in Egypt


Sawsan S. Sayd1 and Zeinab T. Abd El Shakour2


Ornamental Department Horticulture Research Institute1

Laboratory of phytochemistry, National Organization for Drug Control and Research, Cairo- Egypt2.



Abstract: Quantitative estimation of the total phenolics, total flavonoids, antioxidant activity and HPLC analysis of phenolic compounds in the mother plant, in vitro shooting and callus cultures of Cephalotaxus harringtonia L. grown in Egypt were measured. For shooting behaviour, using Woody plant medium (WPM) with 2 mg/l Benzyladinin (BA) in the second subculture gave the highest number of shootlet/explant (2.33 shootlet/explant) and shootlet length (2.67cm). It gave the highest content of total phenolics (67.916 mg/g d.w.) and the highest content of flavonoids (24.410 mg/g d.w.). For callus formation adding 6 mg/l naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) with 0.2 mg/l BA to WPM medium in the second subculture produced the highest weight of callus while MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/l NAA  0.2 mg/l BA gave the highest content of total phenolics (34.060 mg/. g d.w.) and the highest content of flavonoids (4.368 mg/g d.w.). Antioxidant activity of all extracts was assayed using the 2,2'diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical method, the results showed that in vitro shooting culture using WPM with 2 mg/l BA in the second subculture gave the lowest IC50= 0.220 while callus cultured on WPM medium with 2 mg/l NAA  0.2 mg/l BA showed the lowest IC50= 0.432. Gallic, caffeic, chlorogenic acids, rutin, apigenin-7-glucoside, quercetin and apigenin were identified and measured in mother plant and shootlets extracts by HPLC analysis but only Gallic, caffeic, chlorogenic acids, rutin and quercetin were identified in callus extracts.

[Sawsan S. Sayd and Zeinab T. Abd El Shakour. Phenolic Content and Related Antioxidant Activities in in Vitro Cultures of Cephalotaxus Harringtonia L. Grown n Egypt. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):990-996]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 174. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.174


Keywords: Cephalotaxus harringtonia.Tissue culture. Phenolics. Flavonoids.

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Protective Effect Of Garlic Against Lead Acetate Toxicity In Lung Alveoli Of Rabbit: Ultrastructural Studies.


Essa Agmi Alodeani1 and Madiha M.M. Makhlouf2


1Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, Dean of Faculty of Medicine in Al- Dawadmi, Shaqra University. KSA. E. mail: E.alodeani@su.edu.sa

2Professor of Histology and Cell Biology, Department of Histology and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University. Egypt. Laboratories Department, Collage of Applied Medical Sciences in Al- Dawadmi, Shaqra University, KSA) mmakhlouf@su.edu.sa


Abstract: Lead is a heavy metal which is reported to have toxicological effects on various organs in humans and animals. In the present study, the main goal was to investigate the ultrastructural changes in the lung alveoli of adult male rabbits after long-term exposure to lead acetate and the possible protective antioxidant effect of garlic (Allium sativum). Material and Methods: Twenty mature New Zealand male rabbits were used and divided into four groups, First group: served as control, Second group: served as the positive control group administered only aqueous garlic extracts. Third group: was orally administered lead acetate dissolved in distilled water at a dose of 15 mg/kg body weight for two months (5 days per week). Fourth group: was orally administered garlic once daily (5 days per week) one hour prior to Lead Acetate administration at a dose of 15 mg/kg body weight for two months (5 day per week). Results: The histological changes were observed in the lungs are proliferation and hypertrophy of type II pneumocytes, some of them showed sign of degeneration, infiltration of macrophages and mast cells in the interalveolar septa, and inside the alveoli. Dilatation and congestion of blood capillaries as well as deposition of collagen fibers were observed. Treatment with combination of aqueous garlic extract and lead acetate improving to some extent the structure of lung alveoli as well as ameliorating the toxicity of lead acetate due to oxidative stress and the antioxidant properties of aqueous garlic extract. Conclusion: It can be concluded that lead acetate has harmful effect on the lung alveoli of experimental male rabbits. Therefore the present work advise people to prevent exposure to the lead compound to avoid injurious hazard risk.

[Essa Agmi AL-Odeani and Madiha M.M. Makhlouf. Protective Effect Of Garlic Against Lead Acetate Toxicity In Lung Alveoli Of Rabbit: Ultrastructural Studies. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):997-1005]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 175. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.175


Key words: Garlic extract, lead toxicity, electron microscopy, Lung alveoli.

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Pollen morphology of some species of genus Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) in Northern region of Saudi Arabia


Ahmed Osman1, 2,, Faraj Al-Ghamdi 1, 3,, Arbi Guetat1, 4


1 Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Northern Border University, Arar, Saudi Arabia

2 Botany Department, Faculty of Science, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt

3 Biology Department, college of Science, King Abd El-Aziz University, Jeddah, KSA

4Institute of Applied Science and Technology, Tunis Carthage University, Tunisia

ahmosman2000@yahoo.com, osman_a_2000@yahoo.com


Abstract: Pollen morphology of 13 species of Astragalus distributed in Northern region of Saudi Arabia was studied with light and electron microscopes. The most important diagnostic characters are Pollen is generally 3-zonocolporate, perprolate, prolate, subprolate or prolate-spheroidal. Polar axis ranges from 12.80 to 21.73 μm, while the equatorial axis varies between 24.52 to 37.22 μm. Pollen is trilobulate or triangular in polar outline, elliptic or compressed ovate in equatorial outline. Sculpturing is micro-reticulate, reticulate or rarely perforate in equatorial view (with irregular muri), and psilate, perforate or seldom scabrate (with irregular or circular perforations) in polar view. Six pollen types were recognized viz Astragalus asterias, A. schimperi, A. palaestinus, A. spinosus, A. corrugatus and A. sieberi pollen types. Description of each type, a key to investigated species as well as SEM micrographs of pollen types is provided. On the other hand, analysis based on UPGMA clustering, factor analysis and factor loading to pollen data has led to recognize two major clades. The first major clade comprises only one species (A. schimperi) and the second major clade separated into two branches: the first branch comprises three species (A. dactylocarpus, A. palaestinus and A. sieberi) and the second branch includes two subclades, the first one has six species (A. collenettiae, A. corrugatus, A. tribuloides, A.hauarensis, A.kahiricus and A.spinosus) while the second one possesses three species (A. asterias, A. caparinus and A. bombycinus). Discussion of the pollen morphology result with the Astragalus sections to determine the extent of congruence and differences between them.

[Ahmed Osman, Faraj Al-Ghamdi and Arbi Guetat. Pollen morphology of some species of genus Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) in Northern region of Saudi Arabia. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1006-1019]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 176. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.176


Key words: Pollen morphology, UPGMA clustering analysis, Fabaceae, Astragalus.

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Impact of the sportive infrastructure on the young footballer forming in the region of Gafsa in the view of trainers


Slim Khiari1 and Habib Ghedira2


1Permanent Teacher-Researcher (Assistant of High Teaching) specialized in Sciences of Education, Didactics, Management and Basket-Ball. Ex-Player of Tunisian National Team of Basket-Ball / Trainer Third Degree of Basket-Ball.

High Institute of Sports and Physical Education of KsarSaïd / Department of Sciences of Education and Pedagogy / University of Manouba, Manouba, Tunis, Tunisia.

2Professor of Medicine / Department of Pulmonology / University of Tunis.

Head of Service of Pulmonology and Head of Laboratory of Breathing Exploration at Effort /

 Hospital Abderrahman MAMI /Ariana / Tunis / Tunisia.



Abstract: With this study, we tried to treat the impact of the sportive infrastructure on the young footballer forming in the region of Gafsa. The analysis of items permitted us to recognize the practical reality of our trainers in absence of a developed infrastructure. The lack of material and sport equipment constitutes a true handicap in the forming of the young of the region, as well as the exploratory basis acquirement. With our investigation, we concluded that it always exists a crushing majority of trainers affirming the big role of the infrastructure that stays a primordial factor for the good working of the practice and the improvement of basic qualities of young player.

[Slim Khiari and Habib Ghedira. Impact of the sportive infrastructure on the young footballer forming in the region of Gafsa in the view of trainers. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1020-1026]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 177. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.177


Key-Word: sportive infrastructure; forming of the young; role of the trainer

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The Impact of Tumor Phenotype (Hormone receptor and HER-2) Discordance during Breast Cancer Progression on Patient Management and Survival


Hesham Tawfik* M.D. (1), Ahmed Menaisy M.D. (2), Amr Elbadry M.D. (3), Hesham Elhamzawy M.D. (4)


1Clinical Oncology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Egypt

2Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Egypt

3Radiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Egypt

4Suergry Department, Tanta Cancer Institute, Egypt.

*Corresponding author:hetawfik65@gmail.com


Abstract: Background: The assessment of hormone receptors (HRs) and human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER)-2 are necessary to select patients who are candidates for hormonal and anti–HER-2 therapy. Several retrospective reviews suggest change in tumor phenotype during breast cancer progression. The aim of this prospective study is to investigate discordance in receptor status between primary and recurrence disease and to assess its impact on patient management and survival. Patients and methods: One hundred patients with breast cancer progressive disease were recruited and underwent histopathological sampling. All biopsies were analyzed for ER, PR, and HER2 using similar methodology in the same lab by the same pathologist for both Primary and metastases disease. Results: Seventy four patients (74%) maintain the same tumor phenotype [i.e. the same hormone receptors (HR) and HER2 status] at recurrence, while 26 patients (26%) had discordance in tumor phenotype during progression. Biopsy led to a reported change of management in 18% of patients (P=0.003).Rates of discordance were 20%, 32%, 16% and 10% for ER, PR, HR and HER2, respectively. Tumor phenotype discordance was associated with worse time to treatment failure (TTF) and overall survival (OS) (P < 0.001 and P = 0.003, respectively); those cases who turned into triple-negative experienced the poorest TTF and OS outcome, respect to the concordant group (P < 0.001 for both TTF&OS). Conclusion: Tumor phenotype discordance is a fact and is associated with detrimental effects on outcome and led to altered management. Tissue confirmation should be considered as a routine in breast cancer patients with suspected metastatic recurrence whenever feasible.

[Hesham Tawfik, Ahmed Menaisy, Amr Elbadry, Hesham Elhamzawy. The impact of tumor phenotype (Hormone Receptor and HER-2) discordance during breast cancer progression on patient management and survival. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1027-1035]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 178. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.178


Key words: breast cancer, hormone receptors, HER2, discordance, survival

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Comparing the Face Height Changes in Dentulous and Edentulous Patients by Cephalograms


Khalid Ahmad Omar Arafa


Associate Professor of Prosthodontics, Dean, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Albaha University P.O. Box: 1988 Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia



Abstract: Three Hundred Patients were selected for this study free from any systemic disease. Patients were classified into three groups the first group patients was resaved complete dentures with acrylic tooth, second group patients was resaved complete dentures with porclin tooth and third group compete dentulous patients. Cephalograms were done for each patient as a method of evaluation of changes occurred in vertical face height changes in dentulous and edentulous patients by cephalograms. Records were done at time, after After 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 months. Measurements were taken at different fixed points to record change in vertical face height.

[Khalid Ahmad Omar Arafa. Comparing the Face Height Changes in Dentulous and Edentulous Patients by Cephalograms. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1036-1041] (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 179. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.179


Keywords: vertical, face, height, dentulous, cephalogram

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Osteopontin as hepatocellular carcinoma marker in HCV related liver cirrhosis


Ahmed Samir Abohalima 1 and Hossam Eldin M Salem 2


1Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

2Tropical Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.



Abstract: Background: α-Fetoprotein (AFP) is the biomarker most widely used to detect hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), despite its suboptimal diagnostic accuracy. Osteopontin (OPN) is a secreted phosphoprotein which has been linked to tumor progression and metastasis in a variety of cancers including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Aim of the work: This study was conducted to evaluate the clinical utility of using plasma OPN as diagnostic markers for HCC in comparison with AFP. Patients and methods: 150 subjects were enrolled. They were divided into three groups: (group I) include 50 HCV cirrhotic patients with HCC, (group II) include 50 HCV cirrhotic patients without HCC and (Group III) include 50 healthy subjects as control group. Patients who underwent previous treatment for HCC and patients with other malignancies either in the past or recently diagnosed and patients with cirrhosis of any etiology other than HCV were excluded. All subjects underwent history taking, clinical examination, and laboratory investigations including: CBC, BUN, creatinine, sodium, potassium, ALT, AST, albumin, total bilirubin, INR, plasma osteopontin (OPN) and serum alpha fetoprotein (AFP). Cirrhotic patients included underwent abdominal ultrasound and triphasic CT abdomen. Results: HCC patients had the highest levels of AFP and OPN (p< 0.001). OPN area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) for HCC diagnosis was 0.991 (CI 95%: 0.948 to 1.000) with p <0.0001. OPN > 178 ng/ml had sensitivity and specificity of 98% and 96% respectively for HCC diagnosis.AFP AUROC was 0.889 (CI 95% 0.810 to 0.943) with <0.0001. AFP > 185 ng/ml had sensitivity of 86% and specificity of 94% in diagnosing HCC. OPN had better diagnostic performance than AFP (OPN AUROC= 0.991 vs AFP AUROC=0.889) (p=0.01). Conclusion: OPN is a useful biomarker for HCC diagnosis with better performance than AFP.

[Ahmed Samir Abohalima and Hossam Eldin M Salem. Osteopontinas hepatocellular carcinoma marker in HCV related liver cirrhosis. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1042-1046]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 180. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.180


Keywords: alpha fetoprotein, osteopontin, hepatocellular carcinoma, HCV, cirrhosis

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Deregulation of Mitosis Progression and Cytotoxic Effect Triggered in Allium Cepa L. Roots by Rubus Sancatus Schreber Extract


Sobieh Shaimaa Selmi1,*, Tawab Sahar Abdelfattah 1, Fahmy Dina Mostafa2


1 Botany Department, Faculty of Women for Art, Science and Education, Ain Shams University, Egypt.

2 Medicinal and Aromatic plants Department, Desert Research Center, Egypt.

* ssobieh@yahoo.com


Abstract: Background and Aims: Medicinal plant extracts have been traditionally used in curing several diseases in folk medicine but several of them proved to cause cellular changes in many vital systems. Family Rosaceae demonstrated different biological activities in several previous investigations. The present study aims to assess the cytological and cellular effect of different concentrations of Rubus sanctus Schreber aqueous alcoholic extract (RsAAE) on Allium cepa L. root meristems using different techniques. Material and Methods: Cytological and cellular effect of different concentrations (1, 5 & 10 mg mL-1) of RsAAE for different duration of administration (3, 6 & 12h) on A. cepa L. root cells were studied using mitotic, ultrastructural and biochemical analyses. Result: The administration of different concentrations of RsAAE for different periods of exposure exhibited suppression of the mitotic and cell cycle progression on A. cepa root meristems. Several mitotic abnormalities were recorded. RsAAE enhanced deleterious changes on the cellular organelles of A. cepa root meristems leading to autolysis of the cells. Gene expression was changed as 10 de novo bands were produced as well as several bands were disappeared, these alterations were associated with a drastic inhibition of protein content. Discussion: The present study declared the prevalence mitostatic and cytotoxic effect of RsAAE on A. cepa root meristems. In spite of R. sanctus has valuable effects as a medicinal herb, it can enhance severe complications and destruction on the normal cells when it is used indecorously.

[Sobieh Shaimaa Selmi, Tawab Sahar Abdelfattah and Fahmy Dina Mostafa. Deregulation of Mitosis Progression and Cytotoxic Effect Triggered in Allium Cepa L. Roots by Rubus Sancatus Schreber Extract. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1047-1058]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 181. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.181


Key Words: Rubus sancatus Schreber aqueous alcoholic extract (RsAAE), phenolic profile, mitosis, cytotoxicity, gene expression, Allium cepa L.

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Biochemical and Histological Study on the effect of muscular exercise on skeletal muscle of adult albino rats


Wael Mohamed Elmashad1 and Naglaa Ibrahim Sarhan2


Physiology 1, Hisology2 Departments, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Egypt.

( waeelmashad@yahoo.com, nsarhan2006@hotmail.com ) nahelekmashed@gmail.com


Abstract: Abstract: Background: Health benefits of regular physical exercise are well known. Exercise induced muscle damage (EIMD) especially of unaccustomed exercise or that contains high frequencies of eccentric muscle actions, is well documented. Low physiological levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated in the muscles to maintain the normal tone and contractility, but excessive generation of ROS promotes contractile dysfunction and induces tissue damage. Aim of the work: This work was carried out to study the effect of muscular exercise for 15 minutes on the serum sodium and potassium level and also on the histological structure of skeletal muscles of Adult Albino rats. Material & methods: This study was carried on 25 adult albino rats divided into two groups, the first one served as control “Group A” (5 rats) and the second (20 rats) “Group B” exercised for 15 minutes; at the end of the experiment the animals were sacrificed just after exercise (subgroup BI) and 60 minutes later for (subgroup BII). Under anesthesia the lower limbs were dissected to obtain Gasterconemius muscle and prepared for biochemical & physiological study and histological study. Results: Biochemical analysis showed highly statistically significant difference between control and run groups for both Na+ and K+serum level. Hypernatremia and hypokalemia were observed in subgroup B1 in association with prominent histological alterations in the form of splitting, disorganization, fragmentation of the myofibrils and mitochondrial disruption. All these changes were ameliorated in subgroup BII but did not reach the control level. Conclusion From the present study it could be concluded that muscular exercise induced significant hyponatremia and Hyperkalemia in association with prominent histological alterations in skeletal muscles immediately after exercise. All these changes were ameliorated partially in subgroup BII.

[Wael Mohamed Elmashad and Naglaa Ibrahim Sarhan. Biochemical and Histological Study on the effect of muscular exercise on skeletal muscle of adult albino rats. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1059-1065]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 182. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.182


Key word: Exercise, skeletal muscle, Na+ and K

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Surgical Decompressive Hemicraniectomy for a Massive Hemispheric Ischemic Stroke: A Case Report and an Update


Abdulraheem, M. Alshehri


Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia



Abstract: The significant space-occupying effect resulting from a complete middle cerebral artery (MCA) infarction leads to a dramatic increase in intracranial pressure, and impairment of level of consciousness ending in coma and brain death within few days in almost 80% of patients treated with medical therapy alone. Survivors are severely disabled with poor quality of life. Decompressive surgery is back on stage as a means of dropping the massive increase in intracranial pressure, and is gaining a momentum after the rekindled interest in this old procedure over the last few years. I am reporting here a patient who had a massive middle cerebral artery ischemic stroke that underwent decompressive hemicraniectomy followed by a review of recent updates.

[Abdulraheem, M. Alshehri. Surgical Decompressive Hemicraniectomy for a Massive Hemispheric Ischemic Stroke: A Case Report and an Update. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1066-1069]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 183. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.183


Keywords: ischemic stroke, MCA stroke, decompressive craniectomy, hemicraniectomy.

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Mortality rate and histopathological changes of Oreochromis niloticus gills experimentally exposed to Escherichia coli


1Amal M. Yacoub,*2Sherifa Mostafa M. Sabra and 3Mona Khaled D. Al-Kourashi


1(Pollution Lab. / National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries)

*2(Department of Microbiology / Animal Health Research Institute, Dokki, Giza, Egypt)

3(Zoology Master Student)

1,*2 &3(Biology Dept., Science College, Taif University, KSA)



Abstract: Fish of Oreochromis niloticus were treated with different concentrations of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) as (103-105, 106-107 and 109-1010/ml water). Samples of water and fish were collected at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th day respectively. Incidence of mortality rate for fish under experiment, the highest concentration at phase 3 which was clear as 100%, 83.3%, 25% and 00% in phases 3, 2, 1 and control respectively. Incidence of ETEC isolated from gills of fish under-experiment, were isolated from gills of fish as highest concentration in phase 3as 50, 75, 75, 75, and 75%. Its isolation was highest in the 9th day of each phase as 75%. Incidence of re-isolation of ETEC from water used of fish under-experiment, were re-isolated from each phase, as well high concentration especially in phase3 as 25, 50, 75, 100, and 100% respectively. The re-isolation was clear at 9th day of each phase. Fish gills were exposed to three successive concentrations. Histopathogical changes included hyperplasia of epithelial cells, degeneration and necrosis in addition to telangiectasis in the first concentration (103- 105/ml water of E. coli). Exposure to the second concentration (106- 107/ml water of E. coli) caused complete fusion of secondary lamellae, edema, necrosis and hemorrhage. After treatment with the last concentration (109- 1010/ml water of E. coli), all fish specimens died in the 6th day after demonstration of severe hemorrhage and hyperplasia of epithelial cells. The results revealed the hazardous effects of water polluted with E. coli on the health status of O. niloticus and human consumption.

[Amal M. Yacoub, Sherifa Mostafa M. Sabra and Mona Khaled D. Al-Kourashi. Mortality rate and histopathogical changes of Oreochromis niloticus gills experimentally exposed to Escherichia coli. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1070-1079]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 184. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.184


Key words: Oreochromis niloticus, Mortality rate, gills, histopathology, Escherichia coli.

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Inhibition of c-kit in Late Cirrhosis may Restore TGF-β Inhibitory Effect on Somatic Liver Stem Cells and Prevent Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.


Tamer A. Al-Shafie1, 2*, Alaa Ismail3, Abeer M. Ashmawy1, Abeer M. Elsayed4, Motawa E. El-Houseini1


1Department of Cancer Biology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

2Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Manufacturing, Pharos University, Alexandria, Egypt

3Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt

4Department of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt



Abstract: Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most frequently diagnosed cancer worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the world. It occurs within an established background of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. Liver fibrosis is a wound healing-like event stimulated by TGF-β following repeated and/or chronic insult and can grow into cirrhosis. Proliferation of somatic liver stem cells (SLSCs) and increased TGF-β production during chronic liver disease has been linked to the risk for HCC development. The cross-talk between TGF-βreceptor (serine/threonine) and tyrosine kinase receptors drew attentions to a probable relationship between TGF-β and c-kit gene expressed by SLSCs which might explore the biology and etiology of HCC if it is uncovered. Aim: SLSCs were isolated from tumor and non-tumor (cirrhotic) liver tissue to study the effect of TGF-β on tumor- and non-tumor-derived SLSCs. Material and Methods: Tumor- and non-tumor SLSCs were isolated from liver tissues excised from patients with HCC. Such cells were cultured and characterized using different stem cell markers then treated with TGF-β. Cell morphology, CD90 and CD117 expression were detected before and after treatment.C-kit gene expression was performed using PCR. Results: C-kit gene expression was positive in tumor liver tissue, while it was not expressed in non-tumor liver tissue. After TGF-β treatment a significant decrease in both CD90 and CD117 expression in non-tumor-derived stem liver cells, whereas non-significant change was detected in the expression of both markers in tumor-derived liver stem cells. Conclusion: Loss of TGF-β inhibitory effect on SLSCs enhances the conversion of SLSCs into tumor stem cells and up-regulation of c-kit gene. HCC can be prevented in the setting of chronic liver injury by suppressing the formation of tumor liver stem through restoring TGF-β inhibitory effect and/or inactivating c-kit gene expression in liver stem cells at this stage.

[Tamer A. Al-Shafie, Alaa Ismail, Abeer M. Ashmawy, Abeer M. Elsayed and Motawa E. El-Houseini. Inhibition of c-kit in Late Cirrhosis may Restore TGF-β Inhibitory Effect on Somatic Liver Stem Cells and Prevent Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1080-1089]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 185. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.185


Key words: Somatic liver stem cells (SLSCs), Isolation, Culture, Characterization, TGF-β, c-kit (CD117)

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Evaluation of the Sub-Chronic Toxicity and Teratogenicity of Antrodia cinnamomea mycelia


Chun-Chih Huang 1, Mun-Kit Nam 2, Yueh-Ting Tsai 2, Alice Lan1*


1New Bellus Enterprises Co., LTD., Tainan City 72042, Taiwan

2Super Laboratory Inc., Taipei 24890, Taiwan

Corresponding author: alicelan.nb@gmail.com


Abstract: BACKGROUND: Antrodia cinnamomea (AC) is a medicinal mushroom used in folk medicine in Taiwan. AC is currently used in the formulation of nutraceuticals and functional foods. The cytotoxic and other effects of AC have been confirmed by various in vitro and in vivo assays. However, the general public in Taiwan has expressed concerns over the safety of AC consumption, and thus there is a need for more toxicological studies to evaluate its safety. In this study, AC mycelia were evaluated for sub-chronic toxicity and teratogenic effects in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For the sub-chronic toxicity study, the SD rats were divided into four different groups, control, low-dose AC (2 g/kg Body Weight (BW)/day), mid-dose AC (4 g/kg BW/day) and high-dose AC (6 g/kg BW/day) administered group. The animals were exposed with AC once daily for 90 days. Body weight (BW) analysis, food consumption were monitored at regular intervals. On 90 (th) day of the experiment, the rats were assessed for any ophthalmological abnormalities, and blood sample was collected for clinicochemical and hematological analysis. At the end of the experiment, all the animals were sacrificed for histopathological analysis. For the teratogenicity study, the pregnant rats were exposed with AC (0, 2, 4, and 6 g/kg BW/day) from day 6 of gestation to day 20. On the 20 (th) day of the gestation, the dams were euthanized and the gravid uteri were removed. The gravid uteri and individual fetuses were weighed. The fetuses were evaluated for skeletal malformations. RESULTS: There were no treatment-related effects on mortality or body weight, nor were there any ocular effects or effects on any hematology or clinical chemistry parameters in the sub-chronic toxicity study. No treatment-related abnormalities (gross and microscopic) were present at any dose level in both sub-chronic and teratogenicity studies. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these findings, the highest dose of 6 mg/kg BW/day was considered the no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL)

[Huang, CC, Nam, MK, Tsau YT, Lan A. Evaluation of the Sub-Chronic Toxicity and Teratogenicity of Antrodia cinnamomea mycelia. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1090-1098]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 186. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.186


Keywords: Antrodia cinnamomea; sub-chronic toxicity; teratogenicity

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Continuing Medical Education, Utilization and Sources among Primary Health Care Physicians in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


1Dr. Sami A. Alghamdi, 2Dr. Marwan A. Bakarman,


1Primary Health Care, MOH, Jeddah, KSA.  1Rabigh Medical College, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA.



ABSTRACT: Objectives: To evaluate the utilization of continuing medical education (CME) among physicians working in Primary Health Care Centers (PHC), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Methods: Through a cross sectional analytic study design and using a pre-designed self-administered questionnaire, all physicians working in PHC of Ministry of Health ( MOH), Jeddah were invited to be enrolled in the study (n=150). Results: The response rate was 91.3%. Lectures are the most popular source of CME credits for majority of physicians (90.5%) followed by workshops (67.2%). Lectures were significantly more preferred by females (p<0.05), while reading medical journals as a main source of CME credits was significantly more preferred by older physicians, those who were graduated since five years or older; and those who were working as specialists or consultants (p < 0.05). It was evident that rarity or absence of subscriptions in licensed medical website either at the institute or individual level represented the main obstacle in achieving updated continuing medical education. Conclusion: Our physicians had a positive attitude towards CME activities and they were actively participating in these activities. We recommend that medical institutes including PHC should be provided with facilities enabling physicians to access medical sites on the internet.

[Marwan A. Bakarman, Sami M. Alghamdi. Continuing Medical Education, Utilization and Sources among Primary Health Care Physicians in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1099-1103]. (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 187. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.187


Key words: Continuing medical education, KSA, Primary Health Care.

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The Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Chronic Periodontitis in Postmenopausal

Osteoporotic Females


Mohamed A. Galal1, Basma M. Zaki2 and Nermine Nassif3


1 Researcher Assistant at Surgery and Oral Medicine Dep., National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Assistant Professor at Surgery and Oral Medicine Dep., National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.

3 Researcher at Surgery and Oral Medicine Dep., National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.



Abstract: The aim of the present study is to assess the effect of omega-3 fatty acids, as an adjunctive therapy in management of chronic periodontitis in postmenopausal osteoporotic females. Forty postmenopausal females having osteoporosis and chronic periodontitis were included in this study. These patients were divided into two groups: the first group (n=20) were given rutin and vitamin C (50 mg rutin + 100 mg vitamin C) once daily. The second group (the omega-3 group, n=20) were given 1gm omega-3 daily in addition to 50 mg rutin + 100 mg vitamin C once daily too. These medications were given for 6 months. Scaling and root planing were done to all patients before starting the medical treatment. Periodontal indices measured before and 6 months after treatment were: pocket depth (PD) and clinical attachment loss (CAL). Radiographic evaluation was also done. The results showed that the periodontal indices and radiographic measurements were improved in both groups after 6 months intervals favoring the omega-3 group. It can be concluded that the use of omega-3 is a beneficial nutritional supplementation in management of chronic periodontitis.

[Mohamed A. Galal, Basma M. Zaki and Nermine Nassif. The Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Chronic Periodontitis in Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Females. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1104-1112]. (ISSN: 1097-8135).http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 188. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.188


Keywords: osteoporosis, periodontitis, omega-3, rutin, vitamin C

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Boosting the growth of rocket plants in response to the application of Moringa oleifera extracts as a biostimulant


Mona M. Abdalla


Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.



Abstract: Moringa oleifera plant is an outstanding and impressive source of nutrition and medication. It grows in a wide range of tropical and semi-arid climates, making it a viable solution for areas affected by food shortages and populations susceptible to malnutrition. Accordingly, rocket (Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa) plants were foliar sprayed with the aqueous extracts of leaves and twigs of Moringa oleifera at rates of 1,2 and 3%.Among these concentrations, fertilization of rocket plants with 2% leaf and 3% twig extracts potentially increased all measured growth criteria(plant height, fresh and dry herb weight), photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance, the amounts of each of chlorophyll a, b, carotenoids, total sugars, total protein, phenols, ascorbic acid, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe as well as the contents of growth promoting hormones (auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins). Reversibly, bio-organic manuring with both Moringa extracts at all concentrations applied negatively reduced the levels of each of lipid peroxidation and abscisic acid as well as the activities of the antioxidant enzymes (catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase). Thus, it is concluded that Moringa oleifera leaf and twig extracts can be recommended to be used effectively by farmers as a bio-organic fertilizer for various crops due to its high productivity, easy preparation, highly nutritive and antioxidant effect,low cost and environmentally friendly.

[Mona M. Abdalla. Boosting the growth of rocket plants in response to the application of Moringa oleifera extracts as a biostimulant. Life Sci J 2014;11(11):1113-1121]. (ISSN: 1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 189. doi:10.7537/marslsj111114.189


Keywords: antioxidants, gas exchange, growth, metabolites, photosynthetic pigments, phytohormones.

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